Multivariate Bayesian variable selection regression

Diagnosis of problems revealed in benchmarks

This notebook performs some diagnosis for problems identified from this benchmark.

In [1]:
%cd ~/GIT/mvarbvs/dsc_mnm

Here I load previous benchmark results and identify some scenarios where there is a problem,

In [2]:
out = readRDS('../data/finemap_output.20191116.rds')
In [3]:
res = out[,-1]
colnames(res) = c('n_traits', 'resid_method', 'missing', 'EZ_model', 'L', 'total', 'valid', 'size', 'purity', 'top_hit', 'total_true', 'total_true_included', 'overlap_var', 'overlap_cs', 'false_positive_cross_cond', 'false_negative_cross_cond', 'true_positive_cross_cond', 'elbo_converged', 'filename')
In [4]:
bad = res[which(res$total-res$valid>3),]
In [5]:
bad[which(bad$missing==TRUE & bad$EZ_model==1 & bad$n_traits==5),]
53405 oracle TRUE 1 10 6 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 30 0 0 TRUE susie_scores/full_data_340_high_het_1_oracle_generator_1_mnm_high_het_6_susie_scores_1
54525 oracle TRUE 1 10 9 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 45 0 0 TRUE susie_scores/full_data_452_high_het_1_oracle_generator_1_mnm_high_het_6_susie_scores_1
173405 diag TRUE 1 10 6 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 30 0 0 TRUE susie_scores/full_data_340_high_het_1_oracle_generator_1_mnm_high_het_18_susie_scores_1
174525 diag TRUE 1 10 9 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 45 0 0 TRUE susie_scores/full_data_452_high_het_1_oracle_generator_1_mnm_high_het_18_susie_scores_1
293405 flash TRUE 1 10 6 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 30 0 0 TRUE susie_scores/full_data_340_high_het_1_oracle_generator_1_mnm_high_het_30_susie_scores_1
294525 flash TRUE 1 10 9 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 45 0 0 TRUE susie_scores/full_data_452_high_het_1_oracle_generator_1_mnm_high_het_30_susie_scores_1

Load the first line of dataset identified,

In [6]:
ex = readRDS('mnm_20191116/mnm_high_het/full_data_340_high_het_1_oracle_generator_1_mnm_high_het_6.rds')
# cat(ex$DSC_DEBUG$script)
DSC_19D98699 <- dscrutils::load_inputs(c('mnm_20191116/oracle_generator/oracle_generator_1.pkl','mnm_20191116/full_data/full_data_340.rds','mnm_20191116/high_het/full_data_340_high_het_1.pkl'), dscrutils::read_dsc)
meta <- DSC_19D98699$meta

The original result from DSC is presented in a plot of PIP and CS, where true signal is in red:

In [ ]:
true_pos = as.integer(apply(meta$true_coef, 1, sum) != 0)
In [7]:
susieR::susie_plot(ex$result,y='PIP', main = 'Default SuSiE plot for cross-condition PIP', xlab = 'SNP positions', add_legend = T, b=true_pos)

It seems it completely missed out the causal variant.

When analyzed with non-missing data input the result looks good (analysis changing missing_Y to FALSE is not shown here).

Reproducing the problem with diagnostic information

Below I use simplified code from DSC script, and use L=1 and max_iter=1 this time to make it easier to manage.

Additionally I temporarily changed the source code to:

  1. force using the same code to handle missing and non-missing data inputs, to rule out errors specific to codes dealing with missing data
  2. print quantities $X^Tr$, $\hat{\beta}$, $\text{SE}(\hat{\beta})$

It is verified that setting precompute_covariances to T or F does not impact the result. For when there is missing data and residual variance is not diagonal, mvsusieR forces precomputing covariances to deal with missing data specifically for off-diag elements of various quantities. But since here the residual variance is diagonal matrix the off-diag elements will all be zero anyways -- that is, missing data will not impact off-diag elements in this case.

