
Fine-mapping result post processing

This pipeline consolidates results from various fine-mapping tools to uniform format, add rsID as necessary, and perform a simple "liftover" via rsID (not the formal UCSC liftOver) to generate output in HG37 and HG38 builds.

This pipeline was devised by Gao Wang (UChicago), with core implemention done by Kushal Dey (Harvard).

Input data

Input are results of fine-mapping pipeline summary_statistics_finemapping.ipynb in R's RDS format for SuSiE and CAVIAR, and pkl format for DAP.

Output data

columns are:

chr pos ref alt variant_id locus_id ...

where snp_id will be rsID if some annotation files on rsID are provided and the update_variant_id workflow below was executed. Otherwise it will take the default format of chr:pos:ref:alt.

Because each fine-mapping software can have different output, the columns after the first 6 are arbitary. For SuSiE for example they are

chr pos ref alt variant_id locus_id pip cs cs_size cs_purity

For CAVIAR they are

chr pos ref alt variant_id locus_id pip cs_size

Naturally per locus cs related information will be redundant. This is one draw-back to using a flat table output format.

Additional data processing

Here we also provide additional routines to process the data,

  1. Update the variant_id column using external annotations, for example by rsID.
  2. "liftover" to other builds -- we only support it via rsID matching

Notice that only the first 5 columns are necessary for these additional operations. The columns after the fifth can be arbitary and will be kept during the process.

  • To trigger optional step 1, parameter --id-map-prefix and --id-map-suffix have to be valid.
  • To trigger optional step 2, parameter --coordinate-map-prefix and --coordinate-map-suffix have to be valid.
In [1]:
%cd ~/GIT/github/fine-mapping

The workflow

In [2]:
sos run workflow/finemapping_results_wrangler.ipynb -h
usage: sos run workflow/finemapping_results_wrangler.ipynb
               [workflow_name | -t targets] [options] [workflow_options]
  workflow_name:        Single or combined workflows defined in this script
  targets:              One or more targets to generate
  options:              Single-hyphen sos parameters (see "sos run -h" for details)
  workflow_options:     Double-hyphen workflow-specific parameters


Global Workflow Options:
  --loci . (as path)
                        Loci file
  --ss-data-prefix . (as path)
                        summary statistics file prefix
  --pattern 'uniform.SuSiE_B.L_5.prior_0p005.res_var_false'
                        identifier for fine-mapping results to be extracted

  consolidate:          Consolidate fine-mapping results to a single file
    Workflow Options:
      --pip-thresh 0.05 (as float)
                        Keep PIP above these thresholds
      --round-off 6 (as int)
                        Round PIP to given digits
  update_variant_id:    Update variant ID based on chrom and pos, from per chrom
                        files (optional)
    Workflow Options:
      --id-map-prefix . (as path)
                        Path containing files for variant ID update rule Each
                        file is a separate chromsome
      --id-map-suffix bim
      --columns 2 4 (as list)
                        columns first element for variant ID, 2nd element for
                        genomic position is [2,4] for BIM files
      --chroms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 (as list)
                        chromosome identifiers
  update_coordinate:    Update genomic coordinates based on variant ID, from per
                        chrom files (optional)
    Workflow Options:
      --coordinate-map-prefix . (as path)
                        Path containing files for coordinate update rule Each
                        file is a separate chromsome
      --coordinate-map-suffix bim
      --coordinate-version-id hgX
                        coordinate identifier
      --columns 2 4 5 6 (as list)
                        columns first element for variant ID, 2nd element for
                        genomic position 3rd for reference allele and 4th for
                        alternative allele is [2,4,5,6] for BIM files
      --chroms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 (as list)
                        chromosome identifiers
In [ ]:
# Loci file
parameter: loci = path()
# summary statistics file prefix
parameter: ss_data_prefix = path()
# identifier for fine-mapping results to be extracted
parameter: pattern = "uniform.SuSiE_B.L_5.prior_0p005.res_var_false"

fail_if(not loci.is_file(), msg = 'Please specify valid path for --loci')
fail_if(ss_data_prefix.is_file(), msg = '--ss-data-prefix should be a path not a file (usually file without extension, if using input from my data wrangling pipeline)')

ss_data_prefix = ss_data_prefix.absolute()
chunks = [x.strip().split() for x in open(f'{loci:a}').readlines() if not x.strip().startswith('#')]
chunks = [x[3] if len(x) == 4 else "%s_%s_%s" % (x[0], x[1], x[2]) for x in chunks]
data = [f'{ss_data_prefix}/{x}/{x}.summary_stats.gz' for x in chunks]

if 'SuSiE' in pattern:
    source = 'susie'
elif 'CAVIAR' in pattern:
    source = 'caviar'
elif 'DAP' in pattern:
    source = 'dap'
elif 'FINEMAP' in pattern:
    source = 'finemap'
    raise ValueError("Invalid --pattern specification")
In [ ]:

