This is a workflow that does summary statistics fine-mapping using SuSiE, DAP-G and CAVIAR.
This pipeline was devised by Gao Wang and implemented by Gao Wang with input from Yuxin Zou at The University of Chicago. It can be downloaded from here.
SuSiE is implemented in susieR
(please use version 0.6.2+).
is flexible in input format (R data matrices). Since we need to analyze the data with command executables such as DAP-G and CAVIAR we make input format compatible with these tools.
Update SoS and sos-notebook
pip install -U sos sos-notebook
To run SuSiE, Install susieR
and dscrutils
devtools::install_github("stephenslab/dsc", subdir = "dscrutils", force = TRUE)
To run GAP-G and CAVIAR, make sure GSL exists
sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev
and make sure DAP-G and CAVIAR exists under $PATH
To install a specified version of CAVIAR, eg for commit ID 743038a
curl -L -o caviar.tar.gz \
&& tar -zxvf caviar.tar.gz && cd fhormoz-caviar-*/CAVIAR-C++ && make
You should then see files CAVIAR eCAVIAR mupCAVIAR setCAVIAR
under the current directory fhormoz-caviar-*/CAVIAR-C++
. You can either move them to your system's $PATH
, or just leave them there and use -b
option in sos run
call, see examples in workflow demo commands below.
Same for DAP-G,
curl -L -o dap.tar.gz \
&& tar -zxvf dap.tar.gz && cd xqwen-dap-*/dap_src && make
You should see file dap-g
under xqwen-dap-*/dap_src
Input data relies on the output of the pipeline summary_statistics_wrangler.ipynb
(an example input data-set for this pipeline can be found in that notebook). The input format is the same for SuSiE, DAP and CAVIAR.
Output is still work in progress.
Currently they are just R or Python data objects *.rds
or *.pkl
files and can be loaded via dscrutils::read_dsc
. It contains the most comprehensive information and can be used to generate more succinct output files downstream. Additionally there will be a PDF file to visualize PIP and original $z$ scores.
%cd ~/GIT/github/fine-mapping
sos run workflow/summary_statistics_finemapping.ipynb -h
# Loci file
parameter: loci = path()
# summary statistics file prefix
parameter: ss_data_prefix = path()
# annotation "tag"
parameter: annotation = "uniform"
# sample size
parameter: n = 0
# variance of phenotype. Set to zero for "unspecified"
parameter: var_y = 0
# For cluster jobs, number of loci to analyze per job
parameter: job_size = 80
fail_if(not loci.is_file(), msg = 'Please specify valid path for --loci')
fail_if(ss_data_prefix.is_file(), msg = '--ss-data-prefix should be a path not a file (usually file without extension, if using input from my data wrangling pipeline)')
ss_data_prefix = ss_data_prefix.absolute()
chunks = [x.strip().split() for x in open(f'{loci:a}').readlines() if not x.strip().startswith('#')]
chunks = [x[3] if len(x) == 4 else "%s_%s_%s" % (x[0], x[1], x[2]) for x in chunks]
data = [f'{ss_data_prefix}/{x}/{x}.summary_stats.gz' for x in chunks]
def fmtP(x):
return str(x).replace(".", "p").replace(' ', '_').replace('"', "").replace("'", "").replace("-", '_')
def is_data_file_empty(f, min_row = 0):
if f.stat().st_size == 0:
return True
import pandas
x = pandas.read_csv(str(f), compression='gzip', nrows=min_row + 1, delim_whitespace = True)
except pandas.errors.EmptyDataError:
return True
if x.shape[1] == 1:
return True
if x.shape[0] <= min_row:
return True
return False
# Run SuSiE bhat version
fail_if(n<=2, msg = 'Please specify valid sample size --n')
depends: R_library('data.table'), R_library('susieR')
