Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
Qtl and Marker SIMulator
QMSim was designed to simulate a wide range of genetic architectures and population structures in livestock. Large scale genotyping data and complex pedigrees can be efficiently simulated. QMSim is a family based simulator, which can also take into account predefined evolutionary features, such as LD, mutation, bottlenecks and expansions. The simulation is basically carried out in two steps: In the first step, a historical population is simulated to establish mutation-drift equilibrium and, in the second step, recent population structures are generated, which can be complex. QMSim allows for a wide range of parameters to be incorporated in the simulation models in order to produce appropriate simulated data.
Flavio S Schenkel
MS-Windows, Linux
Sargolzaei, Schenkel (2009), “QMSim: a large-scale genome simulator for livestock”, Bioinformatics, 25:680-681.