This benchmark uses the latest GTEx V8 genotype data and evaluated the pipeline in the presence of missing data.
methods and simple diagonal methods were used to compute covariance of response to use as residual covariance.mvsusieR
. The benchmark is now under dsc_mnm
, running on UChicago RCC midway
./finemap.dsc --host mnm_dsc.yaml
This executes the default
pipeline in finemap.dsc
file, as of today (2019.11.08).
%cd ~/GIT/mvarbvs/dsc_mnm
start_time <- Sys.time()
out = dscrutils::dscquery('finemap_output', targets = c('simulate', 'mnm.resid_method', 'mnm.missing_Y', '', 'susie_scores.valid', 'susie_scores.size', 'susie_scores.purity', '', 'susie_scores.n_causal', 'susie_scores.included_causal', 'susie_scores.overlap', 'susie_scores.false_pos_cond_discoveries', 'susie_scores.false_neg_cond_discoveries', 'susie_scores.true_cond_discoveries'), verbose = F)
end_time <- Sys.time()
end_time - start_time
saveRDS(out, '../data/finemap_output.20191108.rds')
res = out[,-c(1,2)]
colnames(res) = c('resid_method', 'missing', 'total', 'valid', 'size', 'purity', 'top_hit', 'total_true', 'total_true_included', 'overlap', 'false_positive_cross_cond', 'false_negative_cross_cond', 'true_positive_cross_cond')
Yes purity is higher with missing data --- but because many of those CS are false positives! (see below)
purity = aggregate(purity~resid_method + missing, res, mean)
size = aggregate(size~resid_method+missing, res, median)
Notice here that many CS overlap -- this is not what was observed with $R=5$.
total_true_included = aggregate(total_true_included ~ resid_method + missing, res, sum)
total_true = aggregate(total_true ~ resid_method + missing, res, sum)
overlap = aggregate(overlap ~ resid_method + missing, res, mean)
power = merge(total_true_included, total_true, by = c("resid_method", "missing"))
power = merge(power, overlap, by = c("resid_method", "missing"))
power$power = power$total_true_included/power$total_true
power = power[order(power$missing),]
The high FDR explains the seemingly high power, and is consistent with the observations that CS are "purer".
valid = aggregate(valid ~ resid_method + missing, res, sum)
total = aggregate(total ~ resid_method + missing, res, sum)
fdr = merge(valid, total, by = c("resid_method", "missing"))
fdr$fdr = (fdr$total - fdr$valid)/fdr$total
fdr = fdr[order(fdr$missing),]
We compute lfsr on per signal per condition basis. We call it a signal in the condition if lfsr is smaller than 0.05.
tp = aggregate(true_positive_cross_cond ~ resid_method + missing, res, sum)
fn = aggregate(false_negative_cross_cond ~ resid_method + missing, res, sum)
power = merge(tp, fn, by = c("resid_method", "missing"))
power$power = power$true_positive_cross_cond/(power$true_positive_cross_cond + power$false_negative_cross_cond)
power = power[order(power$missing),]
tp = aggregate(true_positive_cross_cond ~ resid_method + missing, res, sum)
fp = aggregate(false_positive_cross_cond ~ resid_method + missing, res, sum)
fdr = merge(tp, fp, by = c("resid_method", "missing"))
fdr$fdr = fdr$false_positive_cross_cond/(fdr$true_positive_cross_cond + fdr$false_positive_cross_cond)
fdr = fdr[order(fdr$missing),]