Multivariate Bayesian variable selection regression

Comparing atlasqtl with M&M

In addition to MTHESS when we first conceived the project in 2016, two other papers from the same group of authors have been published with software implementation locus (paper) and building on top of it, an efficient approach called atlasqtl (paper). atlasqtl approach is designed specifically for detecting pleiotropic patterns (which the authors refer to as "hotspots"). Here we challenge ourselves with a simulated example from altlasqtl documentation.


  1. atlasqtl has no vignettes but has great documentation for function call atlasqtl(), the main function, with an example using simulated data.
  2. atlasqtl is very fast for the scale of the problem with 50 responses; mvsusieR with naive MASH mixture in this case is a lot slower but still acceptable.
  3. mvsusieR in this experiment uses naive MASH mixture that has uniform weight on >700 components. It can be made a lot faster (reducing number of components) and better (improving weights) when actual MASH approach is used.

Apart from computing time, on this particular example mvsusieR should still win: the PIP it reports is cleaner; and additioally it has the potential to give CS which is a feature from SuSiE model. Also we now support summary statistics which is useful for application in large GWAS studies.


I copy the codes in "example" section atlasqtl documentation to simulate N=500 samples, R=50 traits, P=2000 variables and L=10 causal variables (in their setting the setup was N=200, R=100, P=50 and L=10, but only 50 out of 100 traits have a genetic association).

In [1]:
seed = 1; set.seed(seed)
n <- 500; q = 50; p = 2000; p_act <- 10; q_act <- 50
X_act <- matrix(rbinom(n * p_act, size = 2, p = 0.25), nrow = n)
X_inact <- matrix(rbinom(n * (p - p_act), size = 2, p = 0.25), nrow = n)
shuff_x_ind <- sample(p)
shuff_y_ind <- sample(q)
X <- cbind(X_act, X_inact)[, shuff_x_ind]
  1. 500
  2. 2000
In [2]:
pat <- matrix(FALSE, ncol = q, nrow = p)
bool_x <- shuff_x_ind <= p_act
bool_y <- shuff_y_ind <= q_act
pat_act <- beta_act <- matrix(0, nrow = p_act, ncol = q_act)
pat_act[sample(p_act * q_act, floor(p_act * q_act / 5))] <- 1
beta_act[as.logical(pat_act)] <-  rnorm(sum(pat_act))
pat[bool_x, bool_y] <- pat_act
true_signal = which(rowSums(pat)>0)
  1. 53
  2. 102
  3. 199
  4. 839
  5. 879
  6. 1318
  7. 1433
  8. 1682
  9. 1888
  10. 1966
In [3]:
  1. 2000
  2. 50
In [4]:
Y_act <- matrix(rnorm(n * q_act, mean = X_act %*% beta_act), nrow = n)
Y_inact <- matrix(rnorm(n * (q - q_act)), nrow = n)
Y <- cbind(Y_act, Y_inact)[, shuff_y_ind]
  1. 500
  2. 50

Analysis with atlasqtl

Here I use all default atlasqtl setting including the assumption on number of effects to capture -- mean is 2, variance is 10.

In [5]:
# Number of effects to look for: mean is 2, variance is 10
p0 <- c(mean(colSums(pat)), 10)
  1. 2
  2. 10
In [6]:
start_time <- Sys.time()
res_atlas <- atlasqtl::atlasqtl(Y = Y, X = X, p0 = p0, user_seed = seed)
end_time <- Sys.time()
end_time - start_time

== Checking the annealing schedule ... 

... done. == 

== Preparing the data ... 

... done. == 

== Preparing the hyperparameters ... 

list_hyper set automatically. 
... done. == 

== Preparing the parameter initialization ... 

