Here we simulate effect size from mixture gaussian distribution and match strong effects with "heavily LD convoluted" SNPs.
See code chunk below.
%%writefile ~/Documents/GTEx/
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os, random
def shuffle(df, axis=1):
return df.apply(np.random.permutation, axis=axis)
class PhenotypeSimulator:
def __init__(self, genotype_file):
self.gfile = genotype_file
self.phenotype = {}
self.beta = {} = None
def get_genes(self, limit = 5):
res = pd.HDFStore(self.gfile).keys()
if len(res) > limit:
res = res[:limit]
return res
def get_X(self, table):
return pd.read_hdf(self.gfile, table)
def permute_X(self, tables, save_to):
if os.path.isfile(save_to):
for table in tables:
X = pd.read_hdf(self.gfile, table)
X = shuffle(X)
X.to_hdf(save_to, table, mode = 'a', complevel = 9, complib = 'zlib')
self.gfile = save_to
def get_ld(self, tables, save_to = None):
'''r^2 based LD calculation'''
ld = {table: pd.read_hdf(self.gfile, table).transpose().corr(method = 'pearson') for table in tables}
ld = {key: (np.power(value, 2) * np.sign(value)).astype(np.float16) for key, value in ld.items()}
if save_to is not None:
if os.path.isfile(save_to):
for key in ld:
ld[key].to_hdf(save_to, key, mode = 'a', complevel = 9, complib = 'zlib')
return ld
def load_ld(self, tables, fn):
ld = {}
for table in tables:
ld[table] = pd.read_hdf(fn, table)
return ld
def ld_heatmap(self, corrmat, out):
use_abs = np.sum((corrmat < 0).values.ravel()) == 0
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
cmap = sns.cubehelix_palette(50, hue=0.05, rot=0, light=1, dark=0, as_cmap=True)
sns.heatmap(corrmat, ax = ax, cmap = cmap, vmin=-1 if not use_abs else 0, vmax=1, square=True, xticklabels = False, yticklabels = False)
plt.savefig(out, dpi = 500)
def generate_betamix(self, nbeta, mus, sigmas, pis, pi0 = 0):
'''beta ~ \pi_0\delta_0 + \sum \pi_i N(0, sigma_i)
sigma here is a nbeta list or nbeta * nbeta matrix
if isinstance(sigmas, list):
sigmas = np.diag(sigmas)
assert (len(pis), len(pis)) == sigmas.shape
masks = np.random.multinomial(1, pis, size = nbeta)
mix = np.random.multivariate_normal(mus, sigmas, nbeta)
return np.sum(mix * masks, axis = 1) * np.random.binomial(1, 1 - pi0, nbeta)
def generate_y(self, X, beta, sigma, force = False):
if in self.phenotype and force is not True:
print('Name "{}" already exists. Use "force = True" to overwrite it'.format(
return self.phenotype[]
assert X.shape[0] == len(beta)
self.beta[] = beta.tolist()
y =, beta) + np.random.normal(0, sigma, X.shape[1])
y.reshape(len(y), 1)
y = pd.DataFrame(data = y, columns = [], index = X.columns).transpose()
self.phenotype[] = y
return y
def select_convoluted_snps(self, ld, cutoff1 = 0.8, cutoff2 = 10, cutoff3 = 0.01):
'''based on LD matrix select SNPs in strong LD with other SNPs
yet are independent between themselves'''
print('Count strong LD')
strong_ld_count = ((np.absolute(ld) > cutoff1) * ld).sum(axis = 0).sort_values(ascending = False)
strong_ld_count = strong_ld_count[strong_ld_count > cutoff2]
print('Filter by LD')
exclude = []
for x in strong_ld_count.index:
if x in exclude:
for y in strong_ld_count.index:
if y in exclude or y == x:
if np.absolute(ld[x][y]) > cutoff3:
return [i for i, x in enumerate(strong_ld_count.index) if not x in exclude]
def swap_beta(self, beta, strength_index):
'''Set tops of beta to tops in strength_index'''
nb = [0] * len(beta)
beta = sorted(beta, key=abs, reverse=True)
for item in strength_index:
nb[item] = beta.pop(0)
