Running the mixture prior pipeline with this notebook.
I ran two versions of parameters: when per variable PVE = 0.05, a realistic scenario for eQTL studies, and when PVE 0.15 for very strong effect.
The results are shown for ED implemented in mashr
package. FLASH, FLASH with non-negative factor constraint and PCA (k=3) as well as XtX
are included in the ED. We hope ED does decent job for scenario 1 and good job for secnario 2.
The result is mostly as expected:
%preview ../../mvSuSiE_output/prior_simulation_artificial_mixture_50.pdf -s png
%preview ../../mvSuSiE_output/prior_simulation_gtex_mixture.pdf -s png
Results are saved to this repo. Here are some previous:
%preview ../../mvSuSiE_output/artificial_mixture_identity_ed_bovy.pdf -s png
%preview ../../mvSuSiE_output/gtex_mixture_identity_ed_bovy.pdf -s png
%preview ../../dsc/mnm_prototype/mnm_sumstats/artificial_mixture_identity.ed_bovy.pdf -s png
%preview ../../dsc/mnm_prototype/mnm_sumstats/gtex_mixture_identity.ed_bovy.pdf -s png