Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
Analysis of Complex Traits
1.1 (Mar 17, 2000)
It contains the following modules: ibd, calculates the proportion of gene shared identical by decent for a nuclear family; ibdn, (modified program of ERPA), which implements a method for assessing increased-allele sharing between all pairs of affected relatives within a pedigree; multic, multivariate analysis for complex traits; ml, estimation of variance components using maximum likelihood; ql, estimation of variance components using quasi likelihood; relcov, generates first degree relationship coefficients for extended families; sim2s, the simulation program that was used to test ACT; cage, Cohort Analysis for Genetic Epidemiology; gh: GeneHunter, heavily modified to assist multipoint calculation using multic; TDT: TDT programs written in SAS; gcc and f77 compilers are necessary. Executable programs are included for compatible operating systems, i.e., Solaris2.6.
JianFang Chen (email:,
UNIX(Solaris 2.4/..)
ibd, ml, ql, he, ibdn, multic
Amos, et al (1996), “Assessing genetic linkage and association with robust components of variance approaches”, Annals of Human Genetics, 60:143-160.
Amos (1994), “Robust variance-components approach for assessing genetic linkage in pedigrees”, American Journal of Human Genetics, 54:535-543. [abstract]
de Andreade, Amos, Thiel (1999), “Methods to estimate genetic parameters for quantitative traits”, Genetic Epidemiology, 17(1):64-76.