Multivariate Bayesian variable selection regression

SuSiE Purity Plot

This is mostly the same as 20180516_Purity_Plot.ipynb but using lm_less simulation model instead of simple_lm. The difference is that now PVE is confined to 0.2.

In [4]:
%revisions -n 10 --source
In [3]:
%cd ~/GIT/github/mvarbvs/dsc

Other differences include:

  1. Increase number of genes to 100 and use 2 replicates per analysis
  2. Fix a minor bug in residual variance simulation
  3. Use $|r|$ for LD filtering, not $r^2$
  4. Add histogram of purity

Therefore I chose an LD cutoff of 0.5 for now (comparable to 0.25 when squared). But we argue that in practice it does not matter.


Purity plots

Purity plots updated to here. In particular we focus on this one with 2 causal, prior 0.1 for PVE 0.2, and null_weight set to 0.5.

In [3]:
%preview susie_comparison/purity_20180620/12.png
> susie_comparison/purity_20180620/12.png (338.4 KiB):

Purity filter vs capture rate

In [4]:
%preview susie_comparison/ld_20180620.png
> susie_comparison/ld_20180620.png (93.0 KiB):

Histogram of purity

In [5]:
%preview susie_comparison/hist_0722.png
%preview susie_comparison/hist_0722.png
> susie_comparison/hist_0722.png (13.4 KiB):

Run benchmark

In [ ]:
dsc susie.dsc --target susie_comparison
In [ ]:
parameter: cwd = path('~/GIT/github/mvarbvs/dsc')
parameter: outdir = 'susie_comparison'
parameter: name = '1008'
parameter: source = "liter_data"
parameter: dataset = 'lm_less'
parameter: susie = "fit_susie"
parameter: null_weight = [0.0,0.5,0.9,0.95]
parameter: maxL=10
ld_cutoff = 0.25
lfsr_cutoff = 0.05

Plot by purity

In [ ]:
[purity_1, ld_1]
target = f"{source}.dataset {dataset} {dataset}.pve {dataset}.n_signal {susie}.maxL {susie}.null_weight {susie}.prior_var {susie}"
output: f'{cwd}/{outdir}/purity_{name}_{source}_{dataset}_{susie}.rds'
R: expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd
    out = dscrutils::dscquery("${outdir}", target = "${target}")
    saveRDS(out, ${_output:r})
In [ ]:
[purity_2, ld_2]
parameter: pve = [0.2]
parameter: L = [1,2,3,4,5]
parameter: prior = [0, 0.1, 0.4]
ld_col = 1
combos = len(pve) * len(L) * len(null_weight) * len(prior)
output_files = [f'{_input:d}/{x+1}.rds' for x in range(combos)]
input: for_each = ['pve', 'L', 'null_weight', 'prior'], concurrent = True
output: output_files[_index]
R: expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd
    get_combined = function(sub, dirname, ld_col) {
        out_files = sub[,c("${susie}.output.file", "${dataset}.output.file")]
        combined = list(purity = NULL, lfsr = NULL, size = NULL, 
                        captures = NULL, total_captures = NULL)
        for (i in 1:nrow(out_files)) {
            fit_file = paste0(dirname, out_files[i,1], '.rds')
            dat = readRDS(fit_file)$fit
            truth = dscrutils::read_dsc(paste0(dirname, out_files[i,2]))$data$true_coef
            L = sub[i,"${dataset}.n_signal"]
            for (r in 1:2) {
                signals = which(truth[,r]!=0)
                if (is.null(dat[[r]]$sets$cs)) next
                purity_r = as.matrix(dat[[r]]$sets$purity)
                dm = dim(purity_r)
                if (dm[1] < ${maxL}) {
                    purity_r = rbind(purity_r, matrix(0, ${maxL}-dm[1], dm[2]))
                if (is.null(combined$purity)) combined$purity = purity_r[,ld_col]
                else combined$purity = cbind(combined$purity, purity_r[,ld_col])
                if (is.null(combined$size)) combined$size = susieR:::n_in_CS(dat[[r]])
                else combined$size = cbind(combined$size, susieR:::n_in_CS(dat[[r]]))
                if (is.null(combined$lfsr)) combined$lfsr = susieR::susie_get_lfsr(dat[[r]])
                else combined$lfsr = cbind(combined$lfsr, susieR::susie_get_lfsr(dat[[r]]))
                capture_status = unlist(lapply(1:length(dat[[r]]$sets$cs), function(i) sum(dat[[r]]$sets$cs[[i]] %in% signals)))
                if (length(capture_status) < ${maxL})
                  capture_status = c(capture_status, rep(L, ${maxL} - length(capture_status)))
                if (is.null(combined$captures)) combined$captures = capture_status
                else combined$captures = cbind(combined$captures, capture_status)
                detected = colSums(, lapply(1:length(dat[[r]]$sets$cs), function(i) signals %in% dat[[r]]$sets$cs[[i]])))
                if (length(detected) < L) {
                  detected = c(detected, rep(0, L - length(detected)))
                if (is.null(combined$total_captures)) combined$total_captures = detected
                else combined$total_captures = combined$total_captures + detected      
    out = readRDS(${_input:r})
    sub = out[which(out$${dataset}.pve == ${_pve} & out$${dataset}.n_signal == ${_L} & out$${susie}.null_weight == ${_null_weight} & out$${susie}.prior_var == ${_prior}),]
    combined = get_combined(sub, "${outdir}/", ${ld_col})
    write(paste(${_pve}, ${_L}, ${_prior}, ${_null_weight}, "${_output:n}.png", sep=','), file='${_output:n}.log')
    saveRDS(combined, ${_output:r})
In [ ]:
[purity_3, ld_3]
input: group_by = 1, concurrent = True
output: f"{_input:n}.pkl"
bash: expand = True, workdir = cwd
  dsc-io {_input} {_output}
In [ ]:
input: group_by = 1, concurrent = True
output: f"{_input:n}.pdf"
python: expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    COLORS = ['#348ABD', '#7A68A6', '#A60628', '#467821', '#FF0000', '#188487', '#E2A233',
                  '#A9A9A9', '#000000', '#FF00FF', '#FFD700', '#ADFF2F', '#00FFFF']
    color_mapper = np.vectorize(lambda x: dict([(i,j) for i,j in enumerate(COLORS)]).get(x))

