Multivariate Bayesian variable selection regression

Simulation of quantitative phenotype given genotypes

Here we simulate effect size from mixture gaussian distribution and match strong effects with "heavily LD convoluted" SNPs.

Utility functions

See code chunk below.

In [4]:
%%writefile ~/Documents/GTEx/
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os, random

def shuffle(df, axis=1):
    return df.apply(np.random.permutation, axis=axis)

class PhenotypeSimulator:
    def __init__(self, genotype_file):
        self.gfile = genotype_file
        self.phenotype = {}
        self.beta = {} = None
    def get_genes(self, limit = 5):
        res = pd.HDFStore(self.gfile).keys()
        if len(res) > limit:
            res = res[:limit]
        return res
    def get_X(self, table):
        return pd.read_hdf(self.gfile, table)
    def permute_X(self, tables, save_to):
        if os.path.isfile(save_to):
        for table in tables:
            X = pd.read_hdf(self.gfile, table)
            X = shuffle(X)
            X.to_hdf(save_to, table, mode = 'a', complevel = 9, complib = 'zlib')
        self.gfile = save_to
    def get_ld(self, tables, save_to = None):
        '''r^2 based LD calculation'''
        ld = {table: pd.read_hdf(self.gfile, table).transpose().corr(method = 'pearson') for table in tables}
        ld = {key: (np.power(value, 2) * np.sign(value)).astype(np.float16) for key, value in ld.items()}
        if save_to is not None:
            if os.path.isfile(save_to):
            for key in ld:
                ld[key].to_hdf(save_to, key, mode = 'a', complevel = 9, complib = 'zlib')
        return ld
    def load_ld(self, tables, fn):
        ld = {}
        for table in tables:
            ld[table] = pd.read_hdf(fn, table)
        return ld
    def ld_heatmap(self, corrmat, out):
        use_abs = np.sum((corrmat < 0).values.ravel()) == 0
        import seaborn as sns
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        cmap = sns.cubehelix_palette(50, hue=0.05, rot=0, light=1, dark=0, as_cmap=True)
        sns.heatmap(corrmat, ax = ax, cmap = cmap, vmin=-1 if not use_abs else 0, vmax=1, square=True, xticklabels = False, yticklabels = False)
        plt.savefig(out, dpi = 500)
    def generate_betamix(self, nbeta, mus, sigmas, pis, pi0 = 0):
        '''beta ~ \pi_0\delta_0 + \sum \pi_i N(0, sigma_i)
        sigma here is a nbeta list or nbeta * nbeta matrix
        if isinstance(sigmas, list):
            sigmas = np.diag(sigmas)
        assert (len(pis), len(pis)) == sigmas.shape
        masks = np.random.multinomial(1, pis, size = nbeta)
        mix = np.random.multivariate_normal(mus, sigmas, nbeta)
        return np.sum(mix * masks, axis = 1) * np.random.binomial(1, 1 - pi0, nbeta)
    def generate_y(self, X, beta, sigma, force = False):
        if in self.phenotype and force is not True:
            print('Name "{}" already exists. Use "force = True" to overwrite it'.format(
            return self.phenotype[]
        assert X.shape[0] == len(beta)
        self.beta[] = beta.tolist()
        y =, beta) + np.random.normal(0, sigma, X.shape[1])
        y.reshape(len(y), 1)
        y = pd.DataFrame(data = y, columns = [], index = X.columns).transpose()
        self.phenotype[] = y
        return y
    def select_convoluted_snps(self, ld, cutoff1 = 0.8, cutoff2 = 10, cutoff3 = 0.01):
        '''based on LD matrix select SNPs in strong LD with other SNPs 
        yet are independent between themselves'''
        print('Count strong LD')
        strong_ld_count = ((np.absolute(ld) > cutoff1) * ld).sum(axis = 0).sort_values(ascending = False)
        strong_ld_count = strong_ld_count[strong_ld_count > cutoff2]
        print('Filter by LD')
        exclude = []
        for x in strong_ld_count.index:
            if x in exclude:
            for y in strong_ld_count.index:
                if y in exclude or y == x:
                if np.absolute(ld[x][y]) > cutoff3:
        return [i for i, x in enumerate(strong_ld_count.index) if not x in exclude]
    def swap_beta(self, beta, strength_index):
        '''Set tops of beta to tops in strength_index'''
        nb = [0] * len(beta)
        beta = sorted(beta, key=abs, reverse=True)
        for item in strength_index:
            nb[item] = beta.pop(0)
        for idx in range(len(nb)):
            if not idx in strength_index:
                nb[idx] = beta.pop(0)
        assert len(beta) == 0
        return np.array(nb)
    def set_id(self, name): = name

