and mr-ash
¶In this example we analyze a data set where there is potentially multiple SNPs associated with gene expression. We use both bvs
and mr-ash
methods, initializing both of them with results from lasso
autoselect.mixsd = function(betahat,sebetahat,mult = sqrt(2)){
# To avoid exact measure causing (usually by mistake)
sebetahat = sebetahat[sebetahat!=0]
# so that the minimum is small compared with measurement precision
sigmaamin = min(sebetahat)/10
if (all(betahat^2 <= sebetahat^2)) {
# to deal with the occassional odd case where this could happen; 8 is arbitrary
sigmaamax = 8*sigmaamin
} else {
# this computes a rough largest value you'd want to use,
# based on idea that sigmaamax^2 + sebetahat^2 should be at least betahat^2
sigmaamax = 2*sqrt(max(betahat^2-sebetahat^2))
} else {
npoint = ceiling(log2(sigmaamax/sigmaamin)/log2(mult))
return(mult^((-npoint):0) * sigmaamax)
univariate_regression = function(X,y,Z = NULL){
P = dim(X)[2]
if (!is.null(Z)) {
y = lm(y~Z)$residuals
output = matrix(0,nrow = P,ncol = 2)
for(i in 1:P){
g = summary(lm(y ~ X[,i]))
output[i,] = g$coefficients[2,1:2]
return(list(betahat = output[,1], sebetahat = output[,2],
residuals = y))
lasso_reorder = function(X, y) {
# perform lasso regression and reorder regressors by "importance"
fit.glmnet <- glmnet::glmnet(X, y, intercept = F)
beta_path = coef(fit.glmnet)[-1,]
K = dim(beta_path)[2]
path_order = c()
for (k in 1:K) {
crt_path = which(beta_path[,k] != 0)
if (length(crt_path) != 0 & length(path_order) == 0) {
path_order = c(path_order, crt_path)
} else if(length(crt_path) != 0) {
path_order = c(path_order, crt_path[-which(crt_path %in% path_order)] )
path_order = unname(path_order)
index_order = c(path_order, seq(1,dim(beta_path)[1])[-path_order])
# compute fitted values from varbvsmix
fitfv = function(X,Z,fit){
bhat = rowSums(fit$alpha*fit$mu)
return(X %*% bhat + fit$mu.cov[1] + Z %*% fit$mu.cov[-1])
input_file = "../data/Thyroid.FMO2.1Mb.RDS"
dat = readRDS(input_file)
X = as.matrix(dat$X)
X = X[,which(colSums(X)!=0)]
storage.mode(X) <- "double"
y = as.vector(dat$y)
Z = as.matrix(dat$Z)
# univariate results
initial = univariate_regression(X, y ,Z)
mixsd = autoselect.mixsd(initial$betahat, initial$sebetahat)
mu_zero = matrix(0, ncol = length(mixsd)+1, nrow = ncol(X))
alpha_zero = matrix(1/ncol(X), ncol = length(mixsd)+1,nrow = ncol(X))
alpha_zero[,1] = 1 - length(mixsd) / ncol(X)
index_order = lasso_reorder(X, initial$residuals)
# bvsmix with lasso init vs random init
fit11 = varbvs::varbvsmix(X[, index_order],
Z, y, sa = c(0,mixsd^2),
mu = mu_zero,
alpha = alpha_zero,
verbose = F)
fit12 = varbvs::varbvsmix(X,
Z, y, sa = c(0,mixsd^2),
verbose = F)
# bvsmix with lasso init vs random init
fit21 = varbvs::varbvs(X[, index_order], Z, y, mu = mu_zero, alpha = alpha_zero, verbose = F)
fit22 = varbvs::varbvs(X, Z, y, verbose = F) = names(sort(fit11$lfsr)[1:5])
cbind(1 - fit11$lfsr[], fit21$alpha[,1][]) = names(sort(fit21$alpha[,1], decreasing=T)[1:5])
cbind(1 - fit11$lfsr[], fit21$alpha[,1][])
Check if chr1_171122735_A_G_b38
is in credible set of varbvs
get.credible.set <- function (bf, pr) {
pp <- bf/sum(bf)
markers <- order(bf,decreasing = TRUE)
n <- min(which(cumsum(pp[markers]) > credint.prob))
top.markers <- summary(fit21,nv = 20)$top.vars
top.markers <- subset(top.markers,prob > 0.95)$variable
m <- length(top.markers)
R <- cor(X)
credint.prob <- 0.95
ld.threshold <- 0.2
cr <- vector("list",m)
plots <- vector("list",m)
names(cr) <- top.markers
names(plots) <- top.markers
for (i in top.markers) {
idx <- which(colnames(X) == i)
vars <- which(R[,i]^2 >= ld.threshold)
out <- varbvs::varbvsproxybf(X,Z,y,fit21,idx,vars)
cr[[i]] <- vars[get.credible.set(out$BF[,1],credint.prob)]
j <- names(which.max(out$BF[,1]))
No, it is not ...
Next I'll try to come up with a smaller set of SNPs, say 100, that includes top hits from both methods along with random SNPs being the rest. Will see if there is still difference in behavior.
X2 = X[,unique(c([1:2],[1:3], sample(colnames(X), 100)))]
initial = univariate_regression(X2, y ,Z)
mixsd = autoselect.mixsd(initial$betahat, initial$sebetahat)
mu_zero = matrix(0, ncol = length(mixsd)+1, nrow = ncol(X2))
alpha_zero = matrix(1/ncol(X2), ncol = length(mixsd)+1,nrow = ncol(X2))
alpha_zero[,1] = 1 - length(mixsd) / ncol(X2)
index_order = lasso_reorder(X2, initial$residuals)
# bvsmix with lasso init vs random init
fit31 = varbvs::varbvsmix(X2[, index_order],
Z, y, sa = c(0,mixsd^2),
mu = mu_zero,
alpha = alpha_zero,
verbose = F)
fit32 = varbvs::varbvsmix(X2,
Z, y, sa = c(0,mixsd^2),
verbose = F)
# bvsmix with lasso init vs random init
fit41 = varbvs::varbvs(X2[, index_order], Z, y, verbose = F)
fit42 = varbvs::varbvs(X2, Z, y, verbose = F)
mix.top2 = names(sort(fit31$lfsr)[1:5])
cbind(1 - fit31$lfsr[mix.top2], fit41$alpha[,1][mix.top2])
bvs.top2 = names(sort(fit41$alpha[,1], decreasing=T)[1:5])
cbind(1 - fit31$lfsr[bvs.top2], fit41$alpha[,1][bvs.top2])
With 7.5K SNPs it identifies:
and it missed one from varbvsmix
With 100 SNPs it now picks up the one previously missed according to varbvsmix
But dropped
With 7.5K SNPs it identifies
which overlaps with varbvs
on only chr1_171172098_C_T_b38
With 100 SNPs it now picks up 4 SNPs
Which is in fact the union of hits identified by both varbvsmix
and varbvs
when input is 7.5K SNPs
R[c('chr1_171172098_C_T_b38', 'chr1_171199984_T_C_b38', 'chr1_171122735_A_G_b38', 'chr1_171133158_A_G_b38'),c('chr1_171172098_C_T_b38', 'chr1_171199984_T_C_b38', 'chr1_171122735_A_G_b38', 'chr1_171133158_A_G_b38')]
# This is the top 4 markers identified with random varbvs init
markers3 <- c("chr1_171168633_C_A_b38",
R[markers3, markers3]