This is the VEM step of M&M ASH model.
$\newcommand{\bs}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\diag}{diag}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\cov}{cov}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\rank}{rank}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\var}{var}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\tr}{tr}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\veco}{vec}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\uniform}{\mathcal{U}niform}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{arg\ min}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{arg\ max}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\N}{N}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\gm}{Gamma}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\dif}{d}$
We assume the following multivariate, multiple regression model with $N$ samples, $J$ effects and $R$ conditions (and without covariates, for the time being) \begin{align} \bs{Y}_{N\times R} = \bs{X}_{N \times J}\bs{B}_{J \times R} + \bs{E}_{N \times R}, \end{align} where \begin{align} \bs{E} &\sim \N_{N \times R}(\bs{0}, \bs{I}_N, \bs{\Lambda}^{-1}),\\ \bs{\Lambda} &= \diag(\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_R). \end{align}
We assume true effects $\bs{b}_j$ (rows of $\bs{B}$) are iid with prior distribution of mixtures of multivariate normals
$$p(\bs{b}_j) = \sum_{t = 0}^T\pi_t\N_R(\bs{b}_j | \bs{0}, \bs{V}_t),$$Where the $\bs{V}_t$'s are $R \times R$ covariance matrices and the $\pi_t$'s are their weights.
We place Gamma prior on $\bs{\Lambda}$
$$\lambda_r \overset{iid}{\sim} \gm(\alpha, \beta),$$and set $\alpha = \beta = 0$ so that it is equivalent to estimating $\bs{\Lambda}$ via maximum likelihood.
We can augment the prior of $\bs{b}_j$ by indicator vector $\bs{\gamma}_j \in \mathbb{R}^T$ for membership of $\bs{b}_j$ into one of the $T$ mixture groups. The densities involved are
\begin{align} p(\bs{Y},\bs{B},\bs{\Gamma},\bs{\Lambda}) &= p(\bs{Y}|\bs{B}, \bs{\Lambda})p(\bs{B}|\bs{\Gamma})p(\bs{\Gamma})p(\bs{\Lambda}), \\ p(\bs{Y}|\bs{B}, \bs{\Lambda}) &= N_{N \times R}(\bs{X}\bs{B}, \bs{I}_N, \bs{\Lambda}^{-1}), \\ p(\lambda_r|\alpha,\beta) &= \frac{\beta^{\alpha}}{\Gamma(\alpha)}\lambda_r^{\alpha - 1}\exp\{-\beta\lambda_r\}, \\ p(\bs{b}_j|\bs{\gamma}_j) &= \prod_{t = 0}^T\left[\N(\bs{b}_j|\bs{0},\bs{V}_t)\right]^{\gamma_{jt}},\\ p(\bs{\gamma}_j) &= \prod_{t = 0}^{T} \pi_t^{\gamma_{jt}}. \end{align}We assume $V_t$'s and their corresponding $\pi_t$'s are known. In practice we use mashr
to estimate these quantities and provide them to M&M.
For the posterior of $\bs{B}$ we seek an independent variational approximation based on
\begin{align} q(\bs{B}, \bs{\Gamma}, \bs{\Lambda}) = q(\bs{\Lambda})\prod_{j = 1}^{J}q(\bs{b}_j,\bs{\gamma}_j), \end{align}so that we can maximize over $q$ the following lower bound of the marginal log-likelihood
\begin{align} \log p(\bs{Y}) \geq \mathcal{L}(q) = \int q(\bs{B}, \bs{\Gamma}, \bs{\Lambda}) \log\left\{\frac{p(\bs{Y},\bs{B},\bs{\Gamma},\bs{\Lambda})}{q(\bs{B}, \bs{\Gamma}, \bs{\Lambda})}\right\}\dif\bs{B}\dif\bs{\Gamma}\dif\bs{\Lambda}, \end{align}Gao & Wei have previously developed a version that assumes $\Lambda = I_R$. This version generalized it to a diagonal matrix with Gamma priors. David has developed a version that assumes a diagonal plus low rank structure -- the model of that version is a bit different from shown here, and will be prototyped later after this version works.