# Set pve to 0.0 to estimate from data
parameter: susie_pve = 0.1
# use --pve-is-total to indicate the pve set above is for the entire loci
# and should be divided over number of variables
parameter: pve_is_total = False
# Whether or not to estimate residual variance
parameter: susie_est_residual = False
# Set maximum number of effect variables
parameter: L = 5
# Whether or not to keep fit from each iteration,
# for debug purpose.
parameter: track_fit = False
import os
suffix = f'SuSiE_B.L_{L}.prior_{fmtP(susie_pve)}.res_var_{str(susie_est_residual).lower()}'
var_y_str = f'var_y = {var_y},' if var_y > 0 else ''
input: data, group_by = 1
output: f'{_input:nn}.{annotation}.{suffix}.rds'
task: trunk_workers = 1, trunk_size = job_size, walltime = '10m', mem = '8G', cores = 1, tags = f'{step_name}_{_output:bn}'
prior_str = f'read.table(gzfile("{_input:nn}.{annotation}.gz"))[,2]' if os.path.isfile(f"{_input:nn}.{annotation}.gz") else 'NULL'
fail_if(annotation != 'uniform' and prior_str == 'NULL', msg = f"Cannot find annotation file for ``{annotation}``. Please use --annotation uniform if you do not want to apply any annotations")
R: expand = '${ }', stderr = f'{_output:n}.stderr', stdout = f'{_output:n}.stdout'
data = read.table(gzfile(${_input:ar}), head = F, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
prior = ${prior_str}
r = as.matrix(data.table::fread("zcat ${_input:nn}.LD.gz"))
if (ncol(data) == 3) {
bhat = data[,2]
shat = data[,3]
p_values = 2 * pt(-abs(bhat / shat), df = ${n} - 2)
z_scores = abs(qnorm(p_values/2)) * sign(bhat)
} else {
bhat = data[,2]
shat = rep(1, length(bhat))
z_scores = data[,2]
L = min(${L}, length(z_scores))
s = susie_bhat(bhat, shat, r, ${n}, ${var_y_str} r_tol = 5e-3, L = L, min_abs_corr = 0.1,
${'estimate_prior_variance=TRUE' if susie_pve == 0 else 'scaled_prior_variance=' + str(susie_pve) + ('/length(bhat)' if pve_is_total else '')},
${'estimate_residual_variance=TRUE' if susie_est_residual else 'estimate_residual_variance=FALSE'},
prior_weights=prior, track_fit=${"T" if track_fit else "F"})
s$prior = prior
s$z = z_scores
s$var_names = data[,1]
if (${susie_pve} == 0 && ${int(susie_est_residual)}) print(paste(c("Estimated PVE:", round(s$V/s$sigma2, 4)), collapse = ' '))
if (${"T" if track_fit else "F"}) susie_plot_iteration(s, L, ${_input:nr})
saveRDS(s, ${_output:r})
# Run SuSiE Z score version
depends: R_library('data.table'), R_library('susieR')
# Set maximum number of effect variables
parameter: L = 5
# Whether or not to keep fit from each iteration,
# for debug purpose.
parameter: track_fit = False
import os
suffix = f'SuSiE_Z.L_{L}'
input: data, group_by = 1
output: f'{_input:nn}.{annotation}.{suffix}.rds'
task: trunk_workers = 1, trunk_size = job_size, walltime = '10m', mem = '8G', cores = 1, tags = f'{step_name}_{_output:bn}'
prior_str = f'read.table(gzfile("{_input:nn}.{annotation}.gz"))[,2]' if os.path.isfile(f"{_input:nn}.{annotation}.gz") else 'NULL'
fail_if(annotation != 'uniform' and prior_str == 'NULL', msg = f"Cannot find annotation file for ``{annotation}``. Please use --annotation uniform if you do not want to apply any annotations")
