Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
Sequential Imputation for MultiPoint Linkage Estimation
Calculates linkage statistics, such as lod scores and NPL statistics by Sequential Imputation.
M Irwin (Ohio State Univ)
simple, scan
M Irwin, N Cox, A Kong (1994), “Sequential imputation for multilocus linkage analysis”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 91:1684-1688
Z Skrivanek, S Lin, ME Irwin (2003), “Linkage Analysis with Sequential Imputation”, Genetic Epidemiology, 25:25-35.
S Lin, Z Skrivanek, M Irwin (2003), “Haplotyping using SIMPLE - caution on ignoring interference”, Genetic Epidemiology, 25:384-387.