Fine-mapping results consolidation

In [ ]:
# Consolidate fine-mapping results to a single file
depends: R_library('rlang>=0.3.0'), R_library('dplyr'), R_library('data.table'), R_library('R.utils'), R_library('dscrutils') # can be installed via `devtools::install_github("stephenslab/dsc",subdir = "dscrutils", force = TRUE)`
# Keep PIP above these thresholds
parameter: pip_thresh = 0.05
# Round PIP to given digits
parameter: round_off = 6

ext = 'pkl' if source in ['dap'] else 'rds'

input: [x for x in paths([f'{ss_data_prefix}/{c}/{c}.{pattern}.{ext}' for c in chunks]) if x.is_file()]
output: f"{ss_data_prefix}.{pattern}.{loci:bn}.gz"
fail_if(len(_input) == 0, msg = f'Cannot find valid input files for given loci')
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = ss_data_prefix, stdout = f'{_output:n}.log'
    # Here we define get_*_output functions for different output format
    get_susie_output = function(unit, rds_file) {
        cs_id = cs_size = cs_purity = rep(NA, length(rds_file$var_names))
        num_cs = length(rds_file$sets$cs)
        for(id in 1:num_cs){
            idx = rds_file$sets$cs[[id]]
            cs_id[idx] = names(rds_file$sets$cs)[id]
            cs_size[idx] = length(rds_file$sets$cs[[id]])
            cs_purity[idx] = rds_file$sets$purity[id,1]
        out =, length(rds_file$var_names)),
                                rds_file$pip, cs_id, cs_size, cs_purity)
        colnames(out) = c("locus_id", "variant_id", "pip", "cs", "cs_size", "cs_purity")
        out[which(out[,3] >= ${pip_thresh} | ![,4])), ]
    get_caviar_output = function(unit, rds_file) {
      snp = rds_file$snp
      snp = snp[match(rds_file$var_names, snp$snp),]
      cs_annot = rep(0, length(rds_file$var_names))
      cs_annot[match(rds_file$set, rds_file$snp$snp)] = 1 
      out =, length(rds_file$var_names)),
      colnames(out) = c("gene_id", "var_id", "pip", "cs")
      out[which(out[,3] >= ${pip_thresh} | out[,4] > 0), ]

    get_dap_output = function(unit, rds_file) {
      out =, length(rds_file$var_names)),
      colnames(out) = c("gene_id", "var_id", "pip", "cs")
      out[which(out[,3] >= ${pip_thresh} | out[,4] > 0),]
    get_finemap_output =  function(unit, rds_file) {
      snp = rds_file$snp
      snp = snp[match(rds_file$var_names, snp$snp),]
      n = sum(cumsum(rds_file$set$config_prob) < 0.95) + 1
      if(n > nrow(rds_file$set)){
        rds_file$set = 0
        rds_file$set = unlist(lapply(1:n, function(i) strsplit(as.character(rds_file$set[i,2]), ",")[[1]]))
        rds_file$set = unique(as.vector(unlist(rds_file$set)))
      cs_annot = rep(0, length(rds_file$var_names))
      cs_annot[match(rds_file$set, rds_file$snp$snp)] = 1 
      out =, length(rds_file$var_names)),
      colnames(out) = c("gene_id", "var_id", "pip", "cs")
      out[which(out[,3] >= ${pip_thresh} | out[,4] > 0), ]
    is_float = function(x) {is.numeric(x) && !is.integer(x)}

    # Data extraction script
    files = c(${paths([x.relative_to(ss_data_prefix) for x in _input]):r,})
    processed_dat = list()
    idx = 0
    for (f in files) {
      idx = idx + 1
      rds_file = dscrutils::read_dsc(f)
      unit = dirname(f)
      processed_dat[[idx]] = get_${source}_output(unit, rds_file)
      cat("We are at unit #", idx, ":", unit, "\n")
    processed_dat = data.frame(rbindlist(processed_dat))
    extract_coord = data.frame(, lapply(processed_dat[,2], function(x) return(strsplit(as.character(x), ":")[[1]]))))
    df = data.frame("chr" = extract_coord[,1], "pos" = extract_coord[,2], "ref" = extract_coord[,3], "alt" = extract_coord[,4],
                    "variant_id" = processed_dat[,2], "locus_id" = processed_dat[,1])
    df =, processed_dat[, 3:ncol(processed_dat)])
    df %>% mutate_if(is_float, ~round(., ${round_off})) -> df
    df_sorted = df [order(df[,1], df[,2]),]
    fwrite(df_sorted, file = "${_output:n}.tmp", sep = "\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
    R.utils::gzip("${_output:n}.tmp", destname=${_output:r}, overwrite=TRUE, remove=TRUE)

