Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
MOnte caRlo Genetic ANalysis
version 2.8.3 (March 2008)
Programs for segregation and linkage analysis, using a variety of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Includes MCMC methods for multilocus gene identity by descent (including homozygosity mapping) and Monte Carlo Lod scores. Also, other programs for EM analysis of quantitative traits. MORGAN 2.5 replaces MORGAN 2.4.1 (June 2002) which superceded MORGAN 2.4 (February 2002) and MORGAN 2.3.2 (September, 2001). MORGAN 2.4 supercedes MORGAN 2.3 (April 2001), MORGAN 2.2 (April 2000) and MORGAN 1.1.2 (July 1999)
G Snow .
UNIX (Compaq-Alpha, Solaris and others), Linux
Thompson (1995) “Monte Carlo in Genetic Analysis”, Technical report No. 294, Department of Statistics, University of Washington. [postscript]
Thompson (2000) Statistical Inferences from Genetic Data on Pedigrees NSF-CBMS Regional Conference Series in Probability and Statistics. Volume 6. IMS, Beachwood, OH.