Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
faster version of LINKAGE
4.1P (July 4, 1999)
Dan Geiger (collaborators for version 4) (since Aug 6, 1996) or
UNIX, VMS, MS-DOS,.. and can also run in parallel on shared memory UNIX machines
Cottingham, Idury, Schaffer (1993), “Fast sequential genetic linkage computation”, American Journal of Human Genetics, 53(1):252-263
Schaffer, Gupta, Shriram, Cottingham (1994), “Avoiding recomputation in linkage analysis”, Human Heredity, 44:225-237
online README files (version 3.0P, december 95).
Dwarkadas, Schaffer, Cottingham, Cox, Keleher, Zwaenepoel, “Parallelization of general linkage analysis problems”
Gupta, Schaffer, Cox,Zwaenepoel, “Integrating parallelization strategies for linkage analysis”
Schaffer, “Faster linkage analysis computations for pedigrees with loops or unused alleles”
Becker, Geiger, Schaffer, “Automatic selection of loop breakers for genetic linkage analysis”, Human Heredity
Becker, Bar-Yehuda, Geiger, “Random algorithms for the loop cutset problem”
Schaffer, “Loops in FASTLINK”
Schaffer, “The mystery of (the) unknown”
Schaffer, “Pedigree traversal in FASTLINK”