Fine-mapping result post processing
This pipeline consolidates results from various fine-mapping tools to uniform format, add rsID as necessary, and perform a simple "liftover" via rsID (not the formal UCSC liftOver
) to generate output in HG37 and HG38 builds.
Enrichment analysis workflows
This workflow document has several pipelines, all written in SoS Workflow language. The torus
pipeline is based on some snakemake
pipelines originally written by Jean.
Fine-mapping workflow using summary statistics
This is a workflow that does summary statistics fine-mapping using SuSiE, DAP-G and CAVIAR.
Summary statistics data mungling in preparation for fine-mapping pipelines
This pipeline extracts loci of interest from association analysis summary statistics data, intersecting it with genotype data to compute correlation matrix, and output the data-set per loci with summary statistics and genotype correlations matched. Additionally it extracts prior inclusion probability (annotation scores) for each variant in the data-set, if the information is available.