    def plot_purity(data, output, lfsr_cutoff = 0.05, verbose = False, delta_l = 2):
        purity = np.array(data['purity'])
        lfsr = np.array(data['lfsr'])
        size = np.array(data['size'])
        capture = np.array(data['captures'])
        capture_summary = [f"Signal {idx+1} captured {int(item)}/{purity.shape[1]}" for idx, item in enumerate([data['total_captures']] if isinstance(data['total_captures'], np.float64) else data['total_captures'])]
        n_causal = len(capture_summary)
        idx = 0
        plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
        L = purity.shape[0]
        if delta_l > 0:
            L = min(n_causal + delta_l, L)
        cols = 2
        rows = L // cols + L % cols
        position = range(1,L + 1)
        insig = []
        for x, y, z, c in zip(size, purity, lfsr, capture):
            # exclude previously marked insignificant positions
            exclude = [i for i, item in enumerate(x) if (x[i], y[i]) in insig]
            z_sig = [i for i, zz in enumerate(z) if zz <= lfsr_cutoff and i not in exclude]
            z_nsig = [i for i, zz in enumerate(z) if zz > lfsr_cutoff and i not in exclude]
            colors = [4 if i == 0 else 0 for i in c]
            idx += 1
            if len(z_sig):
                label = f'L{idx}: lfsr<={lfsr_cutoff}'
                plt.scatter(np.take(x, z_sig),
                            np.take(y, z_sig),
                            c = color_mapper(np.take(colors, z_sig)), 
                            label = label, marker = '*')
            if len(z_nsig):
                label = f'L{idx}: lfsr>{lfsr_cutoff}'
                plt.scatter(np.take(x, z_nsig),
                            np.take(y, z_nsig),
                            c = color_mapper(np.take(colors, z_nsig)), 
                            label = label, marker = 'x')
            # mask colored (insig) sets
            insig.extend([(x[i], y[i]) for i, item in enumerate(colors) if item > 0 and i not in exclude])
            insig = list(set(insig))
            plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0,1.02,1,0.2), loc="lower left",
                    mode="expand", borderaxespad=0, ncol=2, handletextpad=0.1)
            plt.axhline(y=${ld_cutoff}, color = '#FF0000', alpha=0.5)
            plt.xlabel("CS Size")
            plt.ylabel("CS Purity")
            if idx >= L:
        plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5/3*rows, wspace = 0.25)
        if verbose:
            plt.suptitle(f"95% CI set sizes vs min(abs(LD)) | LD filter ${ld_cutoff}\n{'; '.join(capture_summary)}")
        plt.savefig(output, dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight')

