Multivariate Bayesian variable selection regression

M&M model for fine-mapping

This is the 5th version of M&M. The formulation of this version was inspired by conditional regression commonly used in fine-mapping, as discussed in T Flutre et al 2013.

$\newcommand{\bs}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\diag}{diag}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\cov}{cov}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\rank}{rank}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\var}{var}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\tr}{tr}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\veco}{vec}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\uniform}{\mathcal{U}niform}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{arg\ min}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{arg\ max}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\N}{N}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\gm}{Gamma}$ $\DeclareMathOperator*{\dif}{d}$

M&M ASH model

We assume the following multivariate, multiple regression model with $N$ samples, $J$ effects and $R$ conditions (and without covariates, which will be discussed separately) \begin{align} \bs{Y}_{N\times R} = \bs{X}_{N \times J}\bs{B}_{J \times R} + \bs{E}_{N \times R}, \end{align} where \begin{align} \bs{E} &\sim \N_{N \times R}(\bs{0}, \bs{I}_N, \bs{\Sigma}). \end{align}

As a first path we assume $\bs{\Sigma}$ is known (or use estimates from elsewhere).

Let $\omega_j := p(\alpha_j)$ be the prior probability that effect $j$ is non-zero,

\begin{align} \alpha_j \sim \text{Bernoulli}(\omega_j) \end{align}

We assume non-zero effects $\bs{b}_j$ (rows of $\bs{B}$) are iid with prior distribution of mixtures of multivariate normals

\begin{align} p(\bs{b}_j|\alpha_j = 1) = \sum_{p = 0}^P\pi_{jp}\N_R(\bs{b}_j | \bs{0}, \bs{V}_p), \end{align}

where the $\bs{V}_p$'s are $R \times R$ positive semi-definite covariance matrices and are known, with corresponding weights $\pi_{\cdot,p}$'s to be estimated (Urbut et al 2017). We can augment the prior of $\bs{b}_j$ by indicator vector $\bs{\gamma}_j \in \mathbb{R}^P$ denoting membership of $\bs{b}_j$ into one of the $P$ mixture groups and write

\begin{align} p(\bs{b}_j|\alpha_j = 1, \bs{\gamma}_j) &= \prod_{p = 0}^P\left[\N(\bs{b}_j|\bs{0},\bs{V}_p)\right]^{\gamma_{jp}}, \end{align}


\begin{align} p(\bs{\gamma}_j) &= \prod_{p = 0}^{P} \pi_{jp}^{\gamma_{jp}} \end{align}

The densities involved are

\begin{align} p(\bs{Y}, \bs{B},\bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma} | \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\omega}, \bs{\Pi}) & = p(\bs{Y}|\bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma}, \bs{\omega}, \bs{\Pi}, \bs{\Sigma}) p(\bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma} |\bs{\omega}, \bs{\Pi}) \\ &= p(\bs{Y}|\bs{B}, \bs{\Sigma}) p(\bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma} |\bs{\omega}, \bs{\Pi}) \end{align}

Variational EM and evidence lower bound (ELBO)

Following from the VEM framework where $Z:=(\bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma})$ and $\theta:= (\bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\Pi}, \bs{\omega})$,

\begin{align} \log p(\bs{Y}|\bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\pi}, \bs{\omega}) & \ge \mathcal{L}(q, \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\Pi}, \bs{\omega}) \\ &= E_q[\log p(\bs{Y}|\bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma}, \bs{\omega}, \bs{\Pi}, \bs{\Sigma})] + E_q[\log\frac{p(\bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma}| \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\Pi}, \bs{\omega})}{q(\bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma})}] \\ &= E_q[\log p(\bs{Y}|\bs{B}, \bs{\Sigma})] + E_q[\log\frac{p(\bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma}|\bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\Pi}, \bs{\omega})}{\prod_j q(\bs{b}_j, \alpha_j, \bs{\gamma}_j)}], \end{align}

that is, we use a fully-fectorized variational approximation of posterior $q(\cdot)$, thus performing mean-field variational inference.

An alternative variational algorithm

Inspired by the conditional regression approach for fine mapping, we present a new model,

\begin{align} \bs{Y}_{N\times R} = \bs{X}_{N \times J}\sum_l^L \diag(\bs{\alpha}_l) {\bs{B}_l}_{J \times R} + \bs{E}_{N \times R}, \end{align}

where $L$ is the number of non-zero effects, or the upper bound on the number of non-zero effects if prior distribution of ${\bs{b}_l}_j$ includes a point mass at zero. For each $l = 1,\ldots, L$ we assume that exactly 1 of the $J$ effects is non-zero, as indicated by $\alpha_{lj}$,

\begin{align} \bs{\alpha}_l \sim \text{Multinomial}(1, \bs{\omega}_l) \end{align}

The key idea behind this model is to use the following variational approximation,

\begin{align} q(\bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma}) &= \prod_l q(\bs{B}_l, \bs{\alpha}_l, \bs{\Gamma}_l) \\ &= \prod_l \prod_j q({\bs{b}_l}_{j}, \bs{\alpha}_l, {\bs{\gamma}_l}_j) \end{align}

Crucially, we do not factorize $q(\bs{\alpha}_l)$ across its $J$ elements, that is, $\bs{\alpha}_l$ is a binary vector with exactly one non-zero element. We will reveal connection with conditional regression later as we develop the variational algorithm.