R: expand = '${ }', stderr = f'{_output:n}.stderr', stdout = f'{_output:n}.stdout'
data = read.table(gzfile(${_input:ar}), head = F, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
prior = ${prior_str}
r = as.matrix(data.table::fread("zcat ${_input:nn}.LD.gz"))
if (ncol(data) == 3) {
bhat = data[,2]
shat = data[,3]
if (${n} > 0) {
p_values = 2 * pt(-abs(bhat / shat), df = ${n} - 2)
z_scores = abs(qnorm(p_values/2)) * sign(bhat)
} else {
z_scores = data[,2] / data[,3]
} else {
z_scores = data[,2]
L = min(${L}, length(z_scores))
s = susie_z(z_scores, r, r_tol = 5e-3, L = L, min_abs_corr = 0.1,
prior_weights=prior, track_fit=${"T" if track_fit else "F"})
s$prior = prior
s$z = z_scores
s$var_names = data[,1]
if (${"T" if track_fit else "F"}) susie_plot_iteration(s, L, ${_input:nr})
saveRDS(s, ${_output:r})
# Run DAP-G
fail_if(n<=2, msg = 'Please specif valid sample size --n')
# Extra arguments to pass to DAP
parameter: args = ''
import os
suffix = f'DAP{"."+fmtP(args) if len(args) else ""}'
depends: executable('dap-g'), Py_Module('pandas'), Py_Module('numpy')
input: data, group_by = 1
output: f'{_input:nn}.{annotation}.{suffix}.pkl'
task: trunk_workers = 1, trunk_size = job_size, walltime = '10m', mem = '8G', cores = 1, tags = f'{step_name}_{_output:bn}'
prior_file = f"{_input:ann}.{annotation}.gz" if os.path.isfile(f"{_input:ann}.{annotation}.gz") else None
fail_if(annotation != 'uniform' and prior_file is None, msg = f"Cannot find annotation file for ``{annotation}``. Please use --annotation uniform if you do not want to apply any annotations")
python: expand = '${ }', stderr = f'{_output:n}.stderr', workdir = f'{_output:ad}'
import sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os, subprocess
import pickle
def run_dap_ss(prefix, data_file, ld_file, n, varY, prior_file = None, args = ''):
cmd = ['dap-g', '-d_est', f'<(zcat {data_file})', '-d_ld', f'<(zcat {ld_file})', '-d_n', n, '-d_syy', varY, '-o', f'{prefix}.result', '-l', f'{prefix}.stderr', '--all', args]
if prior_file is not None:
cmd.extend(['-p', f'<(zcat {prior_file})'])
cmd = ' '.join(map(str,cmd))
sys.stderr.write(cmd + '\n')
subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, executable='/bin/bash')
def extract_dap_output(prefix):
out = [x.strip().split() for x in open(f'{prefix}.result').readlines()]
pips = []
clusters = []
still_pip = True
for line in out:
if len(line) == 0:
if len(line) > 2 and line[2] == 'cluster_pip':
still_pip = False
if still_pip and (not line[0].startswith('((')):
if still_pip:
pips.append([line[1], float(line[2]), float(line[3]), int(line[4])])
clusters.append([len(clusters) + 1, float(line[2]), float(line[3])])
pips = pd.DataFrame(pips, columns = ['snp', 'snp_prob', 'snp_log10bf', 'cluster'])
clusters = pd.DataFrame(clusters, columns = ['cluster', 'cluster_prob', 'cluster_avg_r2'])
clusters = pd.merge(clusters, pips.groupby(['cluster'])['snp'].apply(','.join).reset_index(), on = 'cluster')
return {'snp': pips, 'set': clusters}
prior_file = None if ${prior_file is None} else "${prior_file}"