The complete derivation of updates are documented elsewhere (in the two PDF write-ups whose links are shown above). Here I document core updates to guide implementation of the algorithm.
Let $E[\bs{R}_{-j}] := \bs{Y} - \bs{X}\bs{\mu}_{\bs{B}} + \bs{x}_j\bs{\mu}_{\bs{B}[j, ]}^{\intercal}$, then
\begin{align} \bs{\xi}_j &= E\left[\bs{R}_{-j}\right]^{\intercal}\bs{x}_j\|\bs{x}_j\|^{-2}, \\ \bs{\Sigma}_{jt} &= \left(\bs{V}_t^{-1} + \|\bs{x}_j\|^2\bs{\Lambda}\right)^{-1}, \\ \bs{\mu}_{jt} &= \bs{\Sigma}_{jt}\bs{\Lambda}E\left[\bs{R}_{-k}\right]^{\intercal}\bs{x}_j, \\ w_{jt} &= \frac{\pi_t\N(\bs{\xi}_j|\bs{0}, \bs{V}_t + \bs{\Lambda}^{-1}\|\bs{x}_j\|^{-2})}{\sum_{t = 0}^T\pi_t\N(\bs{\xi}_j|\bs{0}, \bs{V}_t + \bs{\Lambda}^{-1}\|\bs{x}_j\|^{-2})},\\ \bs{\mu}_{\bs{B}[j, ]} &= \sum_{t = 0}^T w_{jt}\bs{\mu}_{jt} \end{align}We update until the lower bound $\mathcal{L}(q)$ converges.
with effects learned from univariate analysis to obtain $\pi_t$ and $V_t$varbvs
for a completed $Y$ matrix.In this notebook we use a test data set of 2 tissues: Thyroid and Lung. As a first pass we also fix $\bs{V}$ as a null matrix plus an identity matrix, with weights and $\pi_0=0.9$.
dat = readRDS('/home/gaow/Documents/GTExV8/Thyroid.Lung.FMO2.filled.rds')
%get X Y --from R
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
Y = Y.as_matrix()
from sklearn import linear_model
import numpy as np
# model = linear_model.MultiTaskLassoCV(alphas = [(x+1)/100 for x in range(10)], fit_intercept = False)
model = linear_model.MultiTaskLasso(alpha = 0.04, fit_intercept = False), Y)
First feature:
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter([x+1 for x in range(len(model.coef_[0]))], model.coef_[0], cmap="viridis")
ax = plt.gca()
Second feature:
plt.scatter([x+1 for x in range(len(model.coef_[1]))], model.coef_[1], cmap="viridis")
ax = plt.gca()
First vs. 2nd feature:
plt.scatter(model.coef_[0], model.coef_[1], cmap="viridis")
ax = plt.gca()
Compare with univariate LASSO, first and 2nd features:
# model = linear_model.LassoCV(alphas = [(x+1)/100 for x in range(10)], fit_intercept = False)
model = linear_model.Lasso(alpha = 0.05, fit_intercept = False),Y[:,0])
plt.scatter([x+1 for x in range(len(model.coef_))], model.coef_, cmap="viridis")
ax = plt.gca(),Y[:,1])
plt.scatter([x+1 for x in range(len(model.coef_))], model.coef_, cmap="viridis")
ax = plt.gca()
As initialization we take univariate analysis summary statistics $\hat{\bs{B}}$ and $\bs{S}$ for fitting with mashr
It is not working yet. Still trying to figure out what's going on.