Derivation of variational M&M

One effect model

To develop the variational algorithm for fine-mapping with M&M we first discuss the case when there is only one non-zero effect, then show that the results can be generalized to the case with multiple non-zero effects to natually yield fine-mapping solutions.

In the event where only one row $\bs{B}_{1\cdot}$ is non-zero, that is, $\omega_1 = 1$, $\bs{\omega}_{-1} = \bs{0}$, M&M becomes

\begin{align} \bs{Y}_{N \times R} = \bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1 + \bs{E}_{N \times R}, \quad \bs{E} &\sim \N_{N \times R}(\bs{0}, \bs{I}_N, \bs{\Sigma}), \end{align}

a multivariate, single regressor Bayesian regression with prior

\begin{align} p(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1) = \sum_{p = 0}^P\pi_{1p}\N_R(\bs{b}_1 | \bs{0}, \bs{V}_p). \end{align}

Let "$\propto$" denote equality up to an additive constant independent of $q$, we write ELBO of this model

\begin{align} \mathcal{L}_1(q, \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\pi}_1; \bs{Y}) &= E_q [\log p(\bs{Y} | \bs{b}_1, \bs{\Sigma})] + E_q[\log \frac{p(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1 | \bs{\pi}_1)}{q(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1)}] \\ &= -\frac{NR}{2}\log(2\pi) - \frac{N}{2}E_q[\log\det (\bs{\Sigma})] - \frac{1}{2}E_q \{ \tr[(\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1 \bs{b}_1) \bs{\Sigma}^{-1} (\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1 \bs{b}_1)^\intercal] \} + E_q[\log \frac{p(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1 | \bs{\pi}_1)}{q(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1)}] \end{align}

We focus on $E_q \{ \tr[(\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1) \bs{\Sigma}^{-1} (\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1)^\intercal] \}$,

\begin{align} E_q \{ \tr[(\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1) \bs{\Sigma}^{-1} (\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1)^\intercal] \} &= \tr\{\bs{Y} E_q[\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}] \bs{Y}^\intercal\} - 2\tr\{\bs{Y}E_q[\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}]E_q[\bs{b}_1]^{\intercal}\bs{x}_1^\intercal\} + E_q[\tr(\bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bs{b}^\intercal \bs{x}_1^\intercal)] \\ & \propto E_q[\tr(\bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bs{b}^\intercal \bs{x}_1^\intercal)] - 2\tr(\bs{Y}\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}E_q[\bs{b}_1]^\intercal\bs{x}_1^\intercal) \end{align}


\begin{align} \mathcal{L}_1(q, \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\pi}_1; \bs{Y}) & \propto E_q[\tr(\bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bs{b}^\intercal \bs{x}_1^\intercal)] - 2\tr(\bs{Y}\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}E_q[\bs{b}_1]^\intercal\bs{x}_1^\intercal) + E_q[\log \frac{p(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1 | \bs{\pi}_1)}{q(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1)}] \end{align}

In this case, we maximize $\mathcal{L}_1(q, \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\pi}_1; \bs{Y})$ by simply setting variational distribution $q(\cdot)$ to the posterior,

\begin{align} p(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1 | \bs{Y}, \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\pi}_1) = \argmax \mathcal{L}_1(q, \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\pi}_1; \bs{Y}) \end{align}

since it can be calculated relatively easily due to established work, as will be revealed later.

Two effects model

In the event where two rows of $\bs{B}$ is non-zero, that is, $\omega_1 = \omega_2 = 1$, $\bs{\omega}_{-1, -2} = \bs{0}$, M&M becomes

\begin{align} \bs{Y}_{N \times R} = \bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1 + \bs{x}_2\bs{b}_2 + \bs{E}_{N \times R}, \quad \bs{E} &\sim \N_{N \times R}(\bs{0}, \bs{I}_N, \bs{\Sigma}), \end{align}

a multivariate, two regressor Bayesian regression with independent priors $p(\bs{b}_1, \gamma_1, \bs{b}_2, \gamma_2) = p(\bs{b}_1,\gamma_1)p(\bs{b}_2,\gamma_2)$ where

\begin{align} p(\bs{b}_\cdot, \bs{\gamma}_\cdot) = \sum_{p = 0}^P\pi_p\N_R(\bs{b}_\cdot | \bs{0}, \bs{V}_p). \end{align}

we write ELBO of this model

\begin{align} \mathcal{L}_2(q, \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\pi}_1, \bs{\pi}_2; \bs{Y}) &= E_q [\log p(\bs{Y} | \bs{b}_1, \bs{b}_2, \bs{\Sigma})] + E_q[\log \frac{p(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1, \bs{b}_2, \bs{\gamma}_2)}{q(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1, \bs{b}_2, \bs{\gamma}_2)}] \\ &= -\frac{NR}{2}\log(2\pi) - \frac{N}{2}E_q[\log\det (\bs{\Sigma})] - \frac{1}{2}E_q \{ \tr[(\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1 - \bs{x}_2\bs{b}_2) \bs{\Sigma}^{-1} (\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1 - \bs{x}_2\bs{b}_2)^\intercal] \} + E_q[\log \frac{p(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1, \bs{b}_2, \bs{\gamma}_2 | \bs{\pi_1}, \bs{\pi_2})}{q(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1, \bs{b}_2, \bs{\gamma}_2)}] \end{align}

