Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
Pedigree RElationship Statistical Test
3.0.2 (February 2005)
PREST is a program that detects pedigree errors in general outbred pedigrees by use of genome-screen data. When a potential pedigree error is detected, our companion program, ALTERTEST, determines which relationships are compatible with the observed genotype data. Both programs are freely available on the web.
Mary Sara McPeek (University of Chicago) or previously,
Linux, UNIX(Solaris/..)
prest.solaris, prest.linux, altertest.solaris, altertest.linux
McPeek, Sun (2000), “Statistical tests for detection of misspecified relationships by use of genome-screen data”, American Journal of Human Genetics, 66(3):1076-1094