run_dap_ss(${_output:bnr}, ${_input:ar}, "${_input:nn}.LD.gz", ${n}, ${1 if var_y == 0 else var_y}, prior_file, ${args})
res = extract_dap_output(${_output:anr})
res['var_names'] = np.loadtxt(${_input:ar}, dtype = str, usecols=0)
ss = np.loadtxt(${_input:ar}, dtype = str)
if ss.shape[1] == 3:
res['z'] = ss[:,1].astype(float)/ss[:,2].astype(float)
res['z'] = ss[:,1].astype(float)
if prior_file is not None:
res['prior'] = np.loadtxt(prior_file, dtype = float, usecols=1)
pickle.dump(res, open(${_output:ar}, 'wb'))
depends: executable('CAVIAR'), R_library('dplyr>=0.7.7'), R_library('readr'), R_library('magrittr'), R_library('dscrutils') # can be installed via `devtools::install_github("stephenslab/dsc",subdir = "dscrutils", force = TRUE)`
# Extra arguments to pass to CAVIAR
parameter: args = ''
suffix = f'CAVIAR{"."+fmtP(args) if len(args) else ""}'
input: data, group_by = 1
output: f'{_input:nn}.{suffix}.rds'
task: trunk_workers = 1, trunk_size = job_size, walltime = '15m', mem = '8G', cores = 1, tags = f'{step_name}_{_output:bn}'
R: expand = '${ }', stderr = f'{_output:n}.log', stdout = f'{_output:n}.log'
prefix = ${_input:nnr}
cfg = list( prefix=paste0(prefix,".CAVIAR"),
data = read.table(gzfile(${_input:ar}), head = F, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (ncol(data) == 3) {
if (${n} > 0) {
p_values = 2 * pt(-abs(data[,2] / data[,3]), df = ${n} - 2)
z_scores = abs(qnorm(p_values/2)) * sign(data[,2])
} else {
z_scores = data[,2] / data[,3]
data = cbind(data[,1], z_scores)
} else {
z_scores = data[,2]
system("ln -s ${_input} ${_input:nnr}.CAVIAR.z")
run_caviar <- function(cfg, args = "")
dscrutils::run_cmd(paste("zcat", cfg$ld_gz, ">", cfg$ld), ferr = FALSE)
cmd = paste("CAVIAR", "-z", cfg$z, "-l", cfg$ld, "-o", cfg$prefix, args)
unlink(cfg$ld, force=TRUE)
unlink(cfg$z, force=TRUE)
if(!all(file.exists(cfg$post, cfg$set, cfg$log))) {
stop("Cannot find one of the post, set, and log files")
log <- readLines(cfg$log)
# read output tables
snp <- read.delim(cfg$post)
stopifnot(ncol(snp) == 3)
names(snp) <- c("snp", "snp_prob_set", "snp_prob")
snp$snp <- as.character(snp$snp)
snp <- rank_snp(snp)
# `set` of snps
set <- readLines(cfg$set)
set_ordered <- left_join(data_frame(snp = set), snp, by = "snp") %>%
arrange(rank) %$% snp
return(list(snp=snp, set=set_ordered))
rank_snp <- function(snp) {
snp <- arrange(snp, -snp_prob) %>%
rank = seq(1, n()),
snp_prob_cumsum = cumsum(snp_prob) / sum(snp_prob)) %>%
select(rank, snp, snp_prob, snp_prob_cumsum, snp_prob_set)
res = run_caviar(cfg, ${args})
res$z = z_scores
res$var_names = data[,1]
saveRDS(res, ${_output:ar})
depends: executable('finemap'), R_library('dplyr>=0.7.7'), R_library('readr'), R_library('magrittr'), R_library('dscrutils') # can be installed via `devtools::install_github("stephenslab/dsc",subdir = "dscrutils", force = TRUE)`
# K parameter
parameter: k = 'NULL'
# Extra arguments to pass to FINEMAP
# eg, `--args "'--n-causal-max 3'"`
parameter: args = ''
suffix = f'FINEMAP{"."+fmtP(args) if len(args) else ""}'
fail_if(n < 2, msg = 'Sample size is invalid. Please set it properly via --n.')
