Multivariate Bayesian variable selection regression

Compare PIP of L1 susie, DAP and CAVIAR

DAP and CAVIAR is performed on some of the same input data and is compared with susie L = 1.

This notebook was copied from this one but changed it to using the susie L = 1 flavor, the fit_susie01 module.

Major conclusion

For the case of N = 1, using L = 1 increased correlation between CAVIAR from 97% to 99%. But the 3 ourlier cases are still there.

FIXME another thing we found is that for case of L = 1, the FDR rate is mostly the same as before, though of course power is lower. This makes sense but needs more thought to make sure I really understand what is going on.

In [1]:
%revisions -s
Revision Author Date Message
9735829 Gao Wang 2018-06-01 Add susie L1 comparison results


Here I consider the following scenarios:

  • Fix total PVE to 0.2
  • Scenario with growing difficulty: from 1 causal to 5 causal

For CAVIAR I only try and report 1~3 causal scenarios.

The plan is to get the PIP for those in susieR mappable CS (purity > 0.2 or 0.25), and compare these PIP to what DAP and CAVIAR reports. For susie flavors:

  • use prior = 0.1 (may not matter)
  • use estimate_residule = False (conservative)

This setting of susie should reflect its best performance. Additionally I check both the PIP computed before purity filter, and that after purity filter.

Expected outcome

  • PIP plots, 3-way: susie vs DAP, susie vs CAVIAR, DAP vs CAVIAR
  • False discovery at set / cluster level
  • A coarse ROC plot: report signals identified vs signal missed -- number of causal, under the same PVE setup.

Previously I've ran this specific DSC using:

dsc susie.dsc --target run_comparison -o susie_comparison

So here I query from that result.


In [2]:
cwd = path('~/GIT/github/mvarbvs/dsc')
dirname = path(f'{cwd:a}/susie_comparison/')
ld_col = 1
susie_prior = 0.1
#susie_prior = 0.05
In [3]:
[pip_1, fdr_1]
output: f'{dirname}/PIP_comparison_0530.rds'
R: expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd
    dap_out = dscrutils::dscquery(${dirname:br}, 
                        target = "liter_data.dataset lm_less lm_less.pve lm_less.n_signal fit_dap plot_dap",
                             load.pkl = F)
    susie_out = dscrutils::dscquery(${dirname:br}, 
                        target = "liter_data.dataset lm_less lm_less.pve lm_less.n_signal fit_susie01.prior_var fit_susie01.estimate_residual_variance fit_susie01 plot_susie",
                             load.pkl = F)
    caviar_out = dscrutils::dscquery(${dirname:br}, 
                        target = "liter_data.dataset lm_less lm_less.pve lm_less.n_signal fit_caviar.args fit_caviar plot_caviar",
                             load.pkl = F)
    saveRDS(list(dap=dap_out, susie=susie_out, caviar=caviar_out), ${_output:r})
In [4]:
pip_after_filter = ['FALSE', 'TRUE']
ld_cutoff = [0,0.2]
input: for_each = ['pip_after_filter', 'ld_cutoff'], concurrent = True
output: paths([f'{_input:n}.{x}_filter_{_pip_after_filter.lower()}_{str(_ld_cutoff).replace(".", "p")}.png' for x in ['susie_dap', 'susie_caviar', 'dap_caviar']])
R: stdout = f'{_output[0]:n}.log', expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd
    ld_col = ${ld_col}
    ld_cutoff = ${_ld_cutoff}
    pip_cutoff = 0
    dat = readRDS(${_input:r})
    dap_out = dat$dap
    caviar_out = dat$caviar
    susie_out = dat$susie
    # favorit susie flavor
    susie_out = susie_out[which(susie_out$fit_susie01.prior_var == ${susie_prior} & susie_out$fit_susie01.estimate_residual_variance == FALSE), ]
    susie_out = subset(susie_out, select =-c(lm_less.pve, fit_susie01.prior_var, fit_susie01.estimate_residual_variance))

    data_sets = unique(susie_out$liter_data.dataset)
    signals = unique(susie_out$lm_less.n_signal)