where we choose $q(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1, \bs{b}_2, \bs{\gamma}_2) = q_1(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1)q_2(\bs{b}_2, \bs{\gamma}_2)$ be the variational approximation to the posterior $p(\bs{b}_1, \bs{\gamma}_1, \bs{b}_2, \bs{\gamma}_2|\bs{Y}, \bs{\pi_1}, \bs{\pi_2}, \bs{\Sigma})$, ie, a "fully factorized" variational approximation. This allows us to use an iterative approach to maximize the ELBO.

Maximize over $q_2$ with $q_1$ fixed

Similar to the "one effect model" we focus on

\begin{align} E_q \{ \tr[(\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1 - \bs{x}_2\bs{b}_2) \bs{\Sigma}^{-1} (\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1 - \bs{x}_2\bs{b}_2)^\intercal] \}, \end{align}

and analogous to the setup of "conditional regression", we treat $q_1$ fixed and maximize over $q_2$ only,

\begin{align} E_q \{ \tr[(\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1 - \bs{x}_2\bs{b}_2) \bs{\Sigma}^{-1} (\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1\bs{b}_1 - \bs{x}_2\bs{b}_2)^\intercal] \} & \propto E_{q_2}\{\tr(\bs{x}_2\bs{b}_2\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bs{b}_2^\intercal\bs{x}_2^\intercal)\} - 2\tr\{(\bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1E_{q_1}[\bs{b}_1])\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}E_{q_2}[\bs{b}_2]^\intercal \bs{x}_2^\intercal\} \end{align}

Let $\bs{\xi}_1 = \bs{Y} - \bs{x}_1E_{q_1}[\bs{b}_1]$, we have \begin{align} \mathcal{L}_2(q_2, \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\pi}_2; \bs{Y}) & \propto E_{q_2}\{\tr(\bs{x}_2\bs{b}_2\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bs{b}_2^\intercal\bs{x}_2^\intercal)\} - 2\tr\{\bs{\xi}_1\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}E_{q_2}[\bs{b}_2]^\intercal \bs{x}_2^\intercal\} + E_{q_2}[\log \frac{p(\bs{b}_2, \bs{\gamma}_2 |\bs{\pi}_2)}{q_2(\bs{b}_2, \bs{\gamma}_2)}], \end{align}

and similar to the case with "one effect model", $p(\bs{b}_2, \bs{\gamma}_2|\bs{\xi}_1, \bs{\pi}_2, \bs{\Sigma}) = \argmax \mathcal{L}_2(q_2, \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\pi}_2; \bs{Y})$. In other words we maximize $\mathcal{L}_2$ over $q_2$ with $q_1$ fixed, by applying the same posterior computation for maximizing $\mathcal{L}_1$ over $q_1$ but using residualized response $\bs{\xi}_1$ rather than the original response $\bs{Y}$:

\begin{align} \mathcal{L}_2(q_2, \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\pi}_2; \bs{Y}) \propto \mathcal{L}_1(q_2, \bs{\Sigma}, \bs{\pi}_2; \bs{\xi}_1) \end{align}

Maximize over $q_1$ with $q_2$ fixed

Similarly we can maximize $\mathcal{L}_1$ over $q_1$ with $q_2$ fixed. The algorithm iterates until convergence.

An iterative algorithm: generalization to arbitary number of effects

The arguments above can be generalized to having $L$ non-zero effects. For the $l$-th effect we optimize $\mathcal{L}_l$ over $q_l$ with all other $q_{-l}$ fixed, by applying Bayesian multivariate regression to $\bs{\xi}_{-l} = \bs{x}_l \bs{b}_l + E $. The algorithm iterates until convergence.

Core computation of the iterative algorithm

Posterior of multivariate analysis

As previously discussed, the core computation is making inference on Bayesian multivariate regression

\begin{align} \bs{Y}_{N \times R} = \bs{x}_{N \times 1}\bs{b}_{1 \times R} + \bs{E}_{N \times R}, \quad \bs{E} &\sim \N_{N \times R}(\bs{0}, \bs{I}_N, \bs{\Sigma}), \end{align}

with prior

\begin{align} p(\bs{b}, \bs{\gamma}) = \sum_{p = 0}^P\pi_{p}\N_R(\bs{b} | \bs{0}, \bs{V}_p). \end{align}

We compute OLS estimates for $\bs{b}$,

\begin{align} \hat{\bs{B}}_{jr} & = (\bs{x}_j^\intercal\bs{x}_j)^{-1}(\bs{X}^\intercal\bs{Y})_{jr} \\ & = (\bs{x}_j^\intercal\bs{x}_j)^{-1}\bs{x}_j\bs{y}_{r} \end{align}

