Multivariate Bayesian variable selection regression

Enrichment analysis workflow for molecular QTL results

For molecular QTL analysis results we obtained we'd like to see if:

  1. PIP are higher on average in certain annotation groups than in the rest of genome
  2. Is there an enrichment for variables both in CS and in some annotation groups
    • Specifically, whether or not there is an enrichment in the secondary CS that we capture

We focus only on the results that has 1 or more CS identified.

Annotations used for splice QTL

We use the following types of annotations:

  1. Histone marks for LCLs from Epigenome Roadmap (download link see pipeline below)
  2. CTCF binding sites
  3. POL II ChIP-seq (download link see pipeline below)
  4. Intron and exon regions from UCSC
  5. Extended splice site, defined as 5bp up/down intron start site and 15bp up/down intron end site (based on UCSC intron data)

I will first test for enrichment with the primary CS (defined as the set with highest purity), then test for the non-primary CS. The idea is to discover enrichment of annotations in the primary CS, then also show that additional CS has similar (or interestingly different!) pattern of enrichment.

In [1]:
%revisions -s -n 10
Revision Author Date Message
aeff0d4 Gao Wang 2018-09-07 Update enrichment analysis data path
f3b5e0e Gao Wang 2018-09-06 Update analysis data path
6ffe8e6 Gao Wang 2018-09-05 Update CS summary
27f917a Gao Wang 2018-08-16 Plot enrichment results
1ccb004 Gao Wang 2018-08-16 Use PIP cutoff 0.2 for enrichment test
b9812cb Gao Wang 2018-08-15 Add check with matrixqtl results
dd86c4b Gao Wang 2018-08-14 Update enrichment analysis
9e348be Gao Wang 2018-08-13 Update enrichment analysis
08a8685 Gao Wang 2018-07-31 Make input zscore file a parameter for GREGOR analysis of other data-sets
d7b6d17 Gao Wang 2018-07-24 Add GREGOR results
In [2]:
! sos run 20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb -h
usage: sos run 20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb
               [workflow_name | -t targets] [options] [workflow_options]
  workflow_name:        Single or combined workflows defined in this script
  targets:              One or more targets to generate
  options:              Single-hyphen sos parameters (see "sos run -h" for details)
  workflow_options:     Double-hyphen workflow-specific parameters


Global Workflow Options:
  --y-data . (as path)
                        Y data, the phenotype file paths
  --trait VAL (required)
                        Trait name
  --cwd  path(f'{y_data:d}/{trait}_output')

                        Specify work / output directory
  --annotation-dir /home/gaow/Documents/GIT/LargeFiles/he_lab_annotations_bed (as path)
                        Path to directory of annotation
  --single-annot . (as path)
                        Path to list of single annotations
                        to use
  --max-dist 100000 (as int)
                        Maximum distance to site of
                        interest, set to eg. 100Kb or 1Mb
                        up/downstream to start site of
                        analysis unit

  extract_sumstats_1:   Extract summary stats from RDS files
                        to plain text
  extract_sumstats_2:   Consolidate results to one file
  zscore2bed_1:         Auxiliary step to get variant in bed
                        format based on variant ID in
                        z-score file
    Workflow Options:
      --in-file . (as path)
      --chr-prefix ''
  range2var_annotation_1: Get variants in data that falls in
                        target region
  range2var_annotation_2: Make binary annotation file
  pip_rank_test_1:      Test if PIP is larger in annotations
  pip_rank_test_2, cs_fisher_test_2: Consolidate results to
                        one file
  cs_fisher_test_1:     Test if CS is enriched with

Annotation input

Annotation files are in bed format (for example: Coding_UCSC.bed).

chr1    69090   70008
chr1    367658  368597
chr1    621095  622034
chr9    141121357       141121553
chr9    141124188       141124276
chr9    141134069       141134172

There are many annotations one can use. For this workflow one should prepare a list of annotations for input, like this:

# my annotation

comment symbol # is allowed.

Data input

Need to format the data to:

Variant_ID PIP z_score CS_ID

Where CS_ID is 0 if variant is not in SuSiE CS, 1 if in CS 1, 2 in CS 2, etc. Variant_ID carries information of chrom and pos. eg, rs10131831_chr14_20905250_G_A