    result = list()
    for (s in signals) {
        result[[as.character(s)]] = NULL
        if (s > 3) {
            has_caviar = FALSE
        } else {
            has_caviar = TRUE
        print(paste('==============', s, '=============='))
        for (d in data_sets) {
            out_files = susie_out[which(susie_out$lm_less.n_signal == s & susie_out$liter_data.dataset == d),c("fit_susie01.output.file", "plot_susie.output.file", "lm_less.output.file")]
            fit = readRDS(paste0(${dirname:r}, '/', out_files[1,1], '.rds'))$posterior
            purity = readRDS(paste0(${dirname:r}, '/', out_files[1,2], '.rds'))
            truth = readRDS(paste0(${dirname:r}, '/', out_files[1,3], '.rds'))$data$true_coef
            signals = which(truth[,1]!=0)
            if (${_pip_after_filter}) {
              alpha = fit$alpha[[1]][which(purity$purity$V1[,ld_col] > ld_cutoff),,drop=FALSE]
            } else {
              alpha = fit$alpha[[1]]
            pip = t(1 - apply(1 - alpha, 2, prod))
            in_CI_raw = fit$in_CI[[1]]
            in_CI_raw = in_CI_raw[which(purity$purity$V1[,ld_col] > ld_cutoff),,drop=FALSE]
            in_CI = which(colSums(in_CI_raw) > 0)
            pip = pip[in_CI]
            out_files = dap_out[which(dap_out$lm_less.n_signal == s & dap_out$liter_data.dataset == d),c("fit_dap.output.file"),drop=FALSE]
            dap = readRDS(paste0(${dirname:r}, '/', out_files[1,1], '.rds'))$posterior
            dap = dap$V0$snp
            #print(head(dap, length(pip)))
            dap = dap[which(dap$snp %in% as.character(in_CI)),]
            dap = dap[match(in_CI, dap$snp),]
            if (has_caviar) {
                out_files = caviar_out[which(caviar_out$lm_less.n_signal == s & caviar_out$liter_data.dataset == d & caviar_out$fit_caviar.args == paste('-c', s)),c("fit_caviar.output.file"),drop=FALSE]
                caviar = readRDS(paste0(${dirname:r}, '/', out_files[1,1], '.rds'))$posterior
                caviar = caviar[[1]]$snp
                caviar = caviar[which(caviar$snp %in% as.character(in_CI)),]
                caviar = caviar[match(in_CI, caviar$snp),]
                pip = cbind(pip, as.vector(dap$snp_prob), as.vector(caviar$snp_prob), in_CI %in% signals)
            } else {
                pip = cbind(pip, as.vector(dap$snp_prob), in_CI %in% signals)
            ## BEGIN debug
            outlier = pip[which(pip[,1] < 0.2 & pip[,2]>0.9), ,drop=F]
            if (nrow(outlier)>0 && s == 1) {
              print("DAP outlier")
            if (has_caviar && s == 1) {
              conflict = pip[which(pip[,1] < 0.95 & pip[,3] > 0.95), ,drop=F]
              if (nrow(conflict) > 0) {
                  print("CAVIAR-susie conflict")
            ## END debug  
            if (is.null(result[[as.character(s)]])) {
                result[[as.character(s)]] = pip
            } else {
                result[[as.character(s)]] = rbind(result[[as.character(s)]], pip)
        result[[as.character(s)]] = data.frame(result[[as.character(s)]])
        if (has_caviar) {
            colnames(result[[as.character(s)]]) = c('susie', 'dap', 'caviar', 'is_signal')
        } else {
            colnames(result[[as.character(s)]]) = c('susie', 'dap', 'is_signal')
    # susie vs dap
    png(${_output[0]:r}, 600, 800)
    par(mfrow=c(3, 2))
    for (i in 1:5) {
        i = as.character(i)
        x = result[[i]][result[[i]]$susie > pip_cutoff & result[[i]]$dap > pip_cutoff,]
        colors = sapply(1:length(x$is_signal), function(i) ifelse(x$is_signal[i],'#800000','#002b36'))
        plot(x$susie, x$dap, xlab = paste('PIP susie >', pip_cutoff), ylab = paste('PIP DAP >', pip_cutoff),
             main = paste('num. causal:', i, '\ncor:', round(cor(x)[1,2],2)),
            col = colors, pch = 20, cex = 1.5)
        abline(h=0.95, col='gray')
        abline(v=0.95, col='gray')
    # susie vs caviar
    png(${_output[1]:r}, 600, 800)
    par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
    for (i in 1:3) {
        i = as.character(i)
        x = result[[i]][result[[i]]$susie > pip_cutoff & result[[i]]$caviar > pip_cutoff,]
        colors = sapply(1:length(x$is_signal), function(i) ifelse(x$is_signal[i],'#800000','#002b36'))
        plot(x$susie, x$caviar, xlab = paste('PIP susie >', pip_cutoff), ylab = paste('PIP CAVIAR >', pip_cutoff),
             main = paste('num. causal:', i, '\ncor:', round(cor(x)[1,2],2)),
            col = colors, pch = 20, cex = 1.5)
        abline(h=0.95, col='gray')
        abline(v=0.95, col='gray')
    # dap vs caviar
    png(${_output[2]:r}, 600, 800)
    par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