We assume \begin{align} \bs{\Sigma} = \bs{D}\bs{C}\bs{D} \end{align}

where $\bs{D} = \diag(\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_R)$ and $\bs{C}$ is a given constant matrix. Choices of $\bs{C}$ can be some estimate of correlations between conditions eg, $\bs{C} = \text{cor}(\bs{Y})$, or simply $\bs{C} = \bs{I}_R$. We plug-in $\hat{\sigma}^2_r = \text{Var}(\bs{y}_r)$, and estimate standard error for $\hat{\bs{b}}$,

\begin{align} \hat{\bs{S}} = (\bs{x}_j^\intercal\bs{x}_j)^{-1} \hat{\bs{\Sigma}} \end{align}

Alternatively we can also possibly estimate $\bs{\Sigma}$ by computing $E[\frac{1}{N}(\bs{Y}-\bs{Xb})^\intercal (\bs{Y}-\bs{Xb})]$, which involves dealing with 2nd posterior moment (see formula ?? below in ELBO calculation section). It is doable but we argue that using plug-in estimate is potentially more beneficial as one can provide better pre-computed $\bs{C}$.

The likelihood can be formulated using summary statistics,

\begin{align} \hat{\bs{b}} | \bs{b} \sim N_R(\bs{b}, \hat{\bs{S}}) \end{align}

The conjugate prior leads us to the posterior distributed also as a mixture of multivariate normal,

\begin{align} p(\bs{b}|\hat{\bs{b}}, \hat{\bs{S}}, \hat{\bs{\pi}}) & = \sum_p p(\bs{b}|\hat{\bs{b}}, \hat{\bs{S}}, \gamma_p)p(\gamma_p |\hat{\bs{b}}, \hat{\bs{S}}, \hat{\pi}_p) \\ &= \sum_p p(\bs{b}|\hat{\bs{b}}, \hat{\bs{S}}, \gamma_p) \tilde{\pi}_p, \end{align}

where $\hat{\bs{\pi}}$ for the Gaussian mixture can be estimated using established procedures (Urbut et al 2017). For a multivariate normal distrubtion, we know that the posterior on $\bs{b}|\hat{\bs{b}}, \hat{\bs{S}}, \gamma_p$ is

\begin{align} \bs{b} | \hat{\bs{b}}, \hat{\bs{S}}, \gamma_p \sim N_R(\bar{\bs{b}}_p, \bs{U}_p) \end{align}

where \begin{align} \hat{\bar{\bs{b}}}_p &= \bs{U}_p(\hat{\bs{S}}^{-1}\hat{\bs{b}})\\ \hat{\bs{U}}_p &= (\bs{V}_p^{-1} + \hat{\bs{S}}^{-1})^{-1} \\ &= ((\bs{V}_p^{-1} + \hat{\bs{S}}^{-1})\bs{V}_p\bs{V}_p^{-1})^{-1} \\ &= ((\bs{I} + \hat{\bs{S}}^{-1}\bs{V}_p)\bs{V}_p^{-1})^{-1} \\ &= \bs{V}_p(\bs{I} + \hat{\bs{S}}^{-1}\bs{V}_p)^{-1} \end{align}

We also know that marginal likelihood of $\hat{\bs{b}}$ in this setting is also normal (cite Statistical decision theory and Bayesian analysis 2nd edition by James Berger, Section 4.2 Example 1), with

\begin{align} E[\hat{\bs{b}} | \hat{\bs{S}}, \gamma_p] &= E_{\bs{b}}\big [E[\hat{\bs{b}} | \hat{\bs{S}}, \gamma_p, \bs{b}]\big ] \\ &= E_{\bs{b}}[\bs{b}|\gamma_p] \\ &= \bs{0}, \\ Var(\hat{\bs{b}} | \hat{\bs{S}}, \gamma_p) &= E_{\bs{b}}\big [Var[\hat{\bs{b}} | \hat{\bs{S}}, \gamma_p, \bs{b}]\big ] + Var_{\bs{b}}\big [E[\hat{\bs{b}} | \hat{\bs{S}}, \gamma_p, \bs{b}]\big ] \\ &= E_{\bs{b}}[\hat{\bs{S}}] + Var_{\bs{b}}[\bs{b}|\gamma_p] \\ &= \hat{\bs{S}} + \bs{V}_{p} \end{align}

The posterior weights $\tilde{\pi}_p$ can the be estimated by \begin{align} \hat{\tilde{\pi}}_{p} &= \frac{\hat{\pi}_p N(\hat{\bs{b}}; \bs{0}, \hat{\bs{S}} + \bs{V}_{p})}{\sum_p \hat{\pi}_p N(\hat{\bs{b}}; \bs{0}, \hat{\bs{S}} + \bs{V}_{p})} \end{align}

$\tilde{\bs{b}}$, posterior mean of $\bs{b}$ is then estimated by $\hat{\tilde{\bs{b}}} = \sum_p \hat{\tilde{\pi}}_p \bar{\bs{b}}_p$.

