Multivariate Bayesian variable selection regression

To explore

A note to particular issues I'd like to have vignettes for to clarify.

In [1]:
%revisions -s
Revision Author Date Message
e14a9ec Gao Wang 2018-06-22 Reorgnize size vs purity plot layout
ce631b9 Gao Wang 2018-06-22 Add discussion & exploritory items

To illustrate susie itself

  • [] How susie behaves when the top SNP is not the causal signal.
  • [] How susie copes with subtle difference in tightly correlated variants.
    • with SER is perhaps enough, and provide some back-of-envelope BF computations.
    • Look in N = 1 simulations of high LD > 0.95, PIP difference > 0.8. This may also indicate small difference in z-score anyways.
  • [] Independent signals in high LD region.
  • [] Small size yet low purity.
  • [] Show susie iteration gradual convergence.
    • Look in N = 2 simulations of small CS size yet large number of iterations.
  • [] Show why susie can pick up one variable twice.
  • [] Show why susie captures two same signals in two iterations.

To illustrate susie with other methods

  • [X] A vignette showing finemapping analysis with other methods and compare PIP results with susie
  • [] Comparison of susie iterations with step-wise conditional regression.
  • [] Comparison of susie with SER. This would be a special case of above.


  1. Issues in reporting independent signals: duplicated? near by clusters? Should assess correlation between CS before reporting and how?
  2. How does multiple-testing come into play here?
  3. How does the prior setting actually reflects prior on number of causal as FINEMAP does it?

Copyright © 2016-2020 Gao Wang et al at Stephens Lab, University of Chicago