Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
Software for the calculation of genetic linkage maps
4 (October 2006)
Construction of genetic linkage maps for several types of mapping populations: BC1, F2, RILs, (doubled) haploids, outbreeders full-sib family. Can combine (‘join’) data derived from several sources into an integrated map. Further: linkage group determination, automatic phase determination for outbreeders full-sib family, several diagnostics, and map charts. Everything available in an intuitive MS-Windows user interface.
Roeland E Voorrips (Plant Research International, Biometris, Wageningen, Netherlands) (email:
ANSI C, Delphi
MS-Windows (95/98/ME/NT4.0/2000)
JW Van Ooijen, RE Voorrips (2001), “JoinMap ™ 3.0: Software for the calculation of genetic linkage maps”, Plant Research International, Wageningen, Netherlands; Stam (1993), The Plant Journal, 3, 739-744.