
To Explore
   To explore

Status MM ASH
   Status of m&m ash project

Start Simple
   Start Simple!

Modular MNMASH
   A modular approach to M&M ASH model

GTEx V7 eQTL data analysis procedure
   See this page for analysis outline of other releases.


Setup of SuSiE benchmark
   The goal of this benchmark is to understand behavior of susie fits under a number of simple setup and flavors of susie method.

20180509 benchmark intro
   % Fine Mapping Benchmark


M&M model for fine-mapping
   This is the 5th version of M&M. The formulation of this version was inspired by conditional regression commonly used in fine-mapping, as discussed in T Flutre et al 2013.

Notes on fundamentals of EM and VEM
   A refreshment of concepts based on notes from Matthew and David.

Copyright © 2016-2020 Gao Wang et al at Stephens Lab, University of Chicago