class BetaDist:
    '''Reproducing simulated distributions of Stephens 2017 (ASH paper)'''
    def __init__(self):
        self.pi0 = 0
        self.pis = [None]
        self.mus = [None]
        self.sigmas = [None]
    def set_pi0(self, pi0):
        self.pi0 = pi0
    def set_spiky(self):
        self.pis = [0.4,0.2,0.2,0.2]
        self.mus = [0,0,0,0]
        self.sigmas = [0.25,0.5,1,2]
    def set_near_normal(self):
        self.pis = [2/3,1/3]
        self.mus = [0,0]
        self.sigmas = [1,2]
    def set_flat_top(self):
        self.pis = [1/7] * 7
        self.mus = [-1.5, -1, -.5 , 0, .5, 1, 1.5]
        self.sigmas = [0.5] * 7
    def set_skew(self):
        self.pis = [1/4,1/4,1/3,1/6]
        self.mus = [-2,-1,0,1]
        self.sigmas = [2,1.5,1,1]
    def set_big_normal(self):
        self.pis = [1]
        self.mus = [0]
        self.sigmas = [4]

    def set_bimodal(self):
        self.pis = [0.5, 0.5]
        self.mus = [-2, 2]
        self.sigmas = [1, 1]
    def __str__(self):
        params = ' + '.join(["{} N({}, {}^2)".format(x,y,z) for x, y, z in zip(self.pis, self.mus, self.sigmas)])
        return '{:.3f} \delta_0 + {:.3f} [{}]'.format(self.pi0, 1 - self.pi0, params)
Writing /home/gaow/Documents/GTEx/
In [24]:
parameter: genotype_data = '~/Documents/GTEx/ToyExample/3mashgenes.genotype.h5'
parameter: cwd = '~/Documents/GTEx'
parameter: pi0 = [0.995]
parameter: shape = ['spiky']
parameter: n_rep = 1
parameter: permute_genotype = "False"

Step 1: compute and save LD

In [10]:
%sosrun genotype_LD -v4
# Permute (or not) X & Get LD structure
input: genotype_data, group_by = 1
output: "${_input!an}.ld.h5" if permute_genotype == 'False' else "${_input!an}.permuted.ld.h5"
task: workdir = cwd
  import os, sys
  from SimUtils import PhenotypeSimulator, BetaDist
  ms = PhenotypeSimulator(${_input!ar})
  tables = ms.get_genes()
  if ${permute_genotype}:
     ms.permute_X(tables, save_to = '${_output!nn}.h5')
  ld = ms.get_ld(tables, save_to = ${_output!r})
  for table in tables:
      ms.ld_heatmap(ld[table].iloc[:1000,:1000], ${_input!anr} + '.{}.ld.png'.format(os.path.basename(table) + ('.permuted' if ${permute_genotype} else '')))
DEBUG: Workflow genotype_LD created with 1 sections: genotype_LD_0
TRACE: /opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sos- does not exist
TRACE: config.yml does not exist
DEBUG: Args "${_input!an}.ld.h5" if permute_genotype == 'False' else "${_input!an}.permuted.ld.h5"
 cannot be determined: name 'permute_genotype' is not defined
DEBUG: Args "${_input!an}.ld.h5" if permute_genotype == 'False' else "${_input!an}.permuted.ld.h5"
 cannot be determined: name 'permute_genotype' is not defined
DEBUG: Executing genotype_LD_0: Permute (or not) X & Get LD structure
DEBUG: input:    ['/home/gaow/Documents/GTEx/ToyExample/3mashgenes.genotype.h5']
1 task completed: 3b23

INFO: 3b23423743dc7c5effc8d36ecec7ac7c.out:

INFO: 3b23423743dc7c5effc8d36ecec7ac7c.err:
2017-08-28 21:48:36,913: INFO: 3b23423743dc7c5effc8d36ecec7ac7c ``started``
Closing remaining open files:/home/gaow/Documents/GTEx/ToyExample/3mashgenes.genotype.h5...done
2017-08-28 21:52:29,251: INFO: 3b23423743dc7c5effc8d36ecec7ac7c ``completed``