In [ ]:
# Y data, the phenotype file paths
parameter: y_data = path()
# Trait name
parameter: trait = None
# Specify work / output directory
parameter: cwd = path(f'{y_data:d}/{trait}_output')
# Path to directory of annotation files
parameter: annotation_dir = path('/project/compbio/jointLCLs/annotations/susie_paper_annotations')
# Path to list of single annotations to use
parameter: single_annot = path() #parameter: single_annot = path("data/all_annotations.txt")
# Maximum distance to site of interest, set to eg. 100Kb or 1Mb up/downstream to start site of analysis unit
parameter: max_dist = 100000
fail_if(not y_data.is_file(), msg = 'Please provide valid ``--y-data``!')
parameter: z_score = path(f'{cwd}/{y_data:bnn}_{int(max_dist/1000)}Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci.sumstats.gz')
out_dir = f'{cwd}/{y_data:bnn}_{int(max_dist/1000)}Kb/enrichment/{z_score:bn}'.replace('.', '_')
    single_anno = [f"{annotation_dir}/{x.split()[0]}.bed" for x in open(single_annot).readlines() if not x.startswith('#')]
except (FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError):
    single_anno = []

and some bash variables:


Software resource

Initially I've got all my tools dockerized. Unfortunately it is not straightforward to run docker (or singularity, yet) on UChicago cluster. I will add in here the notes to install needed software to markdown cells near relevant workflow steps.

Prepare annotations

Histone marks

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb download_histone_annotation \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata

Need to install bedops:

conda install -c bioconda bedops
In [ ]:
depends: executable('sort-bed')
dataset = paths(["E116-DNase.macs2.narrowPeak.gz",
input: for_each = 'dataset', concurrent = True
output: f'{annotation_dir}/{_dataset:nn}.bed'
download: dest_dir = annotation_dir, expand = True{_dataset}
bash: expand = True, workdir = annotation_dir
    zcat {_dataset} | cut -f1-3 | grep -v chrM | sort-bed - > {_output}

CTCF binding:

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb download_ctcf_annotation \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata
In [ ]:
depends: executable('sort-bed')
output: f'{annotation_dir}/CTCF_binding.bed'
download: dest_dir = annotation_dir
bash: expand = True, workdir = annotation_dir
    cut -f1-3 -d "," bindings.csv | tail -n+2 | sed 's/,/\t/g' | sed 's/^/chr/g' | grep -v chrM | sort-bed - > {_output}

PolyII binding:

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb download_polII_annotation \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata

Need to liftOver:

conda config --add channels bioconda
conda install ucsc-liftover
In [ ]:
depends: executable('sort-bed'), executable('liftOver')
dataset = "GSM487431_GM12878_Pol2_narrowPeak.bed.gz"
output: f'{annotation_dir}/PolII_binding.bed'
download: dest_dir = annotation_dir, expand=True{dataset}
download: dest_dir = annotation_dir
bash: expand = True, workdir = annotation_dir
    zcat {dataset} | cut -f1-3  | grep -v chrM | sort-bed - > {_output:n}.hg18.bed
bash: expand = True, workdir = annotation_dir
    liftOver {_output:n}.hg18.bed hg18ToHg19.over.chain.gz {_output} unmapped

General annotations:

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb download_general_annotation --trait $trait \
    --y-data $ydata
In [ ]:
output: [f'{annotation_dir}/{x}.bed' for x in ['Coding_UCSC', 'Intron_UCSC']]
download: dest_dir = annotation_dir, decompress = True

Gene regions:

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb gene_regions \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata
In [ ]:
depends: Py_Module('pandas')
output: f'{annotation_dir}/genes.bed'
download: dest_dir = annotation_dir
python: expand = '${ }', workdir = annotation_dir
    import pandas as pd
    ref_gene = pd.read_table('refGene.txt.gz', compression="gzip", sep="\t", 
                         header = None, usecols=(1,2,4,5,12), 
                         names = ["tx_name", "chrom", "tx_start", "tx_end", "gene_name"])
    ref_gene = ref_gene.drop_duplicates(subset=("chrom", "tx_start", "tx_end"))
    ref_gene = pd.DataFrame(ref_gene.groupby(['chrom','gene_name']).agg({'tx_start': 'min', 'tx_end': 'max'}).to_records())
    ref_gene.iloc[:,[0,2,3]].to_csv(${_output:r}, sep = "\t", header = False, index = False)
In [ ]:
output: f'{annotation_dir}/gene_map.txt'
download: dest_dir = annotation_dir, decompress = True

depends: executable('sort-bed')
output: f'{_input:n}.bed'
bash: expand = True, workdir = annotation_dir
    cut {_input} -f2-4 | sed 's/^/chr/g' | grep -v chrM | sort-bed - > {_output}

Extended splice sites:

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb extended_splice_site \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata
In [ ]:
depends: executable('sort-bed')
input: f"{annotation_dir}/Intron_UCSC.bed"
output: f"{annotation_dir}/Extended_splice_site.bed"
python: expand = "${ }", workdir = annotation_dir
    lines = [x.strip().split() for x in open(${_input:r}).readlines()]
    out = []
    for line in lines:
    with open(${_output:r}, 'w') as f:
        f.write('\n'.join(out) + '\n')
bash: expand = True, workdir = annotation_dir
    sort-bed {_output} > {_output:n}.sorted.txt
    mv {_output:n}.sorted.txt {_output}

Prepare summary statistics file

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb extract_sumstats \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata -j $ncpu --cwd $cwd
In [ ]:
# Extract summary stats from RDS files to plain text
input: glob.glob(f'{cwd}/{y_data:bnn}_{int(max_dist/1000)}Kb/SuSiE_CS_[1-9]/*.rds'), group_by = 1, concurrent = True
output: f'{_input:dd}/enrichment/{_input:bn}.sumstats.gz'
R: expand = '${ }'
    dat = readRDS(${_input:r})
    pip = dat$pip
    names = names(readRDS(dat$input)[[dat$idx]]$z_score)
    zscore = readRDS(dat$input)[[dat$idx]]$z_score
    # For earlier version of susieR
    ordering = order(dat$sets$purity$min.abs.corr, decreasing=T)
    dat$sets$cs = dat$sets$cs[ordering]
    dat$sets$purity = dat$sets$purity[ordering,]
    cs_id = rep(0, length(pip))
    j = 1
    for (i in names(dat$sets$cs)) {
        cs_id[dat$sets$cs[[i]]] = j
        j = j + 1
    write.table(cbind(names,pip,zscore,cs_id), gzfile(${_output:r}), quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")

# Consolidate results to one file
output: f'{cwd}/{y_data:bnn}_{int(max_dist/1000)}Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci.sumstats.gz'
bash: expand = True
    zcat {_input} | gzip --best > {_output}
[MW] zcat /project/compbio/jointLCLs/results/SuSiE/fastqtl_qqnorm_ASintron_RNAseqGeuvadis_YangVCF_100Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci.sumstats.gz | wc -l
[MW] zcat /project/compbio/jointLCLs/results/SuSiE/fastqtl_qqnorm_ASintron_RNAseqGeuvadis_YangVCF_100Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci.sumstats.gz | cut -f 4 | grep 1 | wc -l
[MW] zcat /project/compbio/jointLCLs/results/SuSiE/fastqtl_qqnorm_ASintron_RNAseqGeuvadis_YangVCF_100Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci.sumstats.gz | cut -f 4 | grep 2 | wc -l
[MW] zcat /project/compbio/jointLCLs/results/SuSiE/fastqtl_qqnorm_ASintron_RNAseqGeuvadis_YangVCF_100Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci.sumstats.gz | cut -f 4 | grep 3 | wc -l

So we have total of 1370381 variants, 38557 in CS 1, 1868 in CS 2, etc.

Convert variants from summary statistics to bed format

In [ ]:
# Auxiliary step to get variant in bed format based on variant ID in z-score file
depends: R_library('readr'), R_library('stringr'), R_library('dplyr')
parameter: in_file = path()
parameter: chr_prefix = ""
input: in_file
output: f'{_input:n}.bed.unsorted'
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, stdout = f'{_output:n}.stdout'
    var_file <- ${_input:r}
    out_file <- ${_output:r}

    variants <- read_tsv(var_file)
    colnames(variants) = c('variant', 'pip', 'zscore', 'cs')
    var_info <- str_split(variants$variant, "_")
    variants <- mutate(variants, chr = paste0("${chr_prefix}", sapply(var_info, function(x){x[2]})), 
                                 pos = sapply(var_info, function(x){x[3]})) %>%
                mutate(start = as.numeric(pos), stop=as.numeric(pos)  + 1) %>%
                select(chr, start, stop, variant)
    options(scipen=1000) # So that positions are always fully written out)
    write.table(variants, file=out_file, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")

depends: executable('sort-bed')
output: f'{_input:n}'
bash: expand = True, workdir = cwd
     sort-bed {_input} > {_output}

[get_variants: provides = '{data}.bed']
output: f'{data}.bed'
sos_run('zscore2bed', in_file = f'{_output:n}.gz')

