Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
1.0 (January 2009)
PROC QTL is a user defined SAS procedure for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL). Since this procedure is not a built-in SAS procedure, users need to obtain a copy of the executable file of PROC QTL and install the software in their personal computers before PROC QTL can be executed. Of course, users need a regular SAS license prior to the installation of PROC QTL. Once PROC QTL is installed, it can be called just like any other SAS procedures. Users will not notice the differences between this customized procedure and other built-in SAS procedures.
Shizhong Xu (
Hu and Xu (2009), “PROC QTL - A SAS procedure for mapping Quantitative Trait Loci”, Plant and Animal Genomes XVII Conference. January 10-14, 2009, San Diego, California (