To compute $\tilde{\bs{S}}$, posterior standard deviation of $\bs{b}$,

\begin{align} \tilde{\bs{S}} = \sqrt{Var(\bs{b})} &= \sqrt{E[\bs{b} \bs{b}^\intercal] - E[\bs{b}]E[\bs{b}]^\intercal} \\ &= \sqrt{\tilde{\bs{b}^2} - \tilde{\bs{b}}\tilde{\bs{b}}^\intercal} \end{align}


\begin{align} \tilde{\bs{b}^2} &:= \sum_p \tilde{\pi}_p \bar{\bs{b}^2}_p \\ \bar{\bs{b}^2}_p &:= \bar{\bs{b}}_p\bar{\bs{b}}_p^\intercal + \bs{U}_p \end{align}

Bayes factor

Bayes factor is the ratio of the likelihood of alternative vs null,

\begin{align} \text{BF} = \frac{\sum_p \hat{\pi}_p N(\hat{\bs{b}}; \bs{0}, \hat{\bs{S}} + \bs{V}_{p})}{N(\hat{\bs{b}}; \bs{0}, \hat{\bs{S}})} \end{align}

Local false sign rate (lfsr)

To measure statistical significance of estimated effect we use local false sign rate, defined as:

\begin{align} \text{lfsr}_{jr} := \text{min}[p(\tilde{\beta}_{jr} \ge 0), p(\tilde{\beta}_{jr} \le 0)] \end{align}

Similar to (but more conservative than) local false discovery rate (lfdr), a small lfsr indicates high confidence in the sign of an effect.

Variational updates for quantities of interest

As indicated by our model, define $\bs{B}:=\sum_l \diag(\bs{\alpha}_l)\bs{B}_l$, we want to compute $\tilde{\bs{B}}$, the variational mean for $\bs{B}$ and $\bs{\rho}: = \{\bs{\rho}_j\}$, a $J$ vector of $R \times R$ matrix for variational standard deviation of each row of $\bs{B}$.

Posterior inference

Applying the core computation for multivariate regression in the iterative algorithm to each $l$ and $j$ as derived above, $\tilde{\bs{B}}_l$ and $\bs{\rho}_l$ can be estimated. Posterior mean of the $J$ vector $\bs{\alpha}_l$ can be estimated by Bayes Factor averaging:

\begin{align} \hat{\tilde{{\omega_l}}}_j = \frac{{\omega_l}_j{\text{BF}_l}_j}{\sum_j {\omega_l}_j{\text{BF}_l}_j} \end{align}

where, as a first pass, we can let $\bs{\omega}_l$ be uniform. $\tilde{\bs{B}}$ is therefore estimated by

\begin{align} \hat{\tilde{\bs{B}}} = \sum_l \diag(\hat{\tilde{\bs{\omega}_l}}) \hat{\tilde{\bs{B}_l}} \end{align}

$\bs{\rho}_j$, variational standard deviation of $\bs{b}_j$, is computed by

\begin{align} \tilde{\bs{\rho}}_j = \sqrt{\tilde{\bs{b}_j^2} - \tilde{\bs{b}_j} \tilde{\bs{b}_j}^\intercal} \end{align}


\begin{align} \tilde{\bs{b}_j^2} &:= \sum_l \tilde{\omega_j}_l \tilde{\bs{b}_j^2}_l \\ \tilde{\bs{b}_j^2}_l &:= \tilde{\bs{b}_j}_l\tilde{\bs{b}_j}_l^\intercal + {\tilde{\bs{S}}^2_j}_l \end{align}

Local false sign rate (lfsr)

For each of the $l$-th fit, we have previously obtained lfsr for effect $j$ under condition $r$. To collectively measure statistical significance of the set of effects discovered in the $l$-th fit, we define lfsr as:

\begin{align} {\text{lfsr}_l}_r & := 1 - \sum_j \tilde{{\omega_l}}_j (1-\text{lfsr}_{jr}) \\ & = \sum_j \tilde{{\omega_l}}_j \text{lfsr}_{jr} \end{align}

A smaller lfsr indicates high confidence in the $l$-th fit, that the sets of effects discovered in $l$-th fit are "mappable".

Derivation of ELBO

ELBO for the new variational M&M model is

\begin{align} \mathcal{L}(q, \bs{\omega}, \bs{\Pi}, \bs{\Sigma}; \bs{Y}) & = E_q[\log p(\bs{Y} | \bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Lambda}, \bs{\omega}, \bs{\Pi}, \bs{\Sigma})] + E_q[\log\frac{\prod_{l}p(\bs{B}_l, \bs{\alpha}_l, \bs{\Gamma}_l | \bs{\Pi}_l, \bs{\omega}_l)}{\prod_l \prod_j q({\bs{b}_l}_j, \bs{\alpha}_l, {\bs{\gamma}_l}_j)}] \\ & = -\frac{NR}{2}\log(2\pi) - \frac{N}{2}\log(\det{\bs{\Sigma}}) - \frac{1}{2} \big\{E_q\{\tr(\bs{X}\bs{B}\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bs{B}^\intercal\bs{X}^\intercal)\} - 2\tr\{\bs{Y}\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bar{\bs{B}}^\intercal\bs{X}^\intercal\} + \tr\{\bs{Y}\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bs{Y}^\intercal\} \big\} + E_q[\log\frac{\prod_{l}p(\bs{B}_l, \bs{\alpha}_l, \bs{\Gamma}_l | \bs{\Pi}_l, \bs{\omega}_l)}{\prod_l \prod_j q({\bs{b}_l}_j, \bs{\alpha}_l, {\bs{\gamma}_l}_j)}] \end{align}

where $\bs{B}:=\sum_l \diag(\bs{\alpha}_l)\bs{B}_l$, $\bar{\bs{B}}:= E_q[\bs{B}]$.