diff --git a/R/mash_multiple_regression.R b/R/mash_multiple_regression.R
index bf50368..f012173 100644
--- a/R/mash_multiple_regression.R
+++ b/R/mash_multiple_regression.R
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ MashMultipleRegression <- R6Class("MashMultipleRegression",
       else XtY = d$XtY
       # OLS estimates
       # bhat is J by R
+      print('---XtY---')
+      rownames(XtY) = NULL
+      print(head(XtY))
       bhat = XtY / d$d
       if (!is.null(private$precomputed_cov_matrices)) {
         sbhat = private$precomputed_cov_matrices$sbhat
@@ -55,6 +58,11 @@ MashMultipleRegression <- R6Class("MashMultipleRegression",
         s_alpha = matrix(0,0,0)
       bhat[which(is.nan(bhat))] = 0
+      rownames(bhat) = NULL
+      print('---bhat---')
+      print(head(bhat))
+      print('---sbhat---')
+      print(head(sbhat))
       # Fit MASH model
       if (!is.null(private$precomputed_cov_matrices)) is_common_cov = private$precomputed_cov_matrices$common_sbhat
       else is_common_cov = is_mat_common(sbhat)
diff --git a/R/regression_data.R b/R/regression_data.R
index b19db2e..583b1eb 100644
--- a/R/regression_data.R
+++ b/R/regression_data.R
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ DenseData <- R6Class("DenseData",
       Y_missing =
       private$Y_non_missing = !Y_missing
       private$.Y_has_missing = any(Y_missing)
+      private$.Y_has_missing = TRUE
       private$residual = private$.Y

(Use git apply filename.diff to apply the patch.)

In [8]:
DSC_REPLICATE <- DSC_19D98699$DSC_DEBUG$replicate
X <- DSC_19D98699$X
Y <- DSC_19D98699$Y
cfg <- DSC_19D98699$configurations
prior = cfg[[as.character(ncol(Y))]][['high_het']]
In [9]:
compute_cov_diag <- function(Y){
    covar <- diag(apply(Y, 2, var, na.rm=T))

create_missing <- function(Y1, Y0) {
    if (ncol(Y0) < ncol(Y1)) {
        for (i in 1:(ncol(Y1) - ncol(Y0))) {
            Y0 = cbind(Y0, sample(Y0[,, size=1)]))
    if (ncol(Y0) > ncol(Y1)) Y0 = Y0[,sample(1:ncol(Y1))]
    res = Y1
    res[which(] = NA
    na_rows = which(apply(res, 1, function(x) all(
    for (i in na_rows) {
	    non_na =, size=1)
        res[i,non_na] = Y1[i,non_na]
In [10]:
Y_miss = create_missing(Y, meta$original_Y)
resid_Y <- compute_cov_diag(Y)

This data-set has also been saved to here. If you want to reproduce my results you can download the data-set from the link above, use attach(readRDS(...)) to attach the data to the R workspace and continue with commands below.

Use EE model and set $L=1$,

In [11]:
alpha = 0
L = 1

Then fit with complete data, and with missing data:

In [12]:
m_init = mvsusieR:::MashInitializer$new(NULL, NULL, xUlist=append(list(matrix(0,ncol(Y),ncol(Y))), prior$xUlist), prior_weights=prior$pi, null_weight=prior$null_weight, alpha=alpha, top_mixtures=-1)
r1 = mvsusieR::mvsusie(X, Y, L=L, prior_variance=m_init, residual_variance=resid_Y, compute_objective=F, estimate_residual_variance=F, estimate_prior_variance=F, precompute_covariance = F, standardize=T, max_iter=1)
[1] "---XtY---"
           [,1]        [,2]     [,3]          [,4]      [,5]
[1,]   8.720442 -0.68158784 3.099455 -0.0065145553  14.07340
[2,] -13.003483 -0.26384856 1.434865 -0.0006836665  30.47919
[3,]  21.984887 -0.05114700 5.313531 -0.0019500815 -17.81382
[4,]  -9.180191 -0.32527344 1.629666 -0.0016116992  35.98992
[5,]  18.378291 -0.01251020 4.770865 -0.0006035214  28.36974
[6,]  31.057005  0.09119123 5.923071 -0.0006867733  -3.72802
[1] "---bhat---"
            [,1]          [,2]        [,3]          [,4]         [,5]
[1,]  0.01041869 -8.143224e-04 0.003703053 -7.783220e-06  0.016814094
[2,] -0.01553582 -3.152313e-04 0.001714295 -8.168059e-07  0.036414807
[3,]  0.02626629 -6.110752e-05 0.006348304 -2.329846e-06 -0.021282941
[4,] -0.01096797 -3.886182e-04 0.001947032 -1.925567e-06  0.042998707
[5,]  0.02195734 -1.494648e-05 0.005699958 -7.210531e-07  0.033894551
[6,]  0.03710514  1.089501e-04 0.007076549 -8.205177e-07 -0.004454026
[1] "---sbhat---"
           [,1]         [,2]        [,3]         [,4]       [,5]
[1,] 0.02165158 0.0005839767 0.004781553 1.034365e-05 0.02223662
[2,] 0.02165158 0.0005839767 0.004781553 1.034365e-05 0.02223662
[3,] 0.02165158 0.0005839767 0.004781553 1.034365e-05 0.02223662
[4,] 0.02165158 0.0005839767 0.004781553 1.034365e-05 0.02223662
[5,] 0.02165158 0.0005839767 0.004781553 1.034365e-05 0.02223662
[6,] 0.02165158 0.0005839767 0.004781553 1.034365e-05 0.02223662
In [14]:
m_init = mvsusieR:::MashInitializer$new(NULL, NULL, xUlist=append(list(matrix(0,ncol(Y),ncol(Y))), prior$xUlist), prior_weights=prior$pi, null_weight=prior$null_weight, alpha=alpha, top_mixtures=-1)
r2 = mvsusieR::mvsusie(X, Y_miss, L=L, prior_variance=m_init, residual_variance=resid_Y, compute_objective=F, estimate_residual_variance=F, estimate_prior_variance=F, precompute_covariance = F, standardize=T, max_iter=1)
[1] "---XtY---"
           [,1]       [,2]      [,3]         [,4]       [,5]
[1,]   6.766328 -0.4462249  1.053761 -0.051163544  0.8401571
[2,] -15.557778  0.1756170 -1.269524  0.045854080  6.2632271
[3,]  24.152198 -0.7713635  3.862769  0.005842873 -7.4845985
[4,]  -5.062362  0.1039191 -1.198413 -0.044782751 11.7527354
[5,]  10.525031 -0.3479688  1.687113  0.178856908 13.3220964
[6,]  21.578019 -0.5740428  3.775752  0.291394071  0.6117192
[1] "---bhat---"
            [,1]          [,2]         [,3]          [,4]          [,5]
[1,]  0.01420158 -0.0019723169  0.002643095 -2.071336e-04  0.0014199227
[2,] -0.03349278  0.0008919177 -0.003276019  2.045139e-04  0.0109213577
[3,]  0.04767441 -0.0027715634  0.009285771  1.983166e-05 -0.0117708494
[4,] -0.01069514  0.0005094978 -0.003009467 -2.004699e-04  0.0207228407
[5,]  0.02212542 -0.0015263538  0.004201378  7.119123e-04  0.0225253039
[6,]  0.04412788 -0.0020070178  0.009021903  9.322895e-04  0.0009548829
[1] "---sbhat---"
           [,1]         [,2]        [,3]         [,4]       [,5]
[1,] 0.02869750 0.0011232326 0.006928147 1.904063e-05 0.02644744
[2,] 0.02906392 0.0012040300 0.007027235 1.998521e-05 0.02686400
[3,] 0.02783022 0.0010127240 0.006782524 1.743423e-05 0.02551239
[4,] 0.02879181 0.0011829917 0.006932235 2.002191e-05 0.02701386
[5,] 0.02872013 0.0011189630 0.006903280 1.887977e-05 0.02645334
[6,] 0.02832716 0.0009989913 0.006762060 1.692667e-05 0.02541736

To plot and compare results,

In [16]:
susieR::susie_plot(r1, y='PIP', main = 'No missing data', xlab = 'SNP positions', add_legend = T, b=true_pos)
In [17]:
susieR::susie_plot(r2,y='PIP', main = 'With missing data', xlab = 'SNP positions', add_legend = T, b=true_pos)

Problem reproduced with L=1. I would expect for such case after randomly removing what happens to be important information in data, there should be a power loss and we should not detect anything. But here, rather, it reports a false signal that we don't like.