Apply ranged based annotations

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb range2var_annotation \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata -j $ncpu \
    --single-annot data/annotation.list
In [ ]:
# Get variants in data that falls in target region
depends: executable('bedops')
depends: f'{z_score:n}.bed'
input: set(paths(single_anno)), group_by = 1, concurrent = True
output: f'{out_dir}/{_input:bn}.{z_score:bn}.bed'
bash: expand = True,  workdir = cwd
    bedops -e {z_score:n}.bed {_input} > {_output}
In [ ]:
# Make binary annotation file
depends: z_score, R_library('readr'), R_library('stringr'), R_library('dplyr')
input: group_by = 1, concurrent = True
output: f'{_input:n}.gz'
R: expand = "${ }", workdir = cwd, stderr = f'{_output:n}.stderr'

    variant_tsv <- ${z_score:r}
    annotation_var_bed <- ${_input:r}
    annot_name <- ${_input:bnr} %>% str_replace(paste0(".",${z_score:bnr}), "")
    out_name <- ${_output:r}

    vars <- read_tsv(variant_tsv, col_names=FALSE)[,1]
    annot_vars = read_tsv(annotation_var_bed, col_names=FALSE)
    names(vars) <- "SNP"
    vars <- vars %>%
            mutate(annot_d = case_when(SNP %in% annot_vars$X4 ~ 1,
                                                        TRUE ~ 0))
    # remove possible duplicate rows
    vars <- unique(vars)    
    names(vars)[2] <- annot_name
    write.table(vars, file=gzfile(out_name),
                col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)

Matched enrichment analysis via GREGOR

To properly perform enrichment analysis we want to match the control SNPs with the SNPs of interest -- that is, SNPs inside CS -- in terms of LD, distance to nearest gene and MAF. The GREGOR software can generate list of matched SNPs. I will use SNPs inside CS as input and expect a list of output SNPs matching these inputs.

GREGOR is release under University of Michigan license so I'll not make it into a docker image. So path to GREGOR directory is required. Also we need reference files, prepared by:

cat \
    GREGOR.AFR.ref.r2.greater.than.0.7.tar.gz.part.00 \
    GREGOR.AFR.ref.r2.greater.than.0.7.tar.gz.part.01 \
    > GREGOR.AFR.ref.r2.greater.than.0.7.tar.gz
tar zxvf GREGOR.AFR.ref.r2.greater.than.0.7.tar.gz

MD5SUM check:

AFR.part.0  ( MD5: 9926904128dd58d6bf1ad4f1e90638af )
AFR.part.1  ( MD5: c1d30aff89a584bfa8c1fa1bdc197f21 )

The input file can be a list of rs ID's. In SuSiE_loci.sumstats.gz we do have this information.

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb gregor --cs 1 \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata -j $ncpu \
    --single-annot data/annotation.list 

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb gregor --cs 2 \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata -j $ncpu \
    --single-annot data/annotation.list
In [ ]:
[gregor_1 (make SNP index)]
# which set to test. 1 to test primary test, otherwise non-primary set
parameter: cs = 1
input: z_score
output: f'{_input:nn}.set{cs}.txt', f'{_input:nn}.annotations.list'
bash: expand = '${ }'
    zcat ${_input} | awk '{if (${"$4==1 && $2 > 0.05" if cs == 1 else "$4>1 && $2 > 0.05"}) print $0}' | cut -f 2,3 -d "_" | sed 's/_/:/g' | sort -u > ${_output[0]}

with open(_output[1], 'w') as f:

[gregor_2 (make configuration file)]
parameter: gregor_db = path('/data/GREGOR_DB')
parameter: pop = 'AFR'
parameter: ncpu = 10
output: f'{_input[0]:n}.gregor.conf'
report: output = f'{_output}', expand = True
    # This configuration file contains run-time configuration of
    INDEX_SNP_FILE = {_input[0]}
    BED_FILE_INDEX = {_input[1]} 
    REF_DIR = {gregor_db}
    R2THRESHOLD = 0.7 ## must be greater than 0.7
    LDWINDOWSIZE = 10000 ## must be less than 1MB; these two values define LD buddies
    OUT_DIR = {_output:nn}_gregor_output
    MIN_NEIGHBOR_NUM = 10 ## define the size of neighborhood
    BEDFILE_IS_SORTED = true  ## false, if the bed files are not sorted
    POPULATION = {pop}  ## define the population, you can specify EUR, AFR, AMR or ASN
    JOBNUMBER = {ncpu}
    #BATCHTYPE = mosix ##  submit jobs on MOSIX
    #BATCHOPTS = -E/tmp -i -m2000 -j10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,120,122,123,124,125 sh -c
    #BATCHTYPE = slurm   ##  submit jobs on SLURM
    #BATCHOPTS = --partition=broadwl --account=pi-mstephens --time=0:30:0
    BATCHTYPE = local ##  run jobs on local machine

bash: expand = True
    sed -i '/^$/d' {_output}

GREGOR is written in perl. Some libraries are required to run GREGOR:

sudo apt-get install libdbi-perl libswitch-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl
In [ ]:
[gregor_3 (run gregor)]
parameter: gregor_path = path('/opt/GREGOR')
output: f'{_input:nn}_gregor_output/StatisticSummaryFile.txt'
bash: expand = True
    rm -rf {_input:nn}_gregor_output && perl {gregor_path}/script/ --conf {_input} && touch {_output}