DEBUG: Collect shared result {0: {}}
DEBUG: output:   ['/home/gaow/Documents/GTEx/ToyExample/3mashgenes.genotype.ld.h5']
DEBUG: Workflow genotype_LD (ID=2526139dbfb70e1a) is executed successfully.
In [17]:
%preview ${genotype_data!an}.ENSG00000264247.ld.png
> %preview /home/gaow/Documents/GTEx/ToyExample/3mashgenes.genotype.ENSG00000264247.ld.png
> /home/gaow/Documents/GTEx/ToyExample/3mashgenes.genotype.ENSG00000264247.ld.png (1.5 MiB):
In [21]:
%preview ${genotype_data!an}.ENSG00000267508.ld.png
> %preview /home/gaow/Documents/GTEx/ToyExample/3mashgenes.genotype.ENSG00000267508.ld.png
> /home/gaow/Documents/GTEx/ToyExample/3mashgenes.genotype.ENSG00000267508.ld.png (1.7 MiB):
In [19]:
%preview ${genotype_data!an}.ENSG00000145214.ld.png
> %preview /home/gaow/Documents/GTEx/ToyExample/3mashgenes.genotype.ENSG00000145214.ld.png
> /home/gaow/Documents/GTEx/ToyExample/3mashgenes.genotype.ENSG00000145214.ld.png (1.5 MiB):

Step 2: simulate phenotype

It breaks down to 3 sub-steps:

  • Simulating effect size, ie, $\beta$ in the linear model $ Y = X \beta + E$ where for simplicity we assume $E_{ij} \sim N(0,1)$. We sample $\beta$ from a mixture of gaussian distribution ($1-\pi_0$) and a point mass at zero ($\pi_0$).
  • Swap big effect size to most LD-convoluted SNPs: to better illustrate the potential of mr-ash I identify from genotype matrix potentially the more LD-convoluted SNPs and assign them the largest effect size. Specifically, I rank SNPs by their number of having LD with other SNPs greater than 0.9 (unsigned), and filter the top ranked SNPs until there is no strong LD between them ($r^2<0.1$). Then I swap $\beta$s so that these SNPs have large effect size.
  • Simulate phenotypes: regression model
In [29]:
input_files = genotype_data if permute_genotype == 'False' else [x.replace(".h5", ".permuted.h5") for x in genotype_data]
replicate = [x + 1 for x in range(n_rep)]
input: input_files, group_by = 1, for_each = ['pi0', 'shape', 'replicate']
output: "${cwd!a}/${_input!bn}.simulated/${_input!bn}." + "${_pi0}_${_shape}_${_replicate}".replace('.', 'p') + '.expr.h5'
task: workdir = cwd
  import sys, os, json, pandas as pd
  from SimUtils import PhenotypeSimulator, BetaDist
  ms = PhenotypeSimulator(${_input!ar})
  tables = ms.get_genes()
  ld = ms.load_ld(tables, "${_input!an}.ld.h5")
  if os.path.isfile(${_output!r}):
  param = BetaDist()  
  for table in tables:
    nbeta = ld[table].shape[0]
    beta = ms.generate_betamix(nbeta=nbeta,pi0=param.pi0, pis=param.pis, mus = param.mus, sigmas=param.sigmas)
    if not ${permute_genotype}:
       strong_snps_idx = ms.select_convoluted_snps(ld[table])
       beta = ms.swap_beta(beta, strong_snps_idx)
    X = ms.get_X(table=table)
    y = ms.generate_y(beta=beta,sigma=1, X=X, force = True)
  pd.concat(ms.phenotype.values()).to_hdf(${_output!r}, '/simulated', mode = 'a', complevel = 9, complib = 'zlib')
  meta = {'pi': param.pis, 'pi0': param.pi0, 'sigma': param.sigmas, 'mu': param.mus, 'beta': ms.beta, 'name': ${_shape!r}}
  with open("${_output!n}.json", 'w') as fp:
    json.dump(meta, fp)
In [31]:
%sosrun simulate -J 8
1 task completed: 4b5d

In [32]:

Session Info


SoS Version


3.6.1 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, May 11 2017, 13:09:58) 
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)]

Copyright © 2016-2020 Gao Wang et al at Stephens Lab, University of Chicago