Seed set to user_seed 1. 
list_init set automatically. 
... done. == 

Number of samples: 500
Number of (non-redundant) candidate predictors: 2000
Number of responses: 50

== ATLASQTL: fast global-local hotspot QTL detection == 

** Annealing with geometric spacing ** 

Iteration 1... 
Temperature = 2

Iteration 5... 
Temperature = 1.47

** Exiting annealing mode. **

Iteration 10... 
ELBO = -38243.23

Iteration 50... 
ELBO = -37916.66

Iteration 55... 
ELBO = -37914.47

Iteration 60... 
ELBO = -37912.53

Iteration 65... 
ELBO = -37910.79

Iteration 70... 
ELBO = -37909.23

Iteration 75... 
ELBO = -37907.84

Iteration 80... 
ELBO = -37906.58

Iteration 85... 
ELBO = -37905.45

Iteration 90... 
ELBO = -37904.43

Iteration 95... 
ELBO = -37903.51

Iteration 100... 
ELBO = -37902.68

Iteration 105... 
ELBO = -37901.93

Iteration 110... 
ELBO = -37901.25

Iteration 115... 
ELBO = -37900.63

Iteration 120... 
ELBO = -37900.07

Convergence obtained after 124 iterations. 
Optimal marginal log-likelihood variational lower bound (ELBO) = -37899.66. 

... done. == 

Time difference of 12.92161 secs

It takes 13 seconds for the job! Memory usage for this computation is minimal (about 0.3GB).

Analysis with mvsusieR

Prior effect size in mvsusieR is a required input. Here I use a naive MASH mixture prior -- using canonical covariances with scaled learned from data, and uniform weights,

In [7]:
X = X * 1.0
mash_prior = mvsusieR::create_mash_prior(sample_data = list(X=X,Y=Y, residual_variance=var(Y)), max_mixture_len=-1)

Now I fit M&M model. To be fair I allow for looking for up to 15 effects,

In [8]:
res_mvsusieR = mvsusieR::mvsusie(X,Y,L=15,prior_variance=mash_prior, precompute_covariances=TRUE)
In [9]:
    user   system  elapsed 
1057.028    3.540 1061.214 

It takes 1061 seconds to complete it. Memory usage for this case with precompute_covariances is about 1.5GB.


Again, the true signals are:

In [10]:
  1. 53
  2. 102
  3. 199
  4. 839
  5. 879
  6. 1318
  7. 1433
  8. 1682
  9. 1888
  10. 1966

Cross-condition PIP for atlasqtl are:

In [17]:
atlpip = as.vector(1 - apply(1 - res_atlas$gam_vb, 1, prod))

Let's plot it with M&M's PIP,

In [12]:
plot(atlpip, res_mvsusieR$pip)

Let's see how well both methods recover the true signals at PIP cutoff 0.9,

In [13]:
  1. 53
  2. 102
  3. 199
  4. 839
  5. 879
  6. 1318
  7. 1433
  8. 1682
  9. 1888
  10. 1966
In [14]:
  1. 53
  2. 102
  3. 199
  4. 839
  5. 879
  6. 1318
  7. 1433
  8. 1682
  9. 1888
  10. 1966

It seems they both do good job in recovering all the simulated signals. But M&M's PIP are "cleaner". I have tried several different seeds and see this pattern consistently. I would expect in this setting we should do better in the precision recall curve.

Caveat: is my computation of atlasqtl's cross-condition PIP correct? Here no filter is applied and different conditions are assumed independent ...

A less naive MASH mixture to make M&M faster

Previously the naive MASH mixture contains many priors -- 771 of them,

In [10]:

Now I'll focus on only using the non-singleton priors, reducing it to 71:

In [12]:
mash_prior_shared = mvsusieR::create_mash_prior(sample_data = list(X=X,Y=Y, residual_variance=var(Y)), max_mixture_len=-1, singletons=F)
In [13]:

Let's time the run with this prior,

In [14]:
res_mvsusie_shared = mvsusieR::mvsusie(X,Y,L=15,prior_variance=mash_prior_shared, precompute_covariances=TRUE)
In [15]:
   user  system elapsed 
170.472   4.972 175.557 

It is now 175 seconds.

Copyright © 2016-2020 Gao Wang et al at Stephens Lab, University of Chicago