[gregor_4 (format output)]
output: f'{_input:n}.csv'
bash: expand = True
    sed 's/\t/,/g' {_input} > {_output}
In [11]:
dat = read.table('/home/gaow/Documents/GIT/LargeFiles/JointLCL/AS_output/fastqtl_qqnorm_ASintron_RNAseqGeuvadis_YangVCF_100Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci_gregor_output/StatisticSummaryFile.csv', head=T, sep=',')
1E116-H3K36me3.bed 2883 770.67361 0.000000e+00
2E116-H3K4me3.bed 2162 650.85295 0.000000e+00
7PolII_binding.bed 1353 252.57187 0.000000e+00
9E116-H3K9ac.bed 2112 591.04726 0.000000e+00
10E116-H3K79me2.bed 2668 752.76032 0.000000e+00
11E116-H3K4me2.bed 2809 1024.89199 0.000000e+00
12Coding_UCSC.bed 1932 791.45368 0.000000e+00
13E116-H3K27ac.bed 2424 767.45946 0.000000e+00
6E116-H3K4me1.bed 2049 900.11623 2.817817e-303
8E116-H2A.Z.bed 1512 591.64615 5.953945e-269
3Extended_splice_site.bed 522 131.50573 1.491773e-164
5E116-H4K20me1.bed 294 73.90964 1.072375e-89
4CTCF_binding.bed 779 432.57289 5.859478e-59
14Intron_UCSC.bed 5879 5724.81885 5.798512e-13

Unmatched enrichment analysis

In Li 2016 manuscript the analysis was not matched by LD, MAF and TSS for sQTL. The only constraint for control SNPs was that they should be within intron clusters. To focus analysis on these SNPs:

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb overlap_cluster \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata
In [ ]:
# Overlap z-scores with intron clusters
depends: executable('bedops')
input: f"{z_score:n}.bed"
output: f'{out_dir}/{y_data:bnn}.{z_score:bn}.overlap.bed'
bash: expand = True, workdir = cwd
    # bedops -e {_input} {annotation_dir}/gene_map.bed | sort -u > {_output}
    bedops -e {_input} <(cat {annotation_dir}/Coding_UCSC.bed {annotation_dir}/Intron_UCSC.bed | sort-bed -) | sort -u > {_output}

We ended up having 369K variants:

[GW] wc -l /home/gaow/Documents/GIT/LargeFiles/JointLCL/AS_output/fastqtl_qqnorm_ASintron_RNAseqGeuvadis_YangVCF_100Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci_sumstats/fastqtl_qqnorm_ASintron_RNAseqGeuvadis_YangVCF.SuSiE_loci.sumstats.overlap.bed

Test for larger PIP in annotation vs outside it.

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb pip_rank_test \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata -j $ncpu \
    --single-annot data/annotation.list
In [ ]:
# Subset data
[pip_rank_test_1, cs_fisher_test_1]
depends: z_score, f'{out_dir}/{y_data:bnn}.{z_score:bn}.overlap.bed', R_library('readr'), R_library('stringr'), R_library('dplyr')
input_files = [f'{out_dir}/{value:bn}.{z_score:bn}.gz' for value in paths(single_anno)]
input: input_files, group_by = 1, concurrent = True
output: f'{_input:n}.data.rds'
R: expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd, stderr = f'{_output:n}.stderr'
    variants <- read_tsv(${z_score:r}, col_names=FALSE)
    colnames(variants) = c('SNP', 'PIP', 'Z', 'CS')
    annotation <- read_tsv(${_input:r}, col_names=TRUE)
    name = colnames(annotation)[2]
    colnames(annotation) = c('SNP', 'GROUP')
    cluster_subset <- read_tsv('${out_dir}/${y_data:bnn}.${z_score:bn}.overlap.bed', col_names=FALSE)
    colnames(cluster_subset) = c("CHR", "START", "END", "SNP")
    # restrict analysis to within genes
    annotation = inner_join(cluster_subset, annotation, by = "SNP")[,c("SNP", "GROUP")]
    # remove duplicates in variants but keep the largest CS label when possible
    variants =
    variants = variants[order(variants[,'SNP'],-variants[,'CS']),]
    variants = variants[!duplicated(variants[,'SNP']),]
    variants = inner_join(annotation, variants, by = "SNP")
    saveRDS(list(name=name, variants=variants), ${_output:r})
In [ ]:
# Test if PIP is larger in annotations
input: group_by = 1, concurrent = True
output: f'{_input:n}.pip_rank_test.csv'
R: expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd, stdout = f'{_output:n}.stdout'
    dat = readRDS(${_input:r})
    variants = dat$variants
    name = dat$name
    if (length(unique(variants$GROUP)) == 1) {
      write(paste(name, NA, NA, NA, NA, sep=','), file = ${_output:r})
    } else {
    test = wilcox.test(PIP ~ GROUP, data=variants,
    write(paste(name, test$p.value, test$estimate, test$[1], test$[2], sep=','), file = ${_output:r})