    for (i in 1:3) {
        i = as.character(i)
        x = result[[i]][result[[i]]$dap > pip_cutoff & result[[i]]$caviar > pip_cutoff,]
        colors = sapply(1:length(x$is_signal), function(i) ifelse(x$is_signal[i],'#800000','#002b36'))
        plot(x$dap, x$caviar, xlab = paste('PIP DAP >', pip_cutoff), ylab = paste('PIP CAVIAR >', pip_cutoff),
             main = paste('num. causal:', i, '\ncor:', round(cor(x)[1,2],2)),
            col = colors, pch = 20, cex = 1.5)
        abline(h=0.95, col='gray')
        abline(v=0.95, col='gray')
In [5]:
# computer fdr
# to match with DAP -ld_control 0.25
ld_cutoff = 0.25
# to match with susie 95% mappable CS, we set dap cutoff to 0.95 also
dap_cluster_cutoff = [('cluster_prob', 0.95), ('cluster_avg_r2', 0.25)]
input: for_each = 'dap_cluster_cutoff', group_by = 1, concurrent = True
output: f'{dirname}/FDR_comparison_0530_{_dap_cluster_cutoff[0]}.rds'
R: stdout = f'{_output:n}.log', expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd
    ld_col = ${ld_col}
    ld_cutoff = ${ld_cutoff}
    dat = readRDS(${_input:r})
    dap_out = dat$dap
    susie_out = dat$susie
    # favorit susie flavor
    susie_out = susie_out[which(susie_out$fit_susie01.prior_var == ${susie_prior} & susie_out$fit_susie01.estimate_residual_variance == FALSE), ]
    susie_out = subset(susie_out, select =-c(lm_less.pve, fit_susie01.prior_var, fit_susie01.estimate_residual_variance))
    data_sets = unique(susie_out$liter_data.dataset)
    signals = unique(susie_out$lm_less.n_signal)
    result = NULL
    for (s in signals) {
        susie_tdc = 0
        dap_tdc = 0
        susie_dc = 0
        dap_dc = 0
        susie_tc = 0
        dap_tc = 0
        for (d in data_sets) {
            out_files = susie_out[which(susie_out$lm_less.n_signal == s & susie_out$liter_data.dataset == d), c("fit_susie01.output.file", "plot_susie.output.file", "lm_less.output.file")]
            fit = readRDS(paste0(${dirname:r}, '/', out_files[1,1], '.rds'))$posterior
            purity = readRDS(paste0(${dirname:r}, '/', out_files[1,2], '.rds'))
            truth = readRDS(paste0(${dirname:r}, '/', out_files[1,3], '.rds'))$data$true_coef
            signals = which(truth[,1]!=0)
            # susie in CS
            susie_cs = fit$in_CI[[1]]
            susie_cs_raw = susie_cs[which(purity$purity$V1[,ld_col] > ld_cutoff),,drop=FALSE]
            susie_cs = list()
            if (nrow(susie_cs_raw) > 0) {
                for (i in 1:nrow(susie_cs_raw)) {
                  susie_cs[[i]] = which(susie_cs_raw[i,] > 0)
                  if (length(susie_cs[[i]]) == 0) {
                      susie_tc = susie_tc - 1
                  if (any(signals %in% susie_cs[[i]])) {
                      susie_tdc = susie_tdc + 1
                      susie_dc = susie_dc + 1
            print(paste('==============', s, '=============='))
            susie_tc = susie_tc + length(susie_cs)
            # DAP in cluster
            out_files = dap_out[which(dap_out$lm_less.n_signal == s & dap_out$liter_data.dataset == d),c("fit_dap.output.file"),drop=FALSE]
            dap = readRDS(paste0(${dirname:r}, '/', out_files[1,1], '.rds'))$posterior
            dap_cluster_raw = dap$V0$set[which(dap$V0$set$${_dap_cluster_cutoff[0]} > ${_dap_cluster_cutoff[1]}), ]$snp
            dap_cluster = list()
            if (length(dap_cluster_raw) > 0) {
                for (i in 1:length(dap_cluster_raw)) {
                  dap_cluster[[i]] = as.integer(unlist(strsplit(dap_cluster_raw[i], ",")))
                  if (any(signals %in% dap_cluster[[i]])) {
                      dap_tdc = dap_tdc + 1
                      dap_dc = dap_dc + 1
            dap_tc = dap_tc + length(dap_cluster)
            ## BEGIN debug
            ## susie made more true discovery than DAP
            if (susie_dc > dap_dc) {
              print('DAP miss')
            ## DAP made some (false) discovery, susie did not
            ## under n = 1
            if (length(dap_cluster) > dap_dc && s == 1) {
              print('DAP false discovery')
            ## END debug
            susie_dc = 0
            dap_dc = 0
        rates = c(s, s* 50, susie_tc, dap_tc, susie_tdc/susie_tc, dap_tdc/dap_tc, 1 - (susie_tdc/susie_tc), 1 - (dap_tdc/dap_tc))
        if (is.null(result)) {
          result = rates
        } else {
          result = rbind(result, rates)
    colnames(result) = c('n_signal', 'expected_discoveries', 'susie_discoveries', 'dap_discoveries', 'susie_tdr', 'dap_tdr', 'susie_fdr', 'dap_fdr')
    rownames(result) = as.character(result[,1])
    saveRDS(data.frame(result), ${_output:r})