More diagnosis from single effect model

For complete data,

In [50]:
m_init = mvsusieR:::MashInitializer$new(NULL, NULL, xUlist=append(list(matrix(0,ncol(Y),ncol(Y))), prior$xUlist), prior_weights=prior$pi, null_weight=prior$null_weight, alpha=alpha, top_mixtures=-1)
m1 = mvsusieR:::MashMultipleRegression$new(ncol(X), resid_Y, m_init)
m1$fit(mvsusieR:::DenseData$new(X, Y), save_summary_stats=TRUE)
[1] "---XtY---"
           [,1]        [,2]     [,3]          [,4]      [,5]
[1,]   8.720442 -0.68158784 3.099455 -0.0065145553  14.07340
[2,] -13.003483 -0.26384856 1.434865 -0.0006836665  30.47919
[3,]  21.984887 -0.05114700 5.313531 -0.0019500815 -17.81382
[4,]  -9.180191 -0.32527344 1.629666 -0.0016116992  35.98992
[5,]  18.378291 -0.01251020 4.770865 -0.0006035214  28.36974
[6,]  31.057005  0.09119123 5.923071 -0.0006867733  -3.72802
[1] "---bhat---"
            [,1]          [,2]        [,3]          [,4]         [,5]
[1,]  0.01041869 -8.143224e-04 0.003703053 -7.783220e-06  0.016814094
[2,] -0.01553582 -3.152313e-04 0.001714295 -8.168059e-07  0.036414807
[3,]  0.02626629 -6.110752e-05 0.006348304 -2.329846e-06 -0.021282941
[4,] -0.01096797 -3.886182e-04 0.001947032 -1.925567e-06  0.042998707
[5,]  0.02195734 -1.494648e-05 0.005699958 -7.210531e-07  0.033894551
[6,]  0.03710514  1.089501e-04 0.007076549 -8.205177e-07 -0.004454026
[1] "---sbhat---"
           [,1]         [,2]        [,3]         [,4]       [,5]
[1,] 0.02165158 0.0005839767 0.004781553 1.034365e-05 0.02223662
[2,] 0.02165158 0.0005839767 0.004781553 1.034365e-05 0.02223662
[3,] 0.02165158 0.0005839767 0.004781553 1.034365e-05 0.02223662
[4,] 0.02165158 0.0005839767 0.004781553 1.034365e-05 0.02223662
[5,] 0.02165158 0.0005839767 0.004781553 1.034365e-05 0.02223662
[6,] 0.02165158 0.0005839767 0.004781553 1.034365e-05 0.02223662
In [51]:
In [59]:
which.max(apply(abs(m1$bhat/m1$sbhat), 1, max))
chr12_12983795_G_T_b38: 2382

For missing data,

In [43]:
m_init = mvsusieR:::MashInitializer$new(NULL, NULL, xUlist=append(list(matrix(0,ncol(Y),ncol(Y))), prior$xUlist), prior_weights=prior$pi, null_weight=prior$null_weight, alpha=alpha, top_mixtures=-1)
m2 = mvsusieR:::MashMultipleRegression$new(ncol(X), resid_Y, m_init)
m2$fit(mvsusieR:::DenseData$new(X, Y_miss), save_summary_stats=TRUE)
[1] "---XtY---"
           [,1]       [,2]      [,3]         [,4]       [,5]
[1,]   6.766328 -0.4462249  1.053761 -0.051163544  0.8401571
[2,] -15.557778  0.1756170 -1.269524  0.045854080  6.2632271
[3,]  24.152198 -0.7713635  3.862769  0.005842873 -7.4845985
[4,]  -5.062362  0.1039191 -1.198413 -0.044782751 11.7527354
[5,]  10.525031 -0.3479688  1.687113  0.178856908 13.3220964
[6,]  21.578019 -0.5740428  3.775752  0.291394071  0.6117192
[1] "---bhat---"
            [,1]          [,2]         [,3]          [,4]          [,5]
[1,]  0.01420158 -0.0019723169  0.002643095 -2.071336e-04  0.0014199227
[2,] -0.03349278  0.0008919177 -0.003276019  2.045139e-04  0.0109213577
[3,]  0.04767441 -0.0027715634  0.009285771  1.983166e-05 -0.0117708494
[4,] -0.01069514  0.0005094978 -0.003009467 -2.004699e-04  0.0207228407
[5,]  0.02212542 -0.0015263538  0.004201378  7.119123e-04  0.0225253039
[6,]  0.04412788 -0.0020070178  0.009021903  9.322895e-04  0.0009548829
[1] "---sbhat---"
           [,1]         [,2]        [,3]         [,4]       [,5]
[1,] 0.02869750 0.0011232326 0.006928147 1.904063e-05 0.02644744
[2,] 0.02906392 0.0012040300 0.007027235 1.998521e-05 0.02686400
[3,] 0.02783022 0.0010127240 0.006782524 1.743423e-05 0.02551239
[4,] 0.02879181 0.0011829917 0.006932235 2.002191e-05 0.02701386
[5,] 0.02872013 0.0011189630 0.006903280 1.887977e-05 0.02645334
[6,] 0.02832716 0.0009989913 0.006762060 1.692667e-05 0.02541736
In [57]:

The max z-score is 253 -- very problematic.

In [54]:
head(m2$bhat/m2$sbhat, 10)
chr12_11891261_T_C_b38 0.4948717 -1.7559292 0.3815011 -10.8785034 0.05368848
chr12_11891459_T_TTA_b38-1.1523837 0.7407770 -0.4661889 10.2332597 0.40654244
chr12_11892022_GAGCGC_G_b38 1.7130447 -2.7367410 1.3690730 1.1375130-0.46137775
chr12_11892251_T_C_b38-0.3714647 0.4306859 -0.4341265 -10.0125233 0.76711878
chr12_11892330_G_T_b38 0.7703803 -1.3640789 0.6086061 37.7076708 0.85151069
chr12_11893016_C_T_b38 1.5577940 -2.0090443 1.3341945 55.0781512 0.03756813
chr12_11893355_C_CAAAG_b38 0.9896949 -0.7942333 0.8687819 17.6638363-0.01745624
chr12_11893407_A_G_b38 1.0823336 -0.9151114 0.9533810 0.4000107 0.22639267
chr12_11893495_A_G_b38-0.2970784 0.5592687 -0.2973645 -9.9247467 0.60814695
chr12_11893724_T_C_b38 0.7911152 -1.3464565 0.9176490 -10.7181873 0.44425421

The 4th column (4th condition) has large z-scores. This is consistent with observed difference in $X^TY$ between missing and non-missing scenarios as shown in the debug log above. Removing the 4th condition:

In [56]:

To find which row it is in:

In [58]:
which.max(apply(abs(m2$bhat/m2$sbhat)[,-4], 1, max))
chr12_12983795_G_T_b38: 2382

This is indeed the true causal SNP.

Now checkout the logBF:

In [38]:
In [39]:

The lbf here are not under the null. They are insanely large! In particular the Log BF for the false positive variable in the presense of missing data is a lot higher than where the simulated signal lies, thus the false positive result.

This must be a very obvious bug because the marginal statistics is even wrong here with missing data. It is easy to show that with susieR::univariate_regression function the result for missing data is very different from what I got here above.

More diagnosis using precomputed quantities

Missingness across samples:

In [18]:
summary(apply(Y_miss,1,function(i) sum( ncol(Y_miss))
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.0000  0.4000  0.6000  0.5332  0.8000  0.8000 

Missingness across conditions:

In [19]:
apply(Y_miss,2,function(i) sum( / nrow(Y_miss)
  1. 0.428400954653938
  2. 0.725536992840095
  3. 0.520286396181384
  4. 0.700477326968974
  5. 0.291169451073986

Precomputed quantities with this data-set, compared with complete data:

In [20]:
m1 = mvsusieR:::MashInitializer$new(NULL, NULL, xUlist=append(list(matrix(0,ncol(Y),ncol(Y))), prior$xUlist), prior_weights=prior$pi, null_weight=prior$null_weight, alpha=alpha, top_mixtures=-1)
m1$precompute_cov_matrices(mvsusieR:::DenseData$new(X, Y_miss), resid_Y)
m2 = mvsusieR:::MashInitializer$new(NULL, NULL, xUlist=append(list(matrix(0,ncol(Y),ncol(Y))), prior$xUlist), prior_weights=prior$pi, null_weight=prior$null_weight, alpha=alpha, top_mixtures=-1)
m2$precompute_cov_matrices(mvsusieR:::DenseData$new(X, Y), resid_Y)
In [21]:
matrix(m1$precomputed$Vinv, ncol(Y), ncol(Y))
1214.26 0.0 0.00 0 0.00
0.00 792611.9 0.00 0 0.00
0.00 0.0 20833.67 0 0.00
0.00 0.0 0.00 2758273474 0.00
0.00 0.0 0.00 01429.66
In [23]:
matrix(m2$precomputed$Vinv, ncol(Y), ncol(Y))
2133.148 0 0.00 0 0.000
0.000 2932304 0.00 0 0.000
0.000 0 43738.31 0 0.000
0.000 0 0.00 9346578303 0.000
0.000 0 0.00 02022.378
In [24]:
matrix(m1$precomputed$U0, ncol(Y), 2*ncol(Y))
0 0 0 0 0 8.148494e-041.906389e-097.247793e-085.478265e-131.046093e-06
0 0 0 0 0 1.906389e-091.261631e-061.123868e-108.494792e-161.622109e-09
0 0 0 0 0 7.247793e-081.123868e-104.796938e-053.229586e-146.167003e-08
0 0 0 0 0 5.478265e-138.494792e-163.229586e-143.625456e-104.661347e-13
0 0 0 0 0 1.046093e-061.622109e-096.167003e-084.661347e-136.931832e-04
In [25]:
matrix(m2$precomputed$U0, ncol(Y), 2*ncol(Y))
0 0 0 0 0 4.659596e-042.945486e-101.974054e-089.240926e-144.239708e-07
0 0 0 0 0 2.945486e-103.410273e-071.446021e-116.769101e-173.105642e-10
0 0 0 0 0 1.974054e-081.446021e-112.285648e-054.536627e-152.081390e-08
0 0 0 0 0 9.240926e-146.769101e-174.536627e-151.069910e-109.743387e-14
0 0 0 0 0 4.239708e-073.105642e-102.081390e-089.743387e-144.913185e-04
In [26]:
matrix(m1$precomputed$sigma_rooti, ncol(Y), 2*ncol(Y))
34.84624 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00000 3.3181863 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.00000 890.2875 0.0000 0.00 0.00000 -0.8525948 3.4415861 0.0000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.00000 0.0000 144.3387 0.00 0.00000 -0.6955920-0.7040655 3.5118934 0.000000 0.000000
0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 52519.27 0.00000 -0.5879181-0.5950800-0.5946683 3.562940 0.000000
0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 37.81085 -0.5067246-0.5128975-0.5125426-0.512907 3.583793
In [27]:
matrix(m2$precomputed$sigma_rooti, ncol(Y), 2*ncol(Y))
46.18601 0.000 0.0000 0.0 0.00000 3.3246858 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000.000000
0.00000 1712.397 0.0000 0.0 0.00000 -0.8560536 3.4420504 0.0000000 0.00000000.000000
0.00000 0.000 209.1371 0.0 0.00000 -0.6986672-0.7035159 3.5127415 0.00000000.000000
0.00000 0.000 0.0000 96677.7 0.00000 -0.5904793-0.5945772-0.5943788 3.56317570.000000
0.00000 0.000 0.0000 0.0 44.97086 -0.5096622-0.5131993-0.5130281-0.51320193.588697
In [28]:
0.02869750 0.00112323260.006928147 1.904063e-050.02644744
0.02906392 0.00120403000.007027235 1.998521e-050.02686400
0.02783022 0.00101272400.006782524 1.743423e-050.02551239
0.02879181 0.00118299170.006932235 2.002191e-050.02701386
0.02872013 0.00111896300.006903280 1.887977e-050.02645334
0.02832716 0.00099899130.006762060 1.692667e-050.02541736
In [29]:
0.02165158 0.00058397670.004781553 1.034365e-050.02223662
0.02165158 0.00058397670.004781553 1.034365e-050.02223662
0.02165158 0.00058397670.004781553 1.034365e-050.02223662
0.02165158 0.00058397670.004781553 1.034365e-050.02223662
0.02165158 0.00058397670.004781553 1.034365e-050.02223662
0.02165158 0.00058397670.004781553 1.034365e-050.02223662

The outcome are largely comparable.

Copyright © 2016-2020 Gao Wang et al at Stephens Lab, University of Chicago