Multivariate Bayesian variable selection regression

Comparing marginal statistics with Linear regression

For prototyping get_sumstats() function in data object.

Data simulation

Here I allow for presence of missing data. I load all packages to access some private functions.

In [1]:
Loading susieR
Loading mvsusieR
Loading required package: mashr
Loading required package: ashr
In [2]:
dat = mvsusie_sim1(100,100,5,4,center_scale=F,y_missing=0.5)
In [3]:
  1. 'X'
  2. 'y'
  3. 'y_missing'
  4. 'd'
  5. 'n'
  6. 'p'
  7. 'r'
  8. 'V'
  9. 'b'
In [4]:
resid_Y <- compute_cov_diag(dat$y)
resid_Y_miss <- compute_cov_diag(dat$y_missing)
alpha = 0

Marginal stats with mvsusieR

Without and with missing data:

In [5]:
d1 = DenseData$new(dat$X, dat$y,center=T,scale=T)
res1 = d1$get_sumstats(diag(resid_Y), cov2cor(resid_Y), alpha)
z1 = res1$bhat/res1$sbhat0
In [6]:
d2 = DenseData$new(dat$X, dat$y_missing,center=T,scale=T)
res2 = d2$get_sumstats(diag(resid_Y_miss), cov2cor(resid_Y_miss), alpha)
z2 = res2$bhat/res2$sbhat0

Marginal stats with

In [7]:
z3 = susieR:::calc_z(dat$X, dat$y,center=T,scale=T)
In [8]:
z4 = susieR:::calc_z(dat$X, dat$y_missing,center=T,scale=T)
In [9]:
In [10]:

The are not exactly identical because here residual variance I put in is variance of y so it's going to be more conservative. Looking at one y for example and check bhat agreement:

In [11]:
res = univariate_regression(dat$X,dat$y[,1],center=T,scale=T)
  1. 0.0313059116390261
  2. -0.012317100594729
  3. -0.0479440599997951
  4. 0.349918653975908
  5. 0.0913489205805968
  6. -0.436142259894725
In [12]:
  1. 0.031305911639026
  2. -0.012317100594729
  3. -0.0479440599997951
  4. 0.349918653975908
  5. 0.0913489205805968
  6. -0.436142259894725
In [13]:
  1. 0.236183718281728
  2. 0.236201611602444
  3. 0.236155232753879
  4. 0.233545135616633
  5. 0.236024575324305
  6. 0.232059751493872
In [14]:
  1. 0.235008906787563
  2. 0.235008906787563
  3. 0.235008906787563
  4. 0.235008906787563
  5. 0.235008906787563
  6. 0.235008906787563

bhat are identical but not sebhat. This is understandable. In unit tests I'll compare bhat.

Copyright © 2016-2020 Gao Wang et al at Stephens Lab, University of Chicago