Record added by Jurg Ott (the original Rockefeller list)
Transmission Disequilibrium Test Allowing for Errors
2.01 (July 2004)
This program computes a likelihood-based transmission disequilibrium test. The data are genotypes on trios (father, mother, affected child) in which random genotyping errors leading to Mendelian inconsistencies may or may not have occurred. This program computes the TDT-AE statistic on all trios (whether Mendelianly consistent or not) and thereby maintains a correct type I error rate in the presence of random genotyping errors.
Xin Liu (for version 1)
MS-Windows (2000/DOS), UNIX(Sun Solaris), LINUX (RedHat)
tdt-ae (PC), tdtae (UNIX and LINUX)
Gordon, Heath, Liu, Ott (2001), “A transmission/disequilibrium test that allows for genotyping errors in the analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphism data”, American Journal of Human Genetics, 69(2):371-380. [ html]
Gordon, Haynes, Johnnidis, Patel, Bowcock, Ott (2004), “A transmission disequilibrium test for general pedigrees that is robust to the presence of random genotyping errors and any number of untyped parents”, European Journal of Human Genetics, 12:752-761.
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