# Consolidate results to one file
output: f"{cwd}/{y_data:bnn}_{int(max_dist/1000)}Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci.sumstats.{step_name.rsplit('_', 1)[0]}.csv"
bash: expand = True
    cat {_input} > {_output}
In [9]:
dat = read.table('/home/gaow/Documents/GIT/LargeFiles/JointLCL/AS_output/fastqtl_qqnorm_ASintron_RNAseqGeuvadis_YangVCF_100Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci.sumstats.pip_rank_test.csv', head=F, sep=',')
colnames(dat) = c('annotation', 'p.value', 'estimate', '', "")
5E116-H3K36me3 3.502158e-30 -5.129676e-06 1.775306e-05 -3.221700e-05
9E116-H3K79me2 4.270451e-13 -6.049179e-07 7.960476e-06 -2.022996e-05
6E116-H3K4me1 1.697103e-09 -9.792211e-08 -1.556027e-06 1.362075e-05
1Coding_UCSC 2.509293e-05 -4.857236e-06 -1.807982e-06 1.770077e-05
12Intron_UCSC 8.206769e-05 9.223260e-07 1.164579e-05 -3.812980e-05
7E116-H3K4me2 1.346789e-02 -9.790462e-07 1.863036e-05 -2.333847e-05
11E116-H4K20me1 2.504146e-02 9.040980e-06 3.240370e-05 -1.051296e-05
3E116-H2A.Z 3.381491e-02 -2.721414e-06 -3.348304e-05 -3.768027e-05
14Extended_splice_site4.238859e-02 -4.047743e-06 -2.379580e-05 -1.682468e-05
10E116-H3K9ac 5.446758e-02 -5.920611e-07 -1.564686e-05 -4.512561e-05
8E116-H3K4me3 1.027078e-01 -2.603563e-06 -2.694487e-05 9.840231e-06
13PolII_binding 1.918467e-01 -3.929391e-06 7.624660e-06 -2.928285e-05
2CTCF_binding 2.040274e-01 -3.818905e-06 2.232505e-06 2.335322e-05
4E116-H3K27ac 4.087071e-01 -1.722333e-07 8.590494e-06 -2.235855e-05

Test for enrichment of annotation in CS.

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb cs_fisher_test \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata -j $ncpu \
    --single-annot data/annotation.list
In [ ]:
# Test if CS is enriched with annotations
parameter: pip_cutoff = 0.2
input: group_by = 1, concurrent = True
output: f'{_input:n}.cs_fisher_test.csv'
R: expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd, stdout = f'{_output:n}.stdout'
    run_test = function(dat) {
        d1 = dat[which(dat$CS < 2),]
        d1 = d1[-which(d1$CS == 1 & d1$PIP < ${pip_cutoff}), ]
        d1$PIP = NULL
        d1 = table(d1)
        test.d1 = fisher.test(d1)
        # test for non-first CS only
        d2 = dat[which(dat$CS != 1),]
        d2$CS[which(d2$CS>0)] = 1
        d2 = d2[-which(d2$CS == 1 & d2$PIP < ${pip_cutoff}), ]
        d2$PIP = NULL
        d2 = table(d2)
        test.d2 = fisher.test(d2)
        return(c(test.d1$p.value, test.d1$estimate, test.d1$[1], test.d1$[2], test.d2$p.value, test.d2$estimate, test.d2$[1], test.d2$[2]))
    dat = readRDS(${_input:r})
    variants = dat$variants
    name = dat$name
    if (length(unique(variants$GROUP)) == 1) {
      write(paste(name, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, sep=','), file = ${_output:r})
    } else {
    # test against all CS
    test = run_test(variants[,c('CS', 'GROUP', 'PIP')])
    write(paste(c(name, test), collapse=','), file = ${_output:r})
In [ ]:
# Plot enrichement results
max_or = 10
min_or = 0
depends: R_library("ggplot2")
output: f"{_input:n}.png"
pval_cutoff = 0.0001
R: expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd
    plot_or = function(dat, title, xlab= "Odds ratio", ylab="Annotations",color='#800000') {
      p1 <- ggplot(dat, aes(y=annotation)) +
          geom_point(aes(x=est), colour=color) + #plot OR
          geom_segment(aes(x=lower,xend=upper,yend=annotation), alpha=0.6,color=color) + #plot confint
      p1 <- p1 + geom_vline(xintercept=1) + theme_bw() + labs(title=title, x=xlab, y=ylab) + xlim(${min_or},${max_or})