    import pickle, os
    data = pickle.load(open('${_input}', 'rb'))
        plot_purity(data, '${_output}', lfsr_cutoff = ${lfsr_cutoff})
        os.system("convert -density 120 ${_output} ${_output:n}.png")
    except Exception as e:
        os.system("touch ${_output}")
In [ ]:
header = 'PVE,N_Causal,susie_prior,null_weight,output'
output:  f'{cwd}/{outdir}/purity_{name}/index.html'
bash: expand = True, workdir = cwd
    echo {header} > {_output:n}.csv
    cat {str(_input).replace('.pdf', '.log')} >> {_output:n}.csv
    cd {_output:d}
    dsc-io {_output:an}.csv {_output:a}

Plot capture rate by purity filter

In [ ]:
output: f'{cwd}/{outdir}/ld_{name}.pkl'
python: expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd
    import numpy as np
    import pickle
    lds = dict([(x, []) for x in np.linspace(0, 1, num=21) if x < 1])
    for f in [${_input:r,}]:
        data = pickle.load(open(f, 'rb'))
        if data['purity'] is None:
            # failed to generate this dataset
        for k in lds:
            cs_capture_status = np.array(data['captures'][np.where(data['purity'] > k)]).ravel()
            if len(cs_capture_status):
                lds[k].append((f, sum(cs_capture_status > 0) / len(cs_capture_status)))
    with open(${_output:r}, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(lds, f)
In [ ]:
output: f'{_input:n}.png'
python: expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd
    import pickle
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(8,4), "font.size":10, "axes.titlesize":10,"axes.labelsize":10}, style = "whitegrid")
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,4))
    data = pickle.load(open('${outdir}/ld_${name}.pkl', 'rb'))
    plot_data = dict([('LD cutoff', []), ('CS capture rate', [])])
    idx = 0
    for k in sorted(data.keys()):
        idx += 1
        if idx % 2:
        for item in data[k]:
            plot_data['LD cutoff'].append(f'{k:.2f}')
            plot_data['CS capture rate'].append(item[1])
    plot_data = pd.DataFrame(plot_data)
    sns.violinplot(ax=ax, x="LD cutoff", y="CS capture rate", data=plot_data, cut=0.5, inner="box")
    plt.axhline(0.95, color='red')
    import os
    os.system("convert -density 120 ${_output:n}.pdf ${_output}")

Histogram of purity

In [ ]:
use_null_weight = 0.5
output: f'{cwd}/{outdir}/hist_{name}.png'
python: expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import pickle, os
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(4,4), "font.size":20, "axes.titlesize":20,"axes.labelsize":20}, style = "white")
    data = pd.read_csv("${_input:n}.csv").query('null_weight == ${use_null_weight} and susie_prior == 0.1')
    files = data['output'].tolist()
    ncausal = data['N_Causal'].tolist()
    pngs = []
    for f,n in zip(files,ncausal):
        hist_dat = pickle.load(open(f[:-3] + 'pkl', 'rb'))['purity']
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,4))
        sns.distplot(np.ravel(np.array(hist_dat)), ax=ax, bins=20, kde=False, color='#800000')
        ax.set_title(f'{n} effect variable{"s" if n > 1 else ""}')
        os.system(f"convert -density 120 ${_output:n}_{n}.pdf ${_output:n}_{n}.png")
    import os
    os.system(f'convert +append {" ".join(pngs)} ${_output}')

Copyright © 2016-2020 Gao Wang et al at Stephens Lab, University of Chicago