input: data, group_by = 1
output: f'{_input:nn}.{suffix}.rds'
skip_if(is_data_file_empty(_input, min_row = 1))
task: trunk_workers = 1, trunk_size = job_size, walltime = '15m', mem = '8G', cores = 1, tags = f'{step_name}_{_output:bn}'
R: expand = '${ }', stderr = f'{_output:n}.log', stdout = f'{_output:n}.log'
prefix = ${_input:nnr}
cfg = list( prefix=paste0(prefix,".FINEMAP"),
data = read.table(gzfile(${_input:ar}), head = F, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (ncol(data) == 3) {
if (${n} > 0) {
p_values = 2 * pt(-abs(data[,2] / data[,3]), df = ${n} - 2)
z_scores = abs(qnorm(p_values/2)) * sign(data[,2])
} else {
z_scores = data[,2] / data[,3]
data = cbind(data[,1], z_scores)
} else {
z_scores = data[,2]
system("ln -s ${_input} ${_input:nnr}.FINEMAP.z")
if (!is.null(${k})) {
write(paste(cfg$z, cfg$ld, cfg$snp, cfg$config, cfg$k, cfg$log, ${n}, sep=";"),
} else {
write(paste(cfg$z, cfg$ld, cfg$snp, cfg$config, cfg$log, ${n}, sep=";"),
#' Run FINEMAP 1.1
run_finemap <- function(cfg, args = "")
dscrutils::run_cmd(paste("zcat", cfg$ld_gz, ">", cfg$ld), ferr = FALSE)
cmd = paste("finemap --sss --log", "--in-files", cfg$meta, args)
unlink(cfg$ld, force=TRUE)
unlink(cfg$z, force=TRUE)
if(!all(file.exists(cfg$post, cfg$set, cfg$log))) {
stop("Cannot find one of the post, set, and log files")
log <- readLines(cfg$log)
# read output tables
snp = read.table(cfg$snp,header=TRUE,sep=" ")
snp$snp = as.character(snp$snp)
snp = rank_snp(snp)
config = read.table(cfg$config,header=TRUE,sep=" ")
# extract number of causal
ncausal = finemap_extract_ncausal(cfg$log)
return(list(snp=snp, set=config, ncausal=ncausal))
rank_snp <- function(snp) {
snp <- arrange(snp, -snp_prob) %>%
rank = seq(1, n()),
snp_prob_cumsum = cumsum(snp_prob) / sum(snp_prob)) %>%
select(rank, snp, snp_prob, snp_prob_cumsum, snp_log10bf)
finemap_extract_ncausal <- function(logfile)
lines <- grep("->", readLines(logfile), value = TRUE)
lines <- gsub("\\(|\\)|>", "", lines)
splits <- strsplit(lines, "\\s+")
tab <- data.frame(
ncausal_num = sapply(splits, function(x) as.integer(x[2])),
ncausal_prob = sapply(splits, function(x) as.double(x[4])))
tab <- mutate(tab, type = ifelse(duplicated(ncausal_num), "post", "prior"))
res = run_finemap(cfg, ${args})
res$z = z_scores
res$var_names = data[,1]
saveRDS(res, ${_output:ar})
# Summarize Fine-mapping results
[*_2 (plot PIP)]
depends: R_library('dscrutils') # can be installed via `devtools::install_github("stephenslab/dsc",subdir = "dscrutils", force = TRUE)`
output: f'{_input:n}.pdf'
task: trunk_workers = 1, trunk_size = job_size * 3, walltime = '2m', mem = '2G', cores = 1, tags = f'{step_name}_{_output:bn}'
R: expand = '${ }', stderr = f'{_output:n}.log', stdout = f'{_output:n}.stdout'
s = dscrutils::read_dsc(${_input:r})
# print something to log
write(format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %X %Y"), stderr())
is_susie = !is.null(s$elbo)
if (is_susie) {
write(paste('SuSiE objective:', susie_get_objective(s), "at L =", nrow(s$alpha)), stderr())
} else {
snp = s$snp
snp = snp[match(s$var_names, snp$snp),]
s$pip = snp$snp_prob
class(s) = 'susie'
# make some plots
pdf(${_output:r}, 8,9,pointsize=16)
par(mar=c(2,4,0,0), omi=c(0,0,0,0), oma=c(0,0,0,0),mfrow=c(2,1))
ordering = order(s$pip, decreasing=T)
if (is.null(s$prior)) s$prior = rep(1/length(ordering),length(ordering))
for (i in 1:5) {
write(paste0("#", i, " pip-ranked SNP ", s$var_names[ordering[i]], " has z-score ",
round(s$z[ordering[i]],2), " pip ", round(s$pip[ordering[i]],4), " and prior ", round(s$prior[ordering[i]],4)), stderr())
ordering = order(abs(s$z), decreasing=T)
for (i in 1:5) {
write(paste0("#", i, " z-ranked SNP ", s$var_names[ordering[i]], " has z-score ",
round(s$z[ordering[i]],2), " pip ", round(s$pip[ordering[i]],4), " and prior ", round(s$prior[ordering[i]],4)), stderr())
Commands below run the pipeline on a local computer.