    dat = read.table(${_input:r}, head=F, sep=',')
    colnames(dat) = c('annotation', 'pvalue.1', 'est.1', 'conf.1a', "conf.1b",  'pvalue.2', 'est.2', 'conf.2a', "conf.2b")
    dat$annotation = gsub("_", " ", dat$annotation) 
    dat = dat[which(dat$pvalue.1 < ${pval_cutoff}), ]
    dat1 = dat[, c('annotation', 'pvalue.1', 'est.1', 'conf.1a', "conf.1b")]
    dat1 = dat1[order(dat1$pvalue.1),]
    colnames(dat1) = c('annotation', 'pvalue', 'est', 'lower', "upper")
    dat1$lower[which(dat1$lower < ${min_or})] = ${min_or}
    dat1$upper[which(dat1$upper > ${max_or})] = ${max_or}
    dat1$pvalue = paste0("p=", format.pval(dat1$pvalue,digits=1))
    dat2 = dat[, c('annotation', 'pvalue.2', 'est.2', 'conf.2a', "conf.2b")]
    dat2 = dat2[order(dat2$pvalue.2),]
    colnames(dat2) = c('annotation', 'pvalue', 'est', 'lower', "upper")
    dat2$lower[which(dat2$lower < ${min_or})] = ${min_or}
    dat2$upper[which(dat2$upper > ${max_or})] = ${max_or}
    dat2$pvalue = paste0("p=", format.pval(dat2$pvalue,digits=1))
    png("${_output:n}_1.png", 4, 4, units = 'in', res = 500)
    print(plot_or(dat1, "Primary signals"))
    png("${_output:n}_2.png", 4, 4, units = 'in', res = 500)
    print(plot_or(dat2, "Secondary signals", ylab="",color="#002b36"))
    system("convert +append ${_output:n}_1.png ${_output:n}_2.png ${_output}")
In [ ]:
# Plot enrichement results
depends: R_library("ggplot2")
output: f"{_input:n}.png"
pval_cutoff = 0.0001
R: expand = '${ }', workdir = cwd
    plot_or = function(dat, title, xlab= "Odds ratio", ylab="Annotations") {
      p1 <- ggplot(dat, aes(y=annotation)) +
          geom_point(aes(x=est,color=cs), colour="#800000") + #plot OR
          geom_segment(aes(x=lower,xend=upper,yend=annotation),alpha=0.8,color='#800000') + #plot confint
      p1 <- p1 + geom_vline(xintercept=1) + theme_cowplot() + labs(title=title, x=xlab, y=ylab)