We estimate $\bar{\bs{B}}$ using $\hat{\tilde{\bs{B}}}$ as shown above. As a first pass we estimate $\bs{\Sigma}$ using $\hat{\bs{\Sigma}} = \frac{1}{N}(\bs{Y} - \bs{X}\bar{\bs{B}})^\intercal (\bs{Y} - \bs{X}\bar{\bs{B}})$. We work out $E_q\{\tr(\bs{X}\bs{B}\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bs{B}^\intercal\bs{X}^\intercal)\}$ and $E_q[\log\frac{\prod_{l}p(\bs{B}_l, \bs{\alpha}_l, \bs{\Gamma}_l | \bs{\Pi}_l, \bs{\omega}_l)}{\prod_l \prod_j q({\bs{b}_l}_j, \bs{\alpha}_l, {\bs{\gamma}_l}_j)}]$ next.


\begin{align} E_q\{\tr(\bs{X}\bs{B}\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bs{B}^\intercal\bs{X}^\intercal)\} &= E_q\{\tr(\bs{B}\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bs{B}^\intercal\bs{X}^\intercal\bs{X})\} \quad \text{Cyclic permutation of trace} \\ &= E_q\{\tr(\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bs{B}^\intercal \bs{S} \bs{B})\} \\ &= \tr\{\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}E_q[\bs{B}^\intercal \bs{S} \bs{B}]\}, \end{align}

where $\bs{S}:=\bs{X}^\intercal\bs{X}$. Now we focus on element-wise computations for $\big(\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}E_q[\bs{B}^\intercal \bs{S} \bs{B}]\big)$. Recall that $\bs{B} \in \mathbb{R}^{J\times R}$, $\bs{S} \in \mathbb{R}^{J\times J}$, $\bs{\Sigma}^{-1} \in \mathbb{R}^{R\times R}$,

\begin{align} [\bs{B}^\intercal\bs{S}]_{rj'} &= \sum_j^J B_{jr} S_{jj'}, \\ [\bs{B}^\intercal\bs{S}\bs{B}]_{rr'} &= \sum_j \sum_{j'} B_{jr} S_{jj'} B_{j'r'}, \\ E_q[\bs{B}^\intercal\bs{S}\bs{B}]_{rr'} &= \sum_j \sum_{j'} S_{jj'} E_q[B_{jr} B_{j'r'}] \\ &= \sum_j \sum_{j'} S_{jj'} E_q[B_{jr}] E_q[B_{j'r'}] + \sum_j \sum_{j'} S_{jj'} \cov(B_{jr}, B_{j'r'}) \\ &= \sum_j \sum_{j'} S_{jj'} \bar{B}_{jr} \bar{B}_{j'r'} + \sum_j \sum_{j'} S_{jj'} \rho^2_{jrr'}\mathbb{1}(j=j'), \end{align}

where $\rho^2_{jrr'}:= \cov(b_{jr}, b_{jr'})$ is non-zero for the $j$-th effect at conditions $r$ and $r'$, and can be computed by posterior standard deviation for $\bs{b}_j$. For $j \ne j'$, due to the model assumption of independent effects, the correlations are zero.

The $rr'$ element of $\big(\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}E_q[\bs{B}^\intercal \bs{S} \bs{B}]\big)$ is thus

\begin{align} \big(\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}E_q[\bs{B}^\intercal \bs{S} \bs{B}]\big)_{rr'} &= \sum_l^R \lambda_{rl}\big(\sum_j \sum_{j'}S_{jj'}\bar{B}_{jl}\bar{B}_{j'r'} + \sum_j S_{jj}\rho^2_{jlr'}\big) \\ & = \sum_l^R\sum_j\sum_{j'}\lambda_{rl}S_{jj'}\bar{B}_{jl}\bar{B}_{j'r'} + \sum_l^R\sum_j \lambda_{rl} S_{jj} \rho^2_{jlr'}, \end{align}

where $\lambda_{rl}:=[\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}]_{rl}$. Finally,

\begin{align} E_q\{\tr(\bs{X}\bs{B}\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bs{B}^\intercal\bs{X}^\intercal)\} &= \tr\{\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}E_q[\bs{B}^\intercal \bs{S} \bs{B}]\} \\ &= \sum_r^R\{\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}E_q[\bs{B}^\intercal \bs{S} \bs{B}]\} \\ &= \sum_r \sum_l^R \sum_j \sum_{j'} \lambda_{rl} S_{jj'} \bar{B}_{jl} \bar{B}_{j'r} + \sum_r \sum_l^R \sum_j \lambda_{rl} S_{jj} \rho^2_{jlr} \\ &= \sum_r \sum_{r'} \sum_j \sum_{j'}\lambda_{rr'} S_{jj'} \bar{B}_{jr'} \bar{B}_{j'r} + \sum_r \sum_{r'} \sum_j \lambda_{rr'} S_{jj} \rho^2_{jrr'} \\ &= \tr\{\bs{\Sigma}^{-1}\bar{\bs{B}}^\intercal \bs{S} \bar{\bs{B}}\} + \sum_r \sum_{r'} \sum_j \lambda_{rr'} S_{jj} \rho^2_{jrr'} \end{align}