for idx in range(len(nb)):
if not idx in strength_index:
nb[idx] = beta.pop(0)
assert len(beta) == 0
return np.array(nb)
def set_id(self, name): = name
class BetaDist:
'''Reproducing simulated distributions of Stephens 2017 (ASH paper)'''
def __init__(self):
self.pi0 = 0
self.pis = [None]
self.mus = [None]
self.sigmas = [None]
def set_pi0(self, pi0):
self.pi0 = pi0
def set_spiky(self):
self.pis = [0.4,0.2,0.2,0.2]
self.mus = [0,0,0,0]
self.sigmas = [0.25,0.5,1,2]
def set_near_normal(self):
self.pis = [2/3,1/3]
self.mus = [0,0]
self.sigmas = [1,2]
def set_flat_top(self):
self.pis = [1/7] * 7
self.mus = [-1.5, -1, -.5 , 0, .5, 1, 1.5]
self.sigmas = [0.5] * 7
def set_skew(self):
self.pis = [1/4,1/4,1/3,1/6]
self.mus = [-2,-1,0,1]
self.sigmas = [2,1.5,1,1]
def set_big_normal(self):
self.pis = [1]
self.mus = [0]
self.sigmas = [4]
def set_bimodal(self):
self.pis = [0.5, 0.5]
self.mus = [-2, 2]
self.sigmas = [1, 1]
def __str__(self):
params = ' + '.join(["{} N({}, {}^2)".format(x,y,z) for x, y, z in zip(self.pis, self.mus, self.sigmas)])
return '{:.3f} \delta_0 + {:.3f} [{}]'.format(self.pi0, 1 - self.pi0, params)
parameter: genotype_data = '~/Documents/GTEx/ToyExample/3mashgenes.genotype.h5'
parameter: cwd = '~/Documents/GTEx'
parameter: pi0 = [0.995]
parameter: shape = ['spiky']
parameter: n_rep = 1
parameter: permute_genotype = "False"
%sosrun genotype_LD -v4
# Permute (or not) X & Get LD structure
input: genotype_data, group_by = 1
output: "${_input!an}.ld.h5" if permute_genotype == 'False' else "${_input!an}.permuted.ld.h5"
task: workdir = cwd
import os, sys
from SimUtils import PhenotypeSimulator, BetaDist
ms = PhenotypeSimulator(${_input!ar})
tables = ms.get_genes()
if ${permute_genotype}:
ms.permute_X(tables, save_to = '${_output!nn}.h5')
ld = ms.get_ld(tables, save_to = ${_output!r})
for table in tables:
ms.ld_heatmap(ld[table].iloc[:1000,:1000], ${_input!anr} + '.{}.ld.png'.format(os.path.basename(table) + ('.permuted' if ${permute_genotype} else '')))
%preview ${genotype_data!an}.ENSG00000264247.ld.png
%preview ${genotype_data!an}.ENSG00000267508.ld.png
%preview ${genotype_data!an}.ENSG00000145214.ld.png
It breaks down to 3 sub-steps:
input_files = genotype_data if permute_genotype == 'False' else [x.replace(".h5", ".permuted.h5") for x in genotype_data]
replicate = [x + 1 for x in range(n_rep)]
input: input_files, group_by = 1, for_each = ['pi0', 'shape', 'replicate']
output: "${cwd!a}/${_input!bn}.simulated/${_input!bn}." + "${_pi0}_${_shape}_${_replicate}".replace('.', 'p') + '.expr.h5'
task: workdir = cwd
import sys, os, json, pandas as pd
from SimUtils import PhenotypeSimulator, BetaDist
ms = PhenotypeSimulator(${_input!ar})
tables = ms.get_genes()
ld = ms.load_ld(tables, "${_input!an}.ld.h5")
if os.path.isfile(${_output!r}):
param = BetaDist()
for table in tables:
nbeta = ld[table].shape[0]
beta = ms.generate_betamix(nbeta=nbeta,pi0=param.pi0, pis=param.pis, mus = param.mus, sigmas=param.sigmas)
if not ${permute_genotype}:
strong_snps_idx = ms.select_convoluted_snps(ld[table])
beta = ms.swap_beta(beta, strong_snps_idx)
X = ms.get_X(table=table)
y = ms.generate_y(beta=beta,sigma=1, X=X, force = True)
pd.concat(ms.phenotype.values()).to_hdf(${_output!r}, '/simulated', mode = 'a', complevel = 9, complib = 'zlib')
meta = {'pi': param.pis, 'pi0': param.pi0, 'sigma': param.sigmas, 'mu': param.mus, 'beta': ms.beta, 'name': ${_shape!r}}
with open("${_output!n}.json", 'w') as fp:
json.dump(meta, fp)
%sosrun simulate -J 8