    dat = read.table(${_input:r}, head=F, sep=',')
    colnames(dat) = c('annotation', 'pvalue.1', 'est.1', 'conf.1a', "conf.1b",  'pvalue.2', 'est.2', 'conf.2a', "conf.2b")
    dat$annotation = gsub("_", " ", dat$annotation) 
    dat = dat[which(dat$pvalue.1 < ${pval_cutoff}), ]
    dat1 = dat[, c('annotation', 'pvalue.1', 'est.1', 'conf.1a', "conf.1b")]
    dat1 = dat1[order(dat1$pvalue.1),]
    dat1 = cbind(dat1, 'Primary')
    colnames(dat1) = c('annotation', 'pvalue', 'est', 'lower', "upper", "cs")
    dat1$pvalue = paste0("p=", format.pval(dat1$pvalue,digits=1))
    dat2 = dat[, c('annotation', 'pvalue.2', 'est.2', 'conf.2a', "conf.2b")]
    dat2 = dat2[order(dat2$pvalue.2),]
    dat2 = cbind(dat2, 'Primary')
    colnames(dat2) = c('annotation', 'pvalue', 'est', 'lower', "upper", "cs")
    dat2$pvalue = paste0("p=", format.pval(dat2$pvalue,digits=1))
    pdf("${_output:n}.pdf", width=5, height=5, pointsize=15)
    print(plot_or(rbind(dat1, dat2), "", ylab=""))
    system("convert -density 120 ${_output:n}.pdf ${_output}")
In [15]:
dat = read.table('/project/compbio/jointLCLs/results/SuSiE/fastqtl_qqnorm_ASintron_RNAseqGeuvadis_YangVCF_100Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci.sumstats.cs_fisher_test.csv', head=F, sep=',')
colnames(dat) = c('annotation', 'p.value.1', 'est.1', 'conf.1a', "conf.1b",  'p.value.2', 'est.2', 'conf.2a', "conf.2b")
10E116-H3K9ac 4.491700e-27 2.7826476 2.3432269 3.2879112 1.092213e-01 1.9104148 0.73498164 4.197256
8E116-H3K4me3 3.572108e-25 2.6475553 2.2314967 3.1255100 4.472055e-05 4.0864249 2.08571275 7.508944
4E116-H3K27ac 9.368176e-25 2.4540943 2.0894563 2.8706004 1.012885e-01 1.8629199 0.80930075 3.800403
7E116-H3K4me2 1.860055e-23 2.2411694 1.9276674 2.5974734 6.787796e-03 2.3835616 1.21675445 4.380032
13PolII_binding 8.068895e-22 3.6198242 2.8630291 4.5261626 1.531311e-02 3.6414439 1.14015818 8.992109
9E116-H3K79me2 1.401197e-20 2.0287784 1.7572490 2.3358637 9.424025e-03 2.1801774 1.15548637 3.907992
5E116-H3K36me3 3.847952e-15 1.9230827 1.6432936 2.2417713 7.719558e-03 2.3349730 1.19193828 4.290816
1Coding_UCSC 5.293503e-14 2.1299060 1.7666310 2.5515014 1.000000e+00 0.9919093 0.26174350 2.674848
14Extended_splice_site1.229464e-12 4.9158760 3.3361123 7.0061611 7.158166e-03 8.0244134 1.60906355 24.619364
12Intron_UCSC 3.336434e-10 0.5057942 0.4160150 0.6199493 1.000000e+00 1.1963666 0.39049277 5.962572
3E116-H2A.Z 4.491182e-07 2.0597772 1.5697530 2.6602756 1.130960e-01 2.2473274 0.59295270 6.060985
6E116-H3K4me1 5.606214e-05 1.5112378 1.2391026 1.8293280 4.820077e-01 1.2689306 0.44729379 2.933419
11E116-H4K20me1 9.194609e-04 2.4124455 1.4440731 3.7938314 1.154866e-02 6.7124147 1.34616002 20.584098
2CTCF_binding 6.264933e-02 1.4423825 0.9451852 2.1130177 1.000000e+00 0.9047956 0.02255003 5.229724
In [2]:
%preview /project/compbio/jointLCLs/results/SuSiE/fastqtl_qqnorm_ASintron_RNAseqGeuvadis_YangVCF_100Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci.sumstats.cs_fisher_test.png
%preview /project/compbio/jointLCLs/results/SuSiE/fastqtl_qqnorm_ASintron_RNAseqGeuvadis_YangVCF_100Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci.sumstats.cs_fisher_test.png
> /project/compbio/jointLCLs/results/SuSiE/fastqtl_qqnorm_ASintron_RNAseqGeuvadis_YangVCF_100Kb/enrichment/SuSiE_loci.sumstats.cs_fisher_test.png (283.7 KiB):

Check for overlap between signals identifyed by Li 2016

Data download from the paper's companion data website.

sos run analysis/20180712_Enrichment_Workflow.ipynb signal_overlap \
    --trait $trait --y-data $ydata -j $ncpu --cwd $cwd
In [ ]:
[signal_overlap_1 (download Li 2016 results)]
output: f'{cwd}/output_ASintron_PC3.txt'
download: dest_dir = f"{_output:d}"
In [ ]:
depends: z_score
parameter: fdr = 0.0001
python: expand = "${ }"
    from sos.utils import get_output
    susie = set(get_output("zcat ${z_score} | cut -f2,3 -d'_' | sed 's/_/./g'").strip().split("\n"))
    yang = get_output("awk '{if ($5 < ${fdr}) print $1,$2}' ${_input}").strip().split('\n')[1:]
    yang_dict = dict()
    for line in yang:
        line = line.split()
        if line[1] not in yang_dict:
            yang_dict[line[1]] = []
    intersects = []
    for key in yang_dict:
        common = susie.intersection(yang_dict[key])
        intersects.append(len(common) > 0)
  • for fdr 0.01, 1934 out of 2437 clusters match (79%)
  • for fdr 0.001, 1324 out of 1494 clusters match (89%)
  • for fdr 1E-4, 1007 out of 1111 clusters match (91%)

Copyright © 2016-2020 Gao Wang et al at Stephens Lab, University of Chicago