For UChicago midway users: to run these pipelines on RCC cluster, please take a look at midway2.yml
file (found in this repository), modify it as you see fit, and replace -q none -j 8
-c workflow/midway2.yml -q midway2 -J 40
GWAS example run (with annotations):
sos run workflow/summary_statistics_finemapping.ipynb susie_bhat \
--loci /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/chunks.list \
--ss-data-prefix /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/Summary_statistics \
--annotation atac-seq \
--n 79845 \
--susie-pve 0.005 --L 5 \
-q none -j 8
%preview /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/Summary_statistics/chr9_84630941_84813641/chr9_84630941_84813641.atac-seq.SuSiE_B.L_5.prior_0p005.res_var_true.pdf -s png --dpi 50
%preview /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/Summary_statistics/chr9_84630941_84813641/chr9_84630941_84813641.atac-seq.SuSiE_B.L_5.prior_0p005.res_var_true.log
eQTL example run (without annotations):
sos run workflow/summary_statistics_finemapping.ipynb susie_bhat \
--loci /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/metasoft/one_loci.txt \
--ss-data-prefix /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/metasoft/gtex_metasoft_summary_stats \
--n 800 \
--susie-pve 0.1 --L 5 \
-q none -j 8
%preview /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/metasoft/gtex_metasoft_summary_stats/ENSG00000181404.15/ENSG00000181404.15.uniform.SuSiE_B.L_5.prior_0p1.res_var_false.pdf -s png --dpi 50
GWAS example run (with annotations):
sos run workflow/summary_statistics_finemapping.ipynb susie_z \
--loci /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/chunks.list \
--ss-data-prefix /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/Summary_statistics \
--annotation atac-seq \
--L 5 \
-q none -j 8
%preview /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/Summary_statistics/chr9_84630941_84813641/chr9_84630941_84813641.atac-seq.SuSiE_Z.L_5.pdf -s png --dpi 50
GWAS example run (with annotations):
sos run workflow/summary_statistics_finemapping.ipynb dap \
--loci /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/chunks.list \
--ss-data-prefix /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/Summary_statistics \
--annotation atac-seq \
--n 79845 \
-q none -j 8
%preview /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/Summary_statistics/chr9_84630941_84813641/chr9_84630941_84813641.atac-seq.DAP.pdf -s png --dpi 50
GWAS example run:
sos run workflow/summary_statistics_finemapping.ipynb caviar \
--loci /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/chunks.list \
--ss-data-prefix /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/Summary_statistics \
-b $CAVIAR_EXE_PATH --args "'-c 2'" \
-q none -j 8
%preview /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/Summary_statistics/chr9_84630941_84813641/chr9_84630941_84813641.CAVIAR._c_2.pdf -s png --dpi 50
eQTL example run:
sos run workflow/summary_statistics_finemapping.ipynb caviar \
--loci /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/metasoft/one_loci.txt \
--ss-data-prefix /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/metasoft/gtex_metasoft_summary_stats \
-b $CAVIAR_EXE_PATH --args "'-c 2'" \
-q none -j 8
%preview /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/metasoft/gtex_metasoft_summary_stats/ENSG00000181404.15/ENSG00000181404.15.CAVIAR._c_2.pdf -s png --dpi 50
GWAS example run:
sos run workflow/summary_statistics_finemapping.ipynb finemap \
--loci /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/chunks.list \
--ss-data-prefix /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/Summary_statistics \
-b $FINEMAP_EXE_PATH --n 500 \
-q none -j 8
%preview /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/SCZ/Summary_statistics/chr9_84630941_84813641/chr9_84630941_84813641.FINEMAP.pdf -s png --dpi 50
eQTL example run:
sos run workflow/summary_statistics_finemapping.ipynb finemap \
--loci /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/metasoft/one_loci.txt \
--ss-data-prefix /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/metasoft/gtex_metasoft_summary_stats \
-b $FINEMAP_EXE_PATH --n 500 \
-q none -j 8
%preview /home/gaow/tmp/19-Dec-2018/metasoft/gtex_metasoft_summary_stats/ENSG00000181404.15/ENSG00000181404.15.FINEMAP.pdf -s png --dpi 50
Exported from workflow/summary_statistics_finemapping.ipynb
committed by minqiao on Mon Jul 1 18:51:56 2019 revision 42, 69d4049