Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
the program uses likelihood calculation and simulation to perform parentage studies with codominant, dominant, cytoplasmic markers or combinations of the different types
Antoine Kremer (INRA - UMR BIOGECO)
C, Tcl/Tk
UNIX(Solaris/..), Linux, MS-Windows
S Gerber, S Mariette, R Streiff, C Bodénès, A Kremer (2000), “Comparison of microsatellites and AFLP markers for parentage analysis”, Molecular Ecology, 9:1037-1048.
S Gerber, P Chabrier, A Kremer (2003), “FaMoz: a software for parentage analysis using dominant, codominant and uniparentally inherited markers”, Molecular Ecology Notes, 3(3):479-481.