class MNMASH:
def __init__(self, X, Y):
self.X = X
self.Y = Y
self.B = np.zeros((X.shape[1], Y.shape[1]))
# self.V = np.ones((2, Y.shape[1], Y.shape[1]))
self.V = np.array((np.zeros((2,2)), np.identity(2)))
# self.pi = np.random.uniform(0,1,self.V.shape[0])
# self.pi = self.pi / sum(self.pi)
self.pi = np.array([0.9, 0.1])
self.Lambda = np.identity(Y.shape[1])
self.tol = 1E-4
self.debug = 1
self.maxiter = 1
# initialize intermediate variables
self.R = np.ones((self.X.shape[1], self.Y.shape[0], self.Y.shape[1])) * np.nan
self.E = np.ones((self.Y.shape[1], self.X.shape[1])) * np.nan
self.Rx = np.ones((self.Y.shape[1], self.X.shape[1])) * np.nan
self.wdE = np.ones((self.X.shape[1], self.V.shape[0])) * np.nan
self.Sigma = {tt: np.ones((self.X.shape[1], self.Y.shape[1], self.Y.shape[1])) * np.nan for tt in range(self.V.shape[0])}
self.Mu = np.ones((self.X.shape[1], self.Y.shape[1], self.V.shape[0])) * np.nan
self.gamma = np.ones((self.X.shape[1], self.V.shape[0])) * np.nan
# X is N by K matrix, X_norm is 1 by K vector of L2 norm of column k's
self.X_norm = np.linalg.norm(self.X, ord = 2, axis = 0)
if self.debug:
self.X_std = self.X / self.X_norm
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.sum(np.square(self.X_std), axis = 0), np.ones(self.X.shape[1]))
self.X_norm = np.square(self.X_norm)
self.X_std = self.X / self.X_norm
self.R_all = None
self.H = None
self.Delta = None
self.update_lambda = True
def update(self):
Core update
iLambda = np.linalg.inv(self.Lambda)
# B is M by K matrix
self.R_all = self.Y - self.X @ self.B
# K is number of effects
for kk in range(self.X.shape[1]):
# R[kk] is N x M, where M is number of conditions
self.R[kk,:,:] = self.R_all + np.outer(self.X[:,kk], (self.B[kk,:].T))
# E[kk] is M x 1
self.E[:,kk] = (self.R[kk,:,:].T @ self.X_std[:,kk]).ravel()
# Rx[kk] is M x 1
self.Rx[:,kk] = (self.R[kk,:,:].T @ self.X[:,kk]).ravel()
for tt in range(self.V.shape[0]):
self.wdE[kk,tt] = multivariate_normal.pdf(self.E[:,kk], np.zeros(self.Y.shape[1]), \
self.V[tt] + iLambda / self.X_norm[kk]) * self.pi[tt]
wdE_sum = sum(self.wdE[kk,:])
for tt in range(self.V.shape[0]):
# Can be made faster via low-rank approximation
self.Sigma[tt][kk,:,:] = np.linalg.inv(np.identity(self.Y.shape[1]) + self.V[tt] * self.X_norm[kk] @ self.Lambda) @ self.V[tt]
self.Mu[kk,:,tt] = self.Sigma[tt][kk,:,:] @ self.Lambda @ self.Rx[:,kk]
self.gamma[kk,tt] = self.wdE[kk,tt] / wdE_sum
#if self.gamma[kk,tt] != self.gamma[kk,tt]:
# self.gamma[kk,tt] = 0
# dot product for weighted sums
self.B[kk,:] = self.Mu[kk,:,:] @ self.gamma[kk,:]
if self.update_lambda:
# Recalculate h, a M by M matrix
self.H = np.diag(np.sum([self.X_norm[kk] * np.sum([self.gamma[kk,tt] * (np.square(self.Mu[kk,:,tt] - self.B[kk,:]) + np.diag(self.Sigma[tt][kk,:,:])) for tt in range(self.V.shape[0])], axis = 0) for kk in range(self.X.shape[1])], axis = 0))
# Update Lambda
self.Delta = np.diag(self.R_all.T @ self.R_all) + self.H
self.Lambda = np.diag(self.X.shape[0] / np.diag(self.Delta))
def vem(self):
Variational EM
cnt = 0
while cnt < self.maxiter:
cnt += 1
def summary(self):
print('X @ B = \n{}\n'.format(self.X @ self.B))
print('Y - X @ B = \n{}\n'.format(self.Y - self.X @ self.B))
def prt(self, variable):
print(variable, '=', repr(eval(f'self.{variable}')))
res = MNMASH(X,Y)
First iteration.
Second iteration.
3rd iteration.