$E_q[\log\frac{\prod_{l}p(\bs{B}_l, \bs{\alpha}_l, \bs{\Gamma}_l | \bs{\Pi}_l, \bs{\omega}_l)}{\prod_l \prod_j q({\bs{b}_l}_j, \bs{\alpha}_l, {\bs{\gamma}_l}_j)}]$, method 1

Note: I did not realize until written in code that this approach does not work because $\bs{V}_p$ can be low-rank thus the prior does not have a density. However in FLASH paper there is an alternative to computer this KL divergence using marginal log-likelihood and posterior expected log-likelihood from normal-means problem such as this (distribution of prior no longer matters). See method 2 for details.

\begin{align} E_q[\log\frac{\prod_{l}p(\bs{B}_l, \bs{\alpha}_l, \bs{\Gamma}_l | \bs{\Pi}_l, \bs{\omega}_l)}{\prod_l \prod_j q({\bs{b}_l}_j, \bs{\alpha}_l, {\bs{\gamma}_l}_j)}] &= \sum_l E_q[\log p(\bs{B}_l, \bs{\alpha}_l, \bs{\Gamma}_l | \bs{\Pi}_l, \bs{\omega}_l)] - \sum_l \sum_j E_q[\log q({\bs{b}_l}_j, \bs{\alpha}_l, {\bs{\gamma}_l}_j)] \end{align}

Without loss of generality in the calculations below we drop the subscript $l$.

$E_q[\log p(\bs{B},\bs{\alpha},\bs{\Gamma}|\bs{\Pi}, \bs{\omega})]$

By Bishop 2006 Equation 9.36,

\begin{align} E_q[\log p(\bs{B},\bs{\alpha},\bs{\Gamma}|\bs{\Pi}, \bs{\omega})] &= E_q\big[ \sum_j \alpha_j \big( \sum_p \gamma_{jp} \{\log(\pi_p) - \frac{R}{2}\log(2\pi) - \frac{1}{2}\log \det(\bs{V}_p) - \frac{1}{2} \bs{b}_j^\intercal \bs{V}_p^{-1} \bs{b}_j\} \big) \big | \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma}\big] \\ & = \sum_j \sum_p \tilde{\omega}_j \tilde{\pi}_{jp} \{ \log(\pi_p) - \frac{R}{2} \log(2\pi) - \frac{1}{2} \log \det (\bs{V}_p) \} - \frac{1}{2} \sum_j \sum_p \tilde{\omega}_j \tilde{\pi}_{jp} E_q[\bs{b}_j^\intercal \bs{V}_p^{-1} \bs{b}_j|\alpha_j, \gamma_{jp}], \end{align}\begin{align} E_q[\log p(\bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma}|\bs{\omega}, \bs{\Pi})] &= E_q\big[ \sum_j \alpha_j \big( \sum_p \gamma_{jp} \{\log(\pi_p) - \frac{R}{2}\log(2\pi) - \frac{1}{2}\log \det(\bs{V}_p) - \frac{1}{2} \bs{b}_j^\intercal \bs{V}_p^{-1} \bs{b}_j\} \big) | \bs{\omega}, \bs{\Pi}\big] \\ & = E_q\big[ \sum_j \sum_p \alpha_j \gamma_{jp} \{ \log(\pi_p) - \frac{R}{2} \log(2\pi) - \frac{1}{2} \log \det (\bs{V}_p) \} - \frac{1}{2} \sum_j \alpha_j (\bs{V}_p \gamma_{jp} \bs{b}_j^\intercal \bs{V}_p^{-1} \bs{b}_j) \big] \\ & = \sum_j \sum_p \tilde{\omega}_j \tilde{\pi}_{jp} \{ \log(\pi_p) - \frac{R}{2} \log(2\pi) - \frac{1}{2} \log \det (\bs{V}_p) \} - \frac{1}{2} \sum_j \sum_p E_q[\alpha_j \gamma_{jp} \bs{b}_j^\intercal \bs{V}_p^{-1} \bs{b}_j], \end{align}

where posterior weight $\tilde{\pi}_{jp}$ is estimated by $\hat{\tilde{\pi}}_{jp}$ which has been derived previously, and $\tilde{\omega}_j$ is estimated Bayes Factor averaging, $\hat{\tilde{\omega}}_j = \frac{\omega_j \text{BF}_j}{\sum_j \omega_j \text{BF}_j}$, where $\text{BF}_j$ has also been derived previously.