PIP comparisons

susie vs DAP

In [2]:
%preview ~/GIT/github/mvarbvs/dsc/susie_comparison/PIP_comparison_0530.susie_dap_filter_true_0.png
> /home/gaow/GIT/github/mvarbvs/dsc/susie_comparison/PIP_comparison_0530.susie_dap_filter_true_0.png (51.9 KiB):
In [3]:
%preview ~/GIT/github/mvarbvs/dsc/susie_comparison/PIP_comparison_0530.susie_dap_filter_false_0.png
> /home/gaow/GIT/github/mvarbvs/dsc/susie_comparison/PIP_comparison_0530.susie_dap_filter_false_0.png (51.9 KiB):

susie vs CAVIAR

In [4]:
%preview ~/GIT/github/mvarbvs/dsc/susie_comparison/PIP_comparison_0530.susie_caviar_filter_true_0.png
> /home/gaow/GIT/github/mvarbvs/dsc/susie_comparison/PIP_comparison_0530.susie_caviar_filter_true_0.png (43.6 KiB):


In [5]:
%preview ~/GIT/github/mvarbvs/dsc/susie_comparison/PIP_comparison_0530.dap_caviar_filter_true_0.png
> /home/gaow/GIT/github/mvarbvs/dsc/susie_comparison/PIP_comparison_0530.dap_caviar_filter_true_0.png (43.5 KiB):

PIP outlier cases

Here we try to check out what seems interesting about DAP and CAVIAR. We will worry about susie in a separate notebook.

susie vs DAP

Now for this case, the 3 outlier data-set previously reported are no longer in susie L1's CS. Thus not showing up here.

susie vs CAVIAR

Same situation as before.

FDR comparison, susie vs DAP

DAP cluster is filtered by 95% cluster_prob

In [1]:
%cd ~/GIT/github/mvarbvs/dsc
Frontend communicator is broken. Please restart jupyter server
In [3]:
1 50 50 56 1.0000000 0.8571429 0.000000000.14285714
2 100 48 73 0.9166667 0.9315068 0.083333330.06849315
3 150 43 87 0.9767442 0.9425287 0.023255810.05747126
4 200 40 74 0.8500000 0.8648649 0.150000000.13513514
5 250 34 71 0.9411765 0.9014085 0.058823530.09859155

Okay then we know what happens when L is too smaller ... The tdr rate did not change much, though. This is interesting.

Copyright © 2016-2020 Gao Wang et al at Stephens Lab, University of Chicago