Update variant ID via genomic coordinantes

In [ ]:
# Update variant ID based on chrom and pos, from per chrom files (optional)
depends: R_library('rlang>=0.3.0'), R_library('dplyr'), R_library('R.utils'), R_library('data.table')
# Path containing files for variant ID update rule
# Each file is a separate chromsome
parameter: id_map_prefix = path()
parameter: id_map_suffix = 'bim'
# columns first element for variant ID, 2nd element for genomic position
# is [2,4] for BIM files
parameter: columns = [2,4]
# chromosome identifiers
parameter: chroms = [x+1 for x in range(22)]
import glob
skip_if(len(glob.glob(f"{id_map_prefix:a}.*.{id_map_suffix}")) == 0, msg = 'Variant ID are not updated because no valid file is found using --id-map-prefix and --id-map-suffix')
output: f'{_input:n}.id_updated.gz'
R: expand = "${ }", stdout = f'{_output:n}.log'
    out =  data.frame(fread("zcat ${_input}"))
    out %>% mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) -> out
    chroms = c(${paths(chroms):r,})
    for(numchr in chroms){
        which_chr = which(out$chr == numchr)
        out_sub = out[which_chr, ]
        dbfile = data.frame(fread(paste0("${id_map_prefix}.", numchr, ".${id_map_suffix}")))
        out_sub_new = out_sub
        idx1 = match(out_sub$pos, dbfile$V${columns[1]})
        idx2 = idx1[which(!]
        idx3 = 1:length(out_sub$pos)
        idx4 = idx3[which(!]
        out_sub_new[idx4, "variant_id"] = dbfile[idx2,"V${columns[0]}"]
        out[which_chr, ] = out_sub_new
        cat("Variant IDs updated for chromosome", numchr, "\n")
    fwrite(out, file = "${_output:n}.tmp", sep = "\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
    R.utils::gzip("${_output:n}.tmp", destname=${_output:r}, overwrite=TRUE, remove=TRUE)

Update genomic coordinates via variant ID

In [ ]:
# Update genomic coordinates based on variant ID, from per chrom files (optional)
depends: R_library('rlang>=0.3.0'), R_library('dplyr'), R_library('data.table'), R_library('R.utils')
# Path containing files for coordinate update rule
# Each file is a separate chromsome
parameter: coordinate_map_prefix = path()
parameter: coordinate_map_suffix = 'bim'
# coordinate identifier
parameter: coordinate_version_id = 'hgX'
# columns first element for variant ID, 2nd element for genomic position
# 3rd for reference allele and 4th for alternative allele
# is [2,4,5,6] for BIM files
parameter: columns = [2,4,5,6]
# chromosome identifiers
parameter: chroms = [x+1 for x in range(22)]
import glob
skip_if(len(glob.glob(f"{coordinate_map_prefix:a}.*.{coordinate_map_suffix}")) == 0, msg = 'Genomic coordinates are not updated because no valid file is found using --coordinate-map-prefix and --coordinate-map-suffix')
output: f'{_input:n}.{coordinate_version_id}.gz'.replace('.id_updated.', '.')
R: expand = "${ }", stdout = f'{_output:n}.log'
    out =  data.frame(fread("zcat ${_input}"))
    out %>% mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) -> out
    chroms = c(${paths(chroms):r,})
    out2 = c()
    for(numchr in chroms){
        dbfile = data.frame(fread(paste0("${coordinate_map_prefix}.", numchr, ".${coordinate_map_suffix}")))
        out2_sub = out[which(out$chr == numchr), ]
        idx1 = match(out2_sub$variant_id, dbfile$V${columns[0]})
        idx2 = idx1[which(!]
        idx3 = 1:length(out2_sub$variant_id)
        idx4 = idx3[which(!]
        out2_sub[idx4, c("pos", "ref", "alt")] = dbfile[idx2, c("V${columns[1]}", "V${columns[2]}", "V${columns[3]}")]
        out2 =, out2_sub[idx4,])
        cat("Genomic coordinate updated for chromosome", numchr, "\n")
    fwrite(out2, file = "${_output:n}.tmp", sep = "\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
    R.utils::gzip("${_output:n}.tmp", destname=${_output:r}, overwrite=TRUE, remove=TRUE)

Example run

In [ ]:
sos run workflow/finemapping_results_wrangler.ipynb \
    --ss-data-prefix ~/tmp/01-Jan-2019 \
    --pattern uniform.SuSiE_B.L_5.prior_0p005.res_var_false \
    --id-map-prefix /project2/mstephens/SuSIE_gtex_CPP/rsID_map/Hg38/1000G.EUR.hg38 \
    --coordinate-map-prefix /project2/mstephens/SuSIE_gtex_CPP/rsID_map/Hg37/1000G.EUR.QC \
    --coordinate-version-id hg37

Copyright © 2018 Gao Wang et al at Stephens Lab, University of Chicago

Exported from workflow/finemapping_results_wrangler.ipynb committed by minqiao on Mon Jul 1 18:51:56 2019 revision 27, 69d4049