Now we are left to work on $E_q[\alpha_j \gamma_{jp} \bs{b}_j^\intercal \bs{V}_p^{-1} \bs{b}_j]$ which is a scalar,

\begin{align} E_q[\alpha_j \gamma_{jp} \bs{b}_j^\intercal \bs{V}_p^{-1} \bs{b}_j] &= E_q\big[E_q[\alpha_j \gamma_{jp} \bs{b}_j^\intercal \bs{V}_p^{-1} \bs{b}_j | \alpha_j,\gamma_{jp}] \big] \\ &= E_q\big[E_q[\alpha_j \gamma_{jp} \tr(\bs{b}_j^\intercal \bs{V}_p^{-1} \bs{b}_j) | \alpha_j,\gamma_{jp}] \big] \\ &= E_q\big[E_q[\alpha_j \gamma_{jp} \tr(\bs{V}_p^{-1} \bs{b}_j \bs{b}_j^\intercal) | \alpha_j,\gamma_{jp}] \big] \\ &= \tr \big \{ E_q \big [ \bs{V}_p^{-1} E_q[\alpha_j \gamma_{jp} \bs{b}_j \bs{b}_j^\intercal | \alpha_j \gamma_{jp}] \big ] \big \} \\ &= \tr \big \{ E_q \big [ \bs{V}_p^{-1} \tilde{\omega}_j \tilde{\pi}_{jp} ({\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p^\intercal + \bs{U}_{jp})] \big ] \big \} \\ &= \tilde{\omega}_j\tilde{\pi}_{jp} \tr[\bs{V}_p^{-1}({\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p^\intercal + \bs{U}_{jp})] \end{align}

Hence, \begin{align} E_q[\log p(\bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma}|\bs{V}, \bs{\omega}, \bs{\pi})] &= \sum_j \sum_p \tilde{\omega}_j \tilde{\pi}_{jp} \{ \log(\pi_p) - \frac{R}{2} \log(2\pi) - \frac{1}{2} \log \det (\bs{V}_p) \} - \frac{1}{2} \sum_j \sum_p \tilde{\omega}_j\tilde{\pi}_{jp} \tr[\bs{V}_p^{-1}({\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p^\intercal + \bs{U}_{jp})] \end{align}

$E_q[\log q(\bs{b}_j, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\gamma}_j)]$

\begin{align} E_q[\log q(\bs{b}_j, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\gamma}_j)] & = E_q\big[\alpha_j \sum_p \gamma_{jp} \{ \log(\tilde{\pi}_{jp}) - \frac{R}{2} \log(2\pi) - \frac{1}{2} \log \det(\bs{U}_{jp}) - \frac{1}{2} (\bs{b}_j - {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p)^\intercal \bs{U}_{jp}^{-1} (\bs{b}_j - {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p) \} \big] \\ & = \tilde{\omega}_j \sum_p \tilde{\pi}_{jp} \{ \log(\tilde{\pi}_{jp}) - \frac{R}{2} \log(2\pi) - \frac{1}{2} \log \det(\bs{U}_{jp}) \} - \frac{1}{2} \sum_p E_q\big[ \alpha_j \gamma_{jp} (\bs{b}_j - {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p)^\intercal \bs{U}_{jp}^{-1} (\bs{b}_j - {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p)\big], \end{align}

where $\bs{b}_j | \alpha_j, \gamma_{jp} \sim N_R({\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p, \bs{U}_{jp})$ have been derived previously, and the expectation

\begin{align} E_q\big[ \alpha_j \gamma_{jp} (\bs{b}_j - {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p)^\intercal \bs{U}_{jp}^{-1} (\bs{b}_j - {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p)\big] &= E_q \big [ E_q[\alpha_j \gamma_{jp} (\bs{b}_j - {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p)^\intercal \bs{U}_{jp}^{-1} (\bs{b}_j - {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p) | \alpha_j, \gamma_{jp} ] \big] \\ &= E_q \big [ \alpha_j \gamma_{jp} E_q[(\bs{b}_j - {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p)^\intercal \bs{U}_{jp}^{-1} (\bs{b}_j - {\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p) | \alpha_j, \gamma_{jp} ] \big] \\ &= E_q[R\alpha_j\gamma_{jp}] \quad \text{by recognizing the kernel of } \bs{b}_j | \alpha_j, \gamma_{jp} \sim N_R({\bar{\bs{b}}_j}_p, \bs{U}_{jp})\\ &= R\tilde{\omega}_j\tilde{\pi}_{jp} \end{align}


\begin{align} E_q[\log q(\bs{B}, \bs{\alpha}, \bs{\Gamma}|\bs{V}, \bs{\omega}, \bs{\pi})] &= \sum_j \tilde{\omega}_j \sum_p\tilde{\pi}_{jp} \big( \log(\tilde{\pi}_{jp}) - \frac{R}{2}\log(2\pi) - \frac{1}{2}\log\det(\bs{U}_{jp}) - \frac{R}{2}\big) \end{align}

$E_q[\log\frac{\prod_{l}p(\bs{B}_l, \bs{\alpha}_l, \bs{\Gamma}_l | \bs{\Pi}_l, \bs{\omega}_l)}{\prod_l \prod_j q({\bs{b}_l}_j, \bs{\alpha}_l, {\bs{\gamma}_l}_j)}]$, method 2

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Copyright © 2016-2020 Gao Wang et al